Lame Sauce! No Forced Unleashed for PC


[H]F Junkie
Jun 12, 2004
Old news, but I didn't see anyone talking about it.


May 12, 2008 - LucasArts, once a prominent PC gaming company, decided to develop Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on every major gaming platform except the PC. Cameron Suey, producer on the game, said the game is not coming to the PC because it was hard to develop a game that would satisfy both killer gaming rigs and outdated computers. The Force Unleashed takes place between Star Wars Episodes III and IV and puts players in the shoes of Darth Vader's secret apprentice and is due out in September for the PS3, Wii, DS, PSP, PS2, and Xbox 360. Suey elaborated why there will be no PC version of the game in an interview with

If LucasArts had delivered a PC version, it would have been based on the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game, which feature new technologies that LucasArts has either licensed or helped to develop, such as the Euphoria for emotion-based character actions and Digital Molecular Matter for destructable materials.

"The PC being the gaming platform that it is, someone with a $4,000 high-end system would definitely be able to play the Euphoria, the DMM and really technical elements of the game. But someone with a low-end PC would have a watered down experience, they would have to turn all the settings down and it wouldn't be the same game," said Suey.

Suey believes that developing the game to reach a more mass market will hinder the potential of killer rigs. Therefore, no matter how you cut it, only "a select few people" can enjoy the game as it was intended.

While Suey said the team will continue to support the PC with future releases, he did cite the variance from low-end to high-end PCs as a bigger problem than it has been in the past. When asked if the game will ever come to the PC, Suey said there are currently no plans to bring the game over to the platform.

One look at Valve's recent hardware survey brings me to this question: "WTF?"
I can't believe how bad that sucks. I planned on buying another 8800gts just to play this game for god's sakes. Wow am I bummed. Time to get a petition going. total crap.
Don't they think that most people who love Star Wars games are in the higher tier of computer technology?
Yep, pure fail if this never comes to PC. I'll have to skip it if it doesn't, not ever going to buy a console.:mad:
They don't want to dumb it down, yet they're releasing PS2 and DS versions of it.
With this line of thinking, Lucas Arts, or any dev, might as well just give up on the PC. If they keep using new technologies and hardware variance as an excuse (as if it were valid) not to bring a title to the PC, then it's over (for them). Not to mention Suey probably pulled this "variance" out of his ass.

While Suey said the team will continue to support the PC with future releases, he did cite the variance from low-end to high-end PCs as a bigger problem than it has been in the past.

Bullshit. What makes the "future releases" possible and not Forced Unleashed?
I only see two out of the six consoles that really deserve to have a game like this. Plus the pc.

Epic fail guys. Way to slap us pc gamers in the face.
I can't believe how bad that sucks. I planned on buying another 8800gts just to play this game for god's sakes. Wow am I bummed. Time to get a petition going. total crap.

There already is a petition with over 10,000 signatures.
They don't want to dumb it down, yet they're releasing PS2 and DS versions of it.

Thats what I was thinking. To be honest though, I get the feeling if someone redid Jedi Outcast on a newer engine it would still be a better game.

Edit: I would also like to point out that Lucasarts has released a large amount of crap. For every good release they have 4-5 really crappy games. Unfortunately crap sells well on consoles and this a money grab.
Ah well, what would have been a buy for my PC is likely going to be a rent on my Xbox360. So, LA just saved me money. Game could be garbage for all I know..
Ah well, what would have been a buy for my PC is likely going to be a rent on my Xbox360. So, LA just saved me money. Game could be garbage for all I know..

My best guess is that it will be a generic 3rd person game. There will probably be enhanced force powers from what we have already seen in previous jedi games. However it will probably be non-canon, short and very linear.
thats it..convince yourself the game is going to suck to combat your disappointment.

in fact, if you can convince yourself that every single console-exclusive game sucks, then you might just be content only being a pc gamer. ignorance is bliss! *thumbs up*
thats it..convince yourself the game is going to suck to combat your disappointment.

in fact, if you can convince yourself that every single console-exclusive game sucks, then you might just be content only being a pc gamer. ignorance is bliss! *thumbs up*

I am planning on getting a Wii next month, so I could play the game if I wanted. I also own a GC as well. Okay... tell me what was the last Lucasarts console exclusive that was good was? Rogue Squadron 2, maybe?
Considering the price of current silicon and PC systems themselves are the lowest they have been in eons and that consoles have yet to become competitive in price, this statement is probably a blanket to some sort of underlying reason.

The only problem I have with retail PCs today is the video adapters in the computers. Modern games have become too GPU bound to be run by integrated or entry-level GPUs. The CPUs currently available in entry level systems usually meet or exceed current game requirements and recommendations. Higher level GPUs only become available to systems with exorbitant features already implemented.

Toms made a very good article (first one I've spent time to read since the buyout) about GPU vs CPU scaling. Granted it's on Nvidia video cards but the point remains the same.,1928.html

All I can say is that I hope The Force Unleashed becomes as big of a critical bomb as the Episode 3 game.
One look at Valve's recent hardware survey brings me to this question: "WTF?"

