League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

Hmm been on a really good streak lately. My preliminaries this season sucked hard and I was just going to not even bother but my friends got me to grind through it. Literally I got a 6 game streak of afks and leavers so I was very close to quitting, but I won my next 3 and got placed in S5 this season. Up to S1 now and I literally have been with decent teammates where I only drop one game in a series and that is during promos. Im at 64% win rate but now that I am in S1 I find I am getting more idiots than I was S5-S2.

I've noticed that some areas are particularly trolly. S1 being one of them, and the area near D5 is pretty bad too.
I have been forced to look up all 4 people on my team while in champion select. Looking at their W/L, KDR, and stats of the specific champs they pick. If I see anything I don't like like a bronzer or a 40% win rate or someone with good stats over all but playing a champ they suck at I bounce....Stats don't lie. Also if you see someone pick a champ with a high ban rate make sure they have played that champ before as some people will pick it just because they weren't banned...Which is why LeBlanc has a 42% win rate right now and Jax has a 45% win rate.

It seems to be working well. I bounced out of a game last night and then went at looked at the match history of all 4 people who would have been in my team and they all lost their next match.

I lose 3 points and 5 minutes for the bounce but its better then 20 points and 50 minute for a bad game.
I have been forced to look up all 4 people on my team while in champion select. Looking at their W/L, KDR, and stats of the specific champs they pick. If I see anything I don't like like a bronzer or a 40% win rate or someone with good stats over all but playing a champ they suck at I bounce....Stats don't lie. Also if you see someone pick a champ with a high ban rate make sure they have played that champ before as some people will pick it just because they weren't banned...Which is why LeBlanc has a 42% win rate right now and Jax has a 45% win rate.

It seems to be working well. I bounced out of a game last night and then went at looked at the match history of all 4 people who would have been in my team and they all lost their next match.

I lose 3 points and 5 minutes for the bounce but its better then 20 points and 50 minute for a bad game.

This probably does work pretty well, but it sounds like so much work :( I will bail on bad team comps, but mainly I look up both teams during loading and let people know who on the other team is likely going to be a problem and should be camped. I also will roam to that lane as a support and attempt to cripple their best players.
Got back to gold again this season, hopefully I stay there and don't fall back to silver again.

Anyone know when this season ends?
any experienced Vayne players here? I decided to pick her as my first attempt at learning ADC. Considering characters are balanced for the 5's maps, it seems to me that she has a nice edge up on other ADC's on the 3's map, due to how much easier it is to get her stun off because the lanes are smaller and walls are everywhere.

Having not seriously played any ADC before, it's been a bit of a learning curve on how to play in team fights and how to click right (a single misclick can be the end of me) lol.

My question is about builds. I've had success going attack speed with silver bullets or more ad-focused with a triforce and maxing the roll. What do you guys prefer as far as the gear you buy?
On vayne? Botrk is your best item (With your true dmg naturally BOTRK makes vayne the best adc for taking out any tanks).

Phantom Dancers are great on vayne for attack speed, IE is great along with this (Infinity edge), and of course Last whisper is great when they stack armor.

Triforce isn't really something I'd build on vayne, better suited to people like lucian/ezreal.
On vayne? Botrk is your best item (With your true dmg naturally BOTRK makes vayne the best adc for taking out any tanks).

Phantom Dancers are great on vayne for attack speed, IE is great along with this (Infinity edge), and of course Last whisper is great when they stack armor.

Triforce isn't really something I'd build on vayne, better suited to people like lucian/ezreal.

Yea that makes sense. I don't like buying the sheen because all I get out of it is the proc since vayne can't use AP and never has mana issues, but I figured the extra damage on the attack after a roll was worth it. It's definitely nice stacking movement speed too
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BotRK, IE, phantom dancer, static shiv, zerker boots is what you want on her. Last item is optional depending on the game. Last whisperer and guardian angel are probably the best choices for the last spot.
BotRK, IE, phantom dancer, static shiv, zerker boots is what you want on her. Last item is optional depending on the game. Last whisperer and guardian angel are probably the best choices for the last spot.

I dont know if I would ever buy phantom dancer and static shiv. I would pick one or the other, Last Whisper I would buy every game on every adc that gets to mid late game simply because the 30% armor shred is a huge amount.
Looking for some people on here who still currently play league. I am gold IV in ranked and am Platinum III i believe on the 3's team i am on.

I play almost daily after work and into the night. Willing to help lower people out as well. I own every champion and way too many skins.

Feel free to add me as "Emperor Hick"
I had to shift+delete again. Sometimes i just take this game way too seriously.

I'll be back though eventually... it always happens lol
Looking for some people on here who still currently play league. I am gold IV in ranked and am Platinum III i believe on the 3's team i am on.

