League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

I hate him flopping around everywhere, both zac and aatrox are awesome turret divers which is great for a jungle, them passives.

Nasus and Elise and J4 are also really great junglers for High ELO play.

Nasus is more of a farm/countergank and shutdown their adc late game champ. I usually get around 150 extra dmg per 10 minutes on siphoning strike in the jungle which isn't bad at all. Paired with his ultimate for jungle objectives, Nasus can solo dragon pretty quickly at level 6.

Elise is just a brutally fast clear. She is one of the fastest jungles I've seen and with her stun and rappel can have some pretty brutal ganks.

J4 well, he's just J4. He has all the tools to carry a team up until late-mid game where he falls off.
Yeah I wasn't saying those 2 were the only good ones I was just saying their passives are what make them amazing.
I play a lot more 3v3 than anything as I just enjoy it more and that's what my team likes. In there I love cho'gath as a smiteless jungle. He's slow until level 2 but after that the knock up and silence are awesome, level 6 he has his own smite and the size of the map negates his slow boots speed.
Yeah I wasn't saying those 2 were the only good ones I was just saying their passives are what make them amazing.
I play a lot more 3v3 than anything as I just enjoy it more and that's what my team likes. In there I love cho'gath as a smiteless jungle. He's slow until level 2 but after that the knock up and silence are awesome, level 6 he has his own smite and the size of the map negates his slow boots speed.

Threes is a different animal. I love threes, so many random crazy comps that are very successful. Sadly you end up playing vs Challenger teams when you go for promos in threes. At least that's what's happened to my team. We'd routinely stomp kids then out of nowhere in a promo match we'd get beat about 2:1 on kills. We'd look the team up later and find out they are one of the Challenger teams. It's pretty frustrating because this was happening to our gold team before we hit plat. Our usual comp was Tryndamere, Sejuani and Diana. But we always kept a lot of flexibility. Example: Tryndamere is banned, I would switch over to Trundle or Udyr. You also have to look at their champs, for a while, Darius was OP and we'd leave him open so if the other team took him we could run a kite comp like Kayle, Zyra and an ad carry.
Threes is a different animal. I love threes, so many random crazy comps that are very successful. Sadly you end up playing vs Challenger teams when you go for promos in threes. At least that's what's happened to my team. We'd routinely stomp kids then out of nowhere in a promo match we'd get beat about 2:1 on kills. We'd look the team up later and find out they are one of the Challenger teams. It's pretty frustrating because this was happening to our gold team before we hit plat. Our usual comp was Tryndamere, Sejuani and Diana. But we always kept a lot of flexibility. Example: Tryndamere is banned, I would switch over to Trundle or Udyr. You also have to look at their champs, for a while, Darius was OP and we'd leave him open so if the other team took him we could run a kite comp like Kayle, Zyra and an ad carry.

Exactly why I love it the craziest comps can work. We usually run 1 full tank 1 tanky dps and one damage champ like tryn/jax or sometimes an adc.
Yea you never know when your crazy comp will work in 3's.

9 times out of 10 you know if you've lost or won at the loading screen.

However that 1 out of 10 where you win with some nonsense is groovy.

Of course that could just be playing against noobs.
Yea you never know when your crazy comp will work in 3's.

9 times out of 10 you know if you've lost or won at the loading screen.

However that 1 out of 10 where you win with some nonsense is groovy.

Of course that could just be playing against noobs.

Yep, For Threes we usually run Trynd, Teemo, and Sej in the Poop Factory. Trynd gets banned most often, so he either becomes Darius or Aatrox.
Yep, For Threes we usually run Trynd, Teemo, and Sej in the Poop Factory. Trynd gets banned most often, so he either becomes Darius or Aatrox.

They really need a new thornmail for 3's so these types of AD champs are less OP.
I'm still surprised that Riot seems to be ignoring the vayne+botrk meta.

There is just no way to build a good defense against her. Her true dmg shreds through any armor you build and BOTRK shreds through health, so neither health nor armor stacking works that well to defend against her, especially once she's fed.
They really need a new thornmail for 3's so these types of AD champs are less OP.

I disagree. You can counter a lot of AD champs pretty easily. It breaks down to CC and lifesteal reduction. There are champs that I think are much higher threat than Trynd. Also if you lane someone who can crush Tryndamere you can usually destroy the other teams comp. Trundle does well vs Trynd.
I disagree. You can counter a lot of AD champs pretty easily. It breaks down to CC and lifesteal reduction. There are champs that I think are much higher threat than Trynd. Also if you lane someone who can crush Tryndamere you can usually destroy the other teams comp. Trundle does well vs Trynd.

But see this isn't the right option... because it leaves it all up to the Rock-Paper-Scissors nature of the champion balancing.

If you don't have the right champs against trynd, you lose. Thornmail is at least something anyone can buy to attempt to win against superior picks.
But see this isn't the right option... because it leaves it all up to the Rock-Paper-Scissors nature of the champion balancing.

