Left [H]ander's, a question


Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2007
So, my fellow left [h]anders, which hand is your "mouse hand". Have you succumbed to the tyranny of living left in a right world, or have you gone against the grain and proudly mouse with your left?

I do both. At work I find it easier to use my left hand as I m often using the number pad. At home its my right because I grew up using my right hand to mouse. It feels natural. Plus as an avid gamer, there really isn't a choice.

Oh, one final comment, this is now lefty only thread.
For a mouse I use my right hand with the left and right buttons mapped normally. At home, on my gaming rig, I use a logitech trackman trackball with my left hand and the left and right buttons mapped reversed. The other PC's in my house all have mice so I use them right handed. I am the ownly lefty in my house so I guess I have adapted. Hope this helps.
For a mouse I use my right hand with the left and right buttons mapped normally. At home, on my gaming rig, I use a logitech trackman trackball with my left hand and the left and right buttons mapped reversed. The other PC's in my house all have mice so I use them right handed. I am the ownly lefty in my house so I guess I have adapted. Hope this helps.

Cool. I m not the only lefty to go both ways.... :p;)

I wondered this very thing... I bought a Razer DeathAdder Left hand edition mouse to try


so far... you have actually reminded me that i need to give this another go ... it seems that i've become to accustom to the shackles of the right handed centric nature of the world.

and I've just been using my G500 right hand mouse again.

when I was trying the LH DeathAdder the mouse part in the left hand was great ..but the keyboard side w/ the right hand was a disaster.... it seems at least in my case that it may be an advantage to have the strong hand on the keyboard ...even at the expense of then having the weak hand working the mouse.

I was really hoping that the left handed switch would work and i could "reject" the oppression of righty ..but honestly after as many years of using the right handed set up despite being left handed attempting to switch over has proved problematic.
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Right hand mouse. Which is actually good because I can use the Wacom with my left hand and mouse with my right (G9x, which is a very right handed mouse :D)

Though i'm not a proper left hander as I an do stuff with either I do write mainly with the left. :D
Use a right handed mouse and use my right hand on on track pads, never tried a lefty mouse. I've been doing it this way since windows 3.1, no reason to change now.
Though i'm not a proper left hander as I an do stuff with either I do write mainly with the left. :D

Same here. I usually do most tasks with whatever hand is comfortable or convenient. Writing and batting are the only things I have to do lefty, although with some practice I'm sure I can bat righty.
Same here. I usually do most tasks with whatever hand is comfortable or convenient. Writing and batting are the only things I have to do lefty, although with some practice I'm sure I can bat righty.

I write, throw, eat, bat with my left and I'm left eye dominant. I throw a freezbee with my right hand and use my right when I have to.
I am right handed and use a left handed mouse (mouse buttons flipped) most of the time because of RSI from decades of right hand mouse use.
For some reason though (just because today is a laptop day) I use trackpads naturally with my left... Though they do tend to be slightly to the left side (if the computer has a numpad). :D
almost a pure southpaw here (except for when it comes to catching/throwing...i do some weird shit), and i mouse exclusively with my right. left never felt natural to me, for mouse usage, and i feel that using my left hand on the keyboard for most games, is more expedient, because of how much better control i have with that hand.

trackpads, if i'm gaming, again, it's right only, but general usage, it's probably a 60/40 split of right/left usage.