Late to the Metro 2033 fan club


Supreme [H]ardness
May 2, 2006
I hadn't bought Metro 2033 because I figured a linear shooter would suck after playing open world shooter/rpg's such as Fallout 3. I picked Metro 2033 up 2 days ago and cant stop playing, I really have been missing out on one of the best games to be released in the last couple years.

I would like to ask what is everyone's favorite weapon combination? what things are worth buying from vendors and what is better off waiting to pick up?
It's a truly solid shooter with some surprisingly nice graphics and a good balance between sneaking and action, it's very linear but to some degree that is a good trade off for good pacing and direction.

It's not the longest game in the world, but balanced against its price today it's more than worth the money, the sequel looks graphically amazing in the videos we've seen, the world is crammed with dynamic lights which make everything feel much more real.
linear is a good thing, because it allows pacing and tighter gameplay and storytelling. But handholding, in-body cutscenes, etc need to be kept at a minimum, cause they hurt immersion
I let my nephew see about 5 mins of the beginning of the game last night. He's kicking his self for not getting it when it was $5 now.
I also enjoyed Metro very much. What makes the game stand out, aside from the great visuals, is the strong atmosphere; the omnipresent despair of Mertro's post apocalyptic world and the frequent manifestation of the spiritual are a successful combination. The travels to the surface provide some tense situations too -- I can remember having a bit of trouble finding my way, being attacked by numerous Howlers while being short on filters and having my gas mask damaged; I was actually panicking in those moments. That's good sign of immersion in my opinion.

Concerning the linear/non linear debate I agree with what has been said: neither are bad or good per se; what is important is how it is done. In this instance I have nothing to complain about.

About purchases in the game, during my play-through I focused on making sure I had ammunition and gas filters, even then it is not necessary to stock that much since a little bit of exploring/scavenging will reward you with sufficient resources, saving you a lot of precious military rounds in the process. Enough weapons can be found during expeditions for one to try them out. I loved the throwing knives and pump action Tihar. However, there is one weapon I highly recommend buying -- the unique Kalash 2012/AK 2012 found in Polis. This version is equipped with a silencer and a scope and can't be obtained anywhere else and is my favorite weapon in the game.

All this talking about Metro has made me want to play it again, this time to get the alternate ending!
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Yeah, great game....can't really put my finger on it, why. I don't generally like linear games but this one keeps your attention.
I think Metro 2033 is generally labeled as a corridor shooter, but rather than feeling bland and boring it's unnerving and and claustrophobic. Reminds me of aliens a bit. I've only gotten about an hour into though.
loved that game. The controls, the atmosphere, everything.

Like, holding T to check gas mask time or how visible you are? Whodathunk.
Tap r for reload. Hold r to take out the pump, click to use the pump (for the pneumatic guns). Tap r once to reload one shotgun shell. double tap to reload all of them.
Also, the flashlight. tap f to enable, hold f to take out the generator, click to charge it. Zomg. loved it. loved all of it. It just felt so intuitive, yet dark and dirty

The whole thing just made sense.

Fav guns, i honestly used a scoped and silenced pistol + a shotgun or AR the whole time. I wanted to use the dart gun or ball gun, but i couldnt find enough ammo for them when i had them.
I didn't figure it out till about halfway through the game, but you can set the voices to Russian. Much more authentic than TV show Russian accents.

Except for Artyom... His voice in english sounded young and a little bit scared. In Russian he sounded like a giant mean bear. Didn't really fit.
I actually picked it up last year during a sale on Steam but for some reason I only played it for a short while, I'm talking less then an hour, and never went back to it.

I'm thinking maybe this is what I'll occupy my time with while I wait for BF3 to be released.
I picked this up for the $5 sale and have been kicking myself for not getting it earlier even though I would have had to pay more. This game just oozes atmosphere. Good stuff!
I was just going to start a thread like this since I also jumped on it at $5.

The game is very immersive,dark,dank and scary,I am only about 2 hrs into the game but so far I'm loving every second of it.