I play almost daily after work and into the night. Willing to help lower people out as well. I own every champion and way too many skins.

Feel free to add me as "Emperor Hick"

I will play with you whenever. Gold 5 here... was Gold 3 not too long ago but.. my mmr has tanked a bit due to internet connectivity issues.

I just got a new modem on Tuesday though and all is well again. Same Summoner name as my hard name so you can look me up if you want.

I had to shift+delete again. Sometimes i just take this game way too seriously.

I'll be back though eventually... it always happens lol

I have been getting particularly frustrated lately... I should relax because it's the end of the season anyways.
Been playing mostly ARAMS lately for the last few months, finding it more fun than regular games for since reason.

Maybe getting into a team again would get me back in 5s.
Been playing mostly ARAMS lately for the last few months, finding it more fun than regular games for since reason.

Maybe getting into a team again would get me back in 5s.

I am burnt out on teams. I had one where we were playing and beating D1 teams but then we just couldn't get everyone on at the same time :(
Well it didn't take me too long to reinstall lol

And as I typically do after taking a break, I'm playing a new champ. I chose the reworked Scion.

So tell me, has anyone found any really good item synergies with him on Twisted Treeline?

Going with the recommended hasn't been too bad, I've also tried a Frozen Heart + BotRK which worked pretty well as the FH slow works on his passive.
So now that season 5 has started how are you guys doing on your placement matches? Where do you guys want to end up in season 5?
Last season my Himerdinger win rate was like 65% with over 100 games played. So this seasons I'm going to try and stick to the donger. Played 2 of my 10 promo games last night and had a donger victory both times.

I will likely have to switch to a different champ if I rank up too high. Its probably only the silvers and golds who are clueless on how to beat him.
Syndra absolutely wrecks heim. She can literally just toss his turrets around with her abilities, even his ult one.

I could have sword they were going to "soft reset" and they said you'd end up around where you likely ended up at before these 10 placement games.

I went 4-6 (two games with afkers and one troll), one I did badly in).

I ended up going from Gold V to Silver IV, so have to climb back out yet again.

I swear every game I get in where they don't ban Zed makes me just want to dodge it, because 9 out of 10 times the zed will get super-fed and then just faceroll, he's hte most op character currently in the game imo and I can't believe riot said he was at a "good" place.

I guess that's why he's #2 top ban in the world.
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Syndra absolutely wrecks heim. She can literally just toss his turrets around with her abilities, even his ult one.

I could have sword they were going to "soft reset" and they said you'd end up around where you likely ended up at before these 10 placement games.

I went 4-6 (two games with afkers and one troll), one I did badly in).

I ended up going from Gold V to Silver IV, so have to climb back out yet again.

I swear every game I get in where they don't ban Zed makes me just want to dodge it, because 9 out of 10 times the zed will get super-fed and then just faceroll, he's hte most op character currently in the game imo and I can't believe riot said he was at a "good" place.

I guess that's why he's #2 top ban in the world.

Yep Syndra and ziggs can take him out very easy.

but actually anyone can if you know how to play against him. He is very easy to beat but for someone reason people just ignore my turrets every game and rush right into them instead of killing them as soon as I lay them down.....and they let me start with 3 turrets down instead of rushing to the mid to stop me from putting 3 down. Just bad playing on their end.

but if you are playing someone who doesn't know (which happens most of the time is seems) he just wrecks their life and controls the lane in every way shape and form.
Yea, I play him from time to time, usually rush Hourglass ASAP so I can lay down my three turrets and then laugh when the jungle or someone else comes and both of them try to "gank" me and I just plop down the ult turret and then hourglass and laugh hysterically.

The only people that give me trouble are those that have long-poke range, annie for example can literally just auto-attack the turrets (she has longer auto attack range then the turrets) so it's always annoying when you go up against someone like that that knows that and just attacks the turret as soon as you put them down.
Just gonna stay unranked and just play some aram once in a while. Unranked in aram I play with anywhere from gold to diamond players, funny that way I guess.
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I was top 5 in S2, high d1 in s3, challenger in s4, and plan on being challenger in s5.

Going to stop playing though soon. Got to many other stuff to do.
6-1 now. 5 heimerdinger wins. They pick akali, Kat, or Fizz and we pretty much win the game.
I was top 5 in S2, high d1 in s3, challenger in s4, and plan on being challenger in s5.

Going to stop playing though soon. Got to many other stuff to do.

This game ends up being pretty damn demanding. I was only Diamond 3 and I just don't have the time to play as much.
This game ends up being pretty damn demanding. I was only Diamond 3 and I just don't have the time to play as much.

Yep. I went 9-1 on my promos and ended up in Silver V. No way I'm going to play 40+ games just to get me back to gold.