I got the opposite impression from Valve's hardware survey.

1 cpu 1,024,352 59.09 %
2 cpus 634,289 36.59 %

The game will need dual core minimum since the big selling point on this game is heavy use of physics(Big area effect pushes, pulls, blasts, lifts, swinging...) and the euphoria engine generating animation responses on the fly, and DMM which will encourage heavy use of breakables which will clutter up the environment with more individual objects to calculation collisions on. The overall amount of overhead this creates isn't really that much, but it's the fact that it can be offloaded to another core to run in parallel that allows them to ramp up the interaction count. I'm sure more than 2-cores is meaningless to this game though.

Graphics-wise they should be fine judging from the survey. It looks like the majority of the people on steam have graphics cards that should be able to run this on medium settings and up from the looks of the game.

People aren't buying new hardware as fast as the new hardware is coming. It'll take some time, but the average level of consumer PCs will catch up.
if it plays the same way as the jedi knight games did then I dont think I'll be able to stomach it on a console :(
People aren't buying new hardware as fast as the new hardware is coming. It'll take some time, but the average level of consumer PCs will catch up.

gotta agree there, I havent upgraded anything in two years and feel fine with my OCed opteron, 2gigs memory and the late 90s and early 2000 it seemed like everyone was buying the latest every two months, now not so much though
gotta agree there, I havent upgraded anything in two years and feel fine with my OCed opteron, 2gigs memory and the late 90s and early 2000 it seemed like everyone was buying the latest every two months, now not so much though

Why buy the latest and greatest when the only game you will get to show off with it is Crysis? Its shit just like this that make people say "Well if game is not being released for PC, why do I need to upgrade?". This trend continues and hence Single core CPUs.
i still love my dual core opty overclocked to 2.7, but my 7800gt needs to be a g92 8800gts and i would be much happier with current games....
Lol. A five year old computer can beat the pants off of a PS2, DS and PSP. Strange.
Im hoping theyre just BSing to promote console sales at release and will eventually announce a PC version like Mass Effect/Assassin's Creed/Gears of War.
LA is full of shit, they just can't be bothered making a pc port because some asshole shits in upper management said the net bottom line vs. money spent on development wouldn't be worth it. I am a HUGHE star wars fan but fuck LA, they left my gaming platform of choice in the cold and I'm pissed.

+2 on the petition.

Funny they won't be leaving out the pc when they look to cash in on the new star wars mmo bioware is working on comes out. Fuckers piss me off. :(
What the-

Are they even aware that 6 months after its release, Crysis is still unplayable at max settings on any consumer PC?

What a bunch of pussies.
They're even making an N-Gage version which will probably sell about 8 copies, but can't be bothered spending a week porting the 360 version to the PC. I hope they all die in a fire
Like I said with GTA 4. Until they release a PC version they won't be seeing a penny from me. However I will still be playing the game on my 360, however inferior it will be.
get a million signatures, and you'll get their attention. with console game sales, its all about millions, nothing else matters.
I can understand why they make it console only but why the hell does he need to tell such bullshit ?

Anyway only Star wars games that would make me buy XboX/PS3 instantly would be Tie-Fighter 2 or Kotor 3.
What total CRAP!!!!

I do NOT believe that excuse for one moment. I cant wait untill some genius hacker is able to hack into the code of consoles and make them playable on all platforms as well as being able to copy it. Once that is achieved, what excuse will they have then? Not making any games at all, pfffffttt!!!!!

We ALL know this is the true reason why they are not allowing the game to be playable on computers, they just cant admit it.

Common hacker dudes, break that damn code and make ALL game universal for all platforms. I consider this shit RACIST against PC's.

Petition signed......

LA can kiss my ass now. Even if I had a console, I would not buy any of their products....Fuk 'em
thier logic is pretty screwed up, i mean worst case scenario is a person would have to turn down the physics and limit them in a certain way if they have a crappy pc. i dont see how thats any diffrent from any other game that released any way.

if i were them sure id atleast delay the pc release a few months to get as many console sales as posible then release it for pc when it wont really matter if a few people pirate it or not. but the game would still sell alot on the pc market. and id rather play the game at 1920x1080 res on my tv from my pc vs threw a lower res upscaled 360
consider the possibility that due to the way the storyline and gameplay is set up, you HAVE to have full physics enabled for things to make sense. did that ever occur to any of you?

its called force unleashed, and might as well be called physics unleashed. unlike other games, it's not an afterthought in this game. So programming for different configurations could be like programming multiple games.

the guy in the article said it himself, it would be a different game.
i have a PC and both major consoles and game on all, i really don't care that they aren't releasing it on the pc, but what i find funny is, that if this was in reverse, and was a pc only title, ie crysis, and console gamers were all up in arms, pc gamers would be shit talking console gamers. telling them how inferieor their hardware is and they should go back to playing with their ugly jaggy looking games. and it would be a case of buy a better pc, or upgrade your pc to the highest level, so does it really matter? if you really truly want to play the game i guess you will find a way. but don't bitch and cry because you feel left out.