For some reason,as I have been playing,I just keep thinking of HL2 mixed with F.E.A.R The atmosphere is just awesome.
It's okay, but too many of the little plot elements are predictable and repetitive. Otherwise, the enviorment is pretty good, and doesn't get overly repeated (short game, but lots of enviro :)).
Think I'll play through this game again once I beat Rage. Really loved it, but played on my 25x16 LCD with a highly oc'd 5870, so dx9 with a mix of medium/high and 30fps, with crappy blacks on the LCD. Should be awesome with dx11 in 1080p on a plasma and Gtx580.
linear is a good thing, because it allows pacing and tighter gameplay and storytelling. But handholding, in-body cutscenes, etc need to be kept at a minimum, cause they hurt immersion

It's not exactly linear even. There are many ways to approach certain situations. The part where you are first in that dark tunnel with the Nazi's is pretty amazing in terms of the ways you can deal with that either by force or by sneaking (snuff out all the lights, kill the generator, throw knives at everyone, sneak down to the lowest level and go below everything, etc.)
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Yeah I finally bit the bullet and played it in it's entirety last weekend. Excellent game. I think it needs to be linear given the setting, it just seems to work.

Definitely one of the best games I've played in years. Easily beats all your cookie SP campaigns now a days. I got a good vibe from it, same vibe I got when I played the original FEAR and that was like what 2005-2006 maybe?
This reminds me that I really need to go back and finish this game. I was almost through it when Terraria came out, and then I forgot to play it again. I agree with everything I've read here so far. Excellent game, and the linearity is welcome with a game that has a decent story. Think I'll wrap it up when I finish my RAGEing. Can't wait for the new one.
The 'sneaking' moments can be a pain though -- this is one of the weak points of the game.
I never sneaked, except when I had to avoid the ghosts. It's more fun to kill everyone!

Metro is one of my favorite games. If you can play it at high settings, high rez, with good framerates, it's a stunning experience.
I have taken a kill them all approach, seems to be working so far. What is not working is the gas mask mechanic. I am in the Library and was running out of air, so I hit "g", my air supply didn't go up, replaced the canister 4 times and none of them affected my timer... So now I cant go any farther because I keep dying from lack of oxygen. The game went from awesome to crap in about 5 minutes due to this.
I reinstalled this last night, I never noticed (probably since my old computer couldnt take it, when i bought the game) but the default FOV is totally AWFUL. OMG, I couldnt see/aim worth a crap until I found the user.cfg file and changed it there.

the default FOV is 45!!! (vert FOV not horz)
WTF were they thinking?!

Even BFBC2 defaults to 55, and thats ridiculous.

Changed it to 75, everything is NORMAL again.... whew! May play some more tonight, never could play it before, but its runs awesome on my new hardware, everything maxed out. (I run at 1360x768 tho.)
The shooting/aiming has a very bioshock like feel to it, which isn't ideal for me, but I can live with it. The linear levels definitely hurt a bit coming off of Stalker:CoP, but just like the shooting, that's an active design choice that's just not as much my style. My last complaint would be the no saving.

Other than that, I'm having a lot of fun with it. Great atmosphere. Everyone knows the graphics are great, but I think the sound plays a big part in the atmosphere. The howling in the tunnels always has me looking behind, convinced I'm about to be attacked.
I let my nephew see about 5 mins of the beginning of the game last night. He's kicking his self for not getting it when it was $5 now.

I've been telling people about this game forever. Whenever I have friends over who are console only, I boot this game up at max settings and run it through the HDMI to my HDTV in the living room to show them what they are missing. Already built 2 mid level computer systems for friends who wanted to get in on the things they have been missing. Getting them used to using K+M for gaming is a whole 'nother story :)

The atmosphere in this game is absolutely amazing.

Game runs fine @ 1920x1080 on Very High with my rig.

Dude, I play the game on high settings with my setup (sig) and it runs very smooth. Max settings its not as smooth.

ps. When the game went on sale the other day, I was going to post a thread to get peeps attention but my browser crashed when I clicked submit and just forgot about it.
lol. even while sneaking, you still need to kill a lot of people.

Yeah, but you get to use throwing knives which are amazing in this game, excep for when they sting off peoples helmets lol.

Made me feel like Casey Ryback in his kitchen going around throwing "kitchen knives" into everyone's neck, good times :)
I have taken a kill them all approach, seems to be working so far. What is not working is the gas mask mechanic. I am in the Library and was running out of air, so I hit "g", my air supply didn't go up, replaced the canister 4 times and none of them affected my timer... So now I cant go any farther because I keep dying from lack of oxygen. The game went from awesome to crap in about 5 minutes due to this.

Some people experience a glitch in the game regarding the gas mask mechanics. It's not fun but you'll have to reload a previous save hoping it disappears...

I reinstalled this last night, I never noticed (probably since my old computer couldnt take it, when i bought the game) but the default FOV is totally AWFUL. OMG, I couldnt see/aim worth a crap until I found the user.cfg file and changed it there.

the default FOV is 45!!! (vert FOV not horz)
WTF were they thinking?!

Even BFBC2 defaults to 55, and thats ridiculous.

Changed it to 75, everything is NORMAL again.... whew! May play some more tonight, never could play it before, but its runs awesome on my new hardware, everything maxed out. (I run at 1360x768 tho.)

That's interesting -- I was not aware of that. I am usually uncomfortable with restricted FOVs (it took me a long time to get used to Borderlands) but in Metro it has never bothered me... Weird.

Yeah, but you get to use throwing knives which are amazing in this game, excep for when they sting off peoples helmets lol.

Made me feel like Casey Ryback in his kitchen going around throwing "kitchen knives" into everyone's neck, good times :)

+ 1 Internets to you for the Casey Ryback reference!

You describe what I meant earlier on about the sneaking being frustrating. I had to restart so many times the level 'Dry' because of that annoying guard who runs off because of his stomach. I'd sneak up behind him aim for his head, and just when I would throw the knife he would lower his head to regurgitate. Or he would turn around when I aim for his back and the knife would bounce off his shoulder plate. Every time alerting the bandits to my presence. The frustration!
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+ 1 Internets to you for the Casey Ryback reference!

You describe what I meant earlier on about the sneaking being frustrating. I had to restart so many times the level 'Dry' because of that annoying guard who runs off because of his stomach. I'd sneak up behind him aim for his head, and just when I would throw the knife he would lower his head to regurgitate. Or he would turn around when I aim for his back and the knife would bounce off his shoulder plate. Every time alerting the bandits to my presence. The frustration!

haha :)

Yeah quicksave would have gone down a treat in this game, ended up restarting some areas over and over again just to ghost them properly, a bit frustrating at times but the stealth was quite well done so it was still fun for me.
I bought this game 2 days ago and love it, recently I've found it hard to really get into a game (especially single player), but this one I've had no problems with! I love how the developers thought about the game mechanics, and how the smallest thing adds to the gameplay e.g. the small lag in aiming with a fixed machine gun makes it feel more realistic than other games (well that what I'd imagine it being like) and
when you're carrying the kid on your shoulders, they add some sort of acceleration to the aiming to make it more difficult, kind of simulating you carrying a heavy load.
Just small things like that make a game IMO.
I really enjoyed the story & graphical depth of immersion the most. I'm looking forward to the next game with hopes that its going to have better gun gameplay.
I bought this game 2 days ago and love it, recently I've found it hard to really get into a game (especially single player), but this one I've had no problems with! I love how the developers thought about the game mechanics, and how the smallest thing adds to the gameplay e.g. the small lag in aiming with a fixed machine gun makes it feel more realistic than other games (well that what I'd imagine it being like) and
when you're carrying the kid on your shoulders, they add some sort of acceleration to the aiming to make it more difficult, kind of simulating you carrying a heavy load.
Just small things like that make a game IMO.

Yeah I thought I was going crazy when that happened. Then I realized I could hear him above me, lol. I was like WTF did vsync just enable itself....
I got it for $5 on the last steam sale. I've only played it for about 30 minutes, but it's been pretty fun so far. The graphics really nice, and it runs pretty nice on my crossfire setup. This is one of those games that really makes me glad I went with crossfire. The performance is nearly double with crossfire enabled on very high settings at 1920x1080.
Yeah I thought I was going crazy when that happened. Then I realized I could hear him above me, lol. I was like WTF did vsync just enable itself....

I thought the same thing, I also thought there was a glitch causing him to be invisible lol!
The kid part freaked me out a little too, I went looking through the control options to see if some kind of acceleration had been enabled. I had to retry one section involving Bourbon about 12 times due to thinking I could Rambo it. I am now a very sneaky person, my silenced/scoped/laser pistol is just awesome. I am trying to decide if I should swap out my heavy auto shotgun for a pneumatic gun.
I bought this for $5 a while back, but never played it because I thought my E6750 couldn't hack it. I just put my 2500K rig together and got everything running tonight and Metro is downloading now!

I'm really looking forward to giving this a shot now that I have a worthy machine.
So I restarted at the armory, I cant decide between heavy or stealth for armor, if either. I also cant decide between the silenced sniper rifle or the AK, and then I cant decide whether the tihar, helsing, or volt gun is best. Sat at the vendors for 15 minutes due to indecision.... If anyone wants to share which weapon load-out they think is best I would appreciate it.
Are you talking about the shops in Polis just before you meet the council or the Hunter's Sparta? If it's the former you'll want that scoped and silenced AK 2012 -- this is your only chance to get your hands on it and it's one of the best weapons in the game. For the pump action weapons the choice is yours since you will not need them very much from hereon; you'll be relying more on the heavy artillery. The armor is a bit picky... You'll (obviously) benefit from more protection using the heavy armor but you will not be able to sneak past some monsters like you would with the stealth armor.
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The 'sneaking' moments can be a pain though -- this is one of the weak points of the game.

Yeah, but mostly because of the lack of quicksave. Its really easy to screw up your sneak accidentally, resulting in someone shooting his ridiculously loud Kalashnikov alerting the whole damn base and forcing you to firefight through the whole level, possibly missing minor story elements (discussions) that are only available if you are hidden I think.

But to OP, yes. Metro 2033 is just fantastic game. I am eagerly waiting for the sequel.
I played Metro yesterday and restarted the mission 100 times when Burbon was captured and I needed to go through 3 big rooms full of enemies. I play on hard and tried rambo style. Could not do it since enemy always know where I am when alerted and can see me in complete darkness from far away while I cannot see them at all. Do they have some IR vision glasses? :)

At the end I sneaked the whlole level though I really wanted to kill everyone and collect ammo from the corpses.

Sneaking works well. But if you want to combine rambo style and sneaking it wont work. If you alerted the enemy it will never calm down after that.
Yeah, but mostly because of the lack of quicksave. Its really easy to screw up your sneak accidentally, resulting in someone shooting his ridiculously loud Kalashnikov alerting the whole damn base and forcing you to firefight through the whole level, possibly missing minor story elements (discussions) that are only available if you are hidden I think.

I played Metro yesterday and restarted the mission 100 times when Burbon was captured and I needed to go through 3 big rooms full of enemies. I play on hard and tried rambo style. Could not do it since enemy always know where I am when alerted and can see me in complete darkness from far away while I cannot see them at all. Do they have some IR vision glasses? :)

You both describe my qualms regarding Metro -- these issues are what I'd like to see addressed in Last Light including the shooting; while not bad I agree with someone mentioning earlier about the the game being somewhat Bioshock-esque in that regard. None of these stop the game from being good, but taking them into account could make Last Light an amazing experience.