If you don't have the right champs against trynd, you lose. Thornmail is at least something anyone can buy to attempt to win against superior picks.

Rock Paper Scissors is kind of what league is about. you shouldn't be able to pick 3 supports and expect to win vs 3 bruisers. Counterpicking is a part of the game even in 5s.

edit: A Trynd pick doesn't need to influence your whole team's picks but you should have something prepared to beat him in lane or in a teamfight.
Rock Paper Scissors is kind of what league is about. you shouldn't be able to pick 3 supports and expect to win vs 3 bruisers. Counterpicking is a part of the game even in 5s.

edit: A Trynd pick doesn't need to influence your whole team's picks but you should have something prepared to beat him in lane or in a teamfight.

Yea i get that; since that really is the case they need to include ban modes which aren't ranked.

edit: i know the example you gave was to illustrate a point--very rarely will we pick teams that are that out of whack. What bugs me is when you have a team that seems balanced (tank and buiser, or two bruisers, and a support or AP caster) but which are none of them good against Trynd or Teemo or something. That's the kinda RPS that bugs me--when you should have a decently balanced team (but none of you picked the OP FOTM champions because they're boring and we just want to have fun) but lose miserably because their champions 'counter' yours in ways that there are no items to help.
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I could imagine, blind pick sounds like a death trap if you roll the wrong comp

Yea which is why most games are 'won' on the loading screen lol

I guess i should have started with saying i only play Blind so people know where i'm coming from =P
Yea which is why most games are 'won' on the loading screen lol

I guess i should have started with saying i only play Blind so people know where i'm coming from =P

This is why I only play ARAM 99% of the time now and the occasional Ranked match.
I disagree. You can counter a lot of AD champs pretty easily. It breaks down to CC and lifesteal reduction. There are champs that I think are much higher threat than Trynd. Also if you lane someone who can crush Tryndamere you can usually destroy the other teams comp. Trundle does well vs Trynd.

Lee Sin is my ultimate counter as Trynd. Once he slows your attack spped, you just can't get enough damage off to get past his shield. Not to mention Lees still bursty as all hell. I hate it when my ult doesn't go off in time.

That Vayne deal is just more initiative to focus her out. Oracles on Aatrox and she's a joke in every fight.

I won't play normals anymore. I'm sick and tired of getting smurfed.
The last month or so I started playing. Probably been over a year. Stopped right before S1 ended. My roommate's work buddies got him into it and saw him playing it one day. Was newbing it up so I was like I can show you how to play some. Annnnd now I'm hooked playing somewhat frequently again.
I love playing normals and just having fun.

But I would rather play aram over a normal.

On a side note just got my new MSI GE70 in today, just finished installing league gonna field test her out tonight :)
Let's see if we can get some people in the "[H]ard" channel!

I love playing normals and just having fun.

But I would rather play aram over a normal.

On a side note just got my new MSI GE70 in today, just finished installing league gonna field test her out tonight :)

Nice! Shouldn't have any problems there!

Same here for ARAM & normals. Funny enough I'm seeing team comp doesn't mean as much as people seem to think in aram. I'm having a blast with no-poke team comps and just going full turtle & melee.

Though maybe that's just the support character in me ;)
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Let's see if we can get some people in the "[H]ard" channel!

Nice! Shouldn't have any problems there!

Same here for ARAM & normals. Funny enough I'm seeing team comp doesn't mean as much as people seem to think in aram. I'm having a blast with no-poke team comps and just going full turtle & melee.

Though maybe that's just the support character in me ;)

I'll have to hop back in the [H] channel. Buddy and I did a normal 3's last night and were kicking serious ass; then our trynd leaves the game out of nowhere and we end up losing.

Shame too, because the other team was trying to troll us (nunu, darius, heimer). They had clan tags and shit too. Woulda been nice to win that one.

In ARAM, how are you picking your team? I thought that you had to random.
Let's see if we can get some people in the "[H]ard" channel!

Nice! Shouldn't have any problems there!

Same here for ARAM & normals. Funny enough I'm seeing team comp doesn't mean as much as people seem to think in aram. I'm having a blast with no-poke team comps and just going full turtle & melee.

Though maybe that's just the support character in me ;)

It really is, I had a team comp the opther day where there were 3 healing supports 1 adc and one terrible gangplank. lol, The good adc was in heaven because every time he was even slightly hurt it was a fight to heal him first haha
Sometimes it's fun to break the meta a bit.

lately (in ranked) I have been having a lot of success playing naut top and mid.

People complain when I say I'm going top or mid, but they pretty much shut up once I win the lane and start carrying.

Everything is so used to naut going jungle or building support/tank, they do not understand how much burst he can have when he has good AP amounts and this + his gap closer + his shield.

I used to play him support most of the time so I know his mechanics well and how to play him.

