Lair got a 4.5 on gamespot.

You just ruined his "hate on the PS3" bandwagon attempt. :/

hahaha I'm a big time sony fan there is no hate on the PS3 from my end.

I just know from living through so many systems that that all most all games within the first year suck ass (with some exceptions). The developers have no clue what they are doing and they are rushing the games to make a quick buck which they can do because there are no other games to choose from. If you look at any systems first year game and last year game there is a HUGE difference in quality even comparing first year with second year there is a huge difference just look at perfect dark and Gears of war the quality difference is huge.
noooo one cares.

Funny how about 40 people clicked through into the link then.

PS. Stalk much? You don't see me trolling around your posts just to irritate you. If you don't like me, leave me alone and I'll do the same to you.
I heard this game plays better with some usb gamepads because it disables the six axis controls. Also it sort of works with PSP remote play. It works, but you don't have all the controls.
I heard this game plays better with some usb gamepads because it disables the six axis controls. Also it sort of works with PSP remote play. It works, but you don't have all the controls.

Hilarious. The game would be loads better with dual analogs, that much I know for sure. While it has multiple other problems, at least getting solid controls into the gameplay would help a lot.
I heard this game plays better with some usb gamepads because it disables the six axis controls. Also it sort of works with PSP remote play. It works, but you don't have all the controls.

Problem with that is you simply can't progress past certain points in the game without access to those additional controls.

Oh, and RocketPig - I enjoyed your link even if some troll didn't. Thanks.
The comments about the hardware are ridiculous. They've tested the game. They had to have focus groups. Somebody, at some point, should have noticed what all these reviewers are saying.
Why is there a link to "theancientgamer" in seemingly every other post on this thread. Cripes.
Cool, when did you get a PS3 ?

Actually, Defective and I co-own it. We got it about... umm... I guess it's been about three weeks now. I have Warhawk coming in a few days and I'm looking forward to that game. Then after that, Heavenly Sword. I