Because of his gap closing potential and his shield he counters most AP mids people use.
Sometimes it's fun to break the meta a bit.

lately (in ranked) I have been having a lot of success playing naut top and mid.

People complain when I say I'm going top or mid, but they pretty much shut up once I win the lane and start carrying.

Everything is so used to naut going jungle or building support/tank, they do not understand how much burst he can have when he has good AP amounts and this + his gap closer + his shield.

I used to play him support most of the time so I know his mechanics well and how to play him.

Because of his gap closing potential and his shield he counters most AP mids people use.

I used to do this a lot with Malphite, His passive shield stopped most AP mid's poke and that slow just does enough damage they can't heal off of.
So I'm pulling my friend out of silver elo because he mains support and is about to quit the game with how frustrated he is playing support in silver. It reminds me how caustic a lot of the players in this game are. I'm on like a 13 game win streak playing only adc and most players are so negative about everything. I have just been keeping silent and carrying people to victory but I could definitely see why people don't like League.
So I'm pulling my friend out of silver elo because he mains support and is about to quit the game with how frustrated he is playing support in silver. It reminds me how caustic a lot of the players in this game are. I'm on like a 13 game win streak playing only adc and most players are so negative about everything. I have just been keeping silent and carrying people to victory but I could definitely see why people don't like League.

Funny you mention that. I don't say shit anymore either. Just easier that way.
So I'm pulling my friend out of silver elo because he mains support and is about to quit the game with how frustrated he is playing support in silver. It reminds me how caustic a lot of the players in this game are. I'm on like a 13 game win streak playing only adc and most players are so negative about everything. I have just been keeping silent and carrying people to victory but I could definitely see why people don't like League.

Yeah I can get pretty frustrated at times with this game as well and have been trying to make sure I am positive during games trying to build up my team. I find it has been helping if I take charge a little bit and recommend items, what to do, ganks etc in a positive way. Pulled the team back a couple times like this. The worst though is when you are the one having a bad game because then even if you are positive you are the one taking all the flak and caustic people won't listen to someone doing poorly.
Yeah I can get pretty frustrated at times with this game as well and have been trying to make sure I am positive during games trying to build up my team. I find it has been helping if I take charge a little bit and recommend items, what to do, ganks etc in a positive way. Pulled the team back a couple times like this. The worst though is when you are the one having a bad game because then even if you are positive you are the one taking all the flak and caustic people won't listen to someone doing poorly.

yep, that can happen a lot. When I duo queue with friends that are a ways lower than me, I will get camped non stop because of websites like lolnexus where you can look up my rankings. It's just frustrating trying to give people advice that would help them but because I said I am diamond and then didn't proceed to destroy a lane they won't listen.
Yeah I can get pretty frustrated at times with this game as well and have been trying to make sure I am positive during games trying to build up my team. I find it has been helping if I take charge a little bit and recommend items, what to do, ganks etc in a positive way. Pulled the team back a couple times like this. The worst though is when you are the one having a bad game because then even if you are positive you are the one taking all the flak and caustic people won't listen to someone doing poorly.

Yea it's funny how everything is the fault of the person with the worst k/d ratio.

Nevermind alllllll the other factors that come into play.
Sometimes it's fun to break the meta a bit.

After thousands of matches, I always look forward to breaking the meta. I rarely get people to agree to it in Ranked so I go by the book, but in regs it's anything goes fuck it all.
After thousands of matches, I always look forward to breaking the meta. I rarely get people to agree to it in Ranked so I go by the book, but in regs it's anything goes fuck it all.

Tank team in reg is fun. But going against the meta is the main reason I have been playing ARAM or ranked. AP ashe? No problem it's only aram anyway and damn does that big arrow hurt like hell :p
lol I do that shit in ranked (against the meta) but I don't troll with it.

Everytime I pick naut and say "top or mid one" and someone whines about it they almost always will be shut up by the end of the match when I'm doing better then most people on the team.

Also WW top is still a very strong lane pick. I don't get why he was a flavor the month in top lane a while back and then he just stopped being used (They didn't nerf him or anything).

My startup build also fucks with people, I will buy Doran's ring on him first off and then first trip back I wait til I have the money for Sorc boots, people then assume I am going AP and a lot of times will build MR but I usually go AD/tanky after that.

The reason behind Dorans + Sorc boots is because WW's Q, which is your main harass tool in lane) and his ult both do magic dmg and Q scales with the early AP. However late game AD ww/tank works better then going magewick.
Anyone opposed to creating another League thread that just has everyone's contact info? I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the League Community and I completely agree. I think if we could compile a list of everyone's names we might be able to have a better experience over all. The new thread would alleviate the need to weed through the conversation just to get usernames.

Anyone opposed to creating another League thread that just has everyone's contact info? I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the League Community and I completely agree. I think if we could compile a list of everyone's names we might be able to have a better experience over all. The new thread would alleviate the need to weed through the conversation just to get usernames.


Start that shit up in [H] gaming community. It's a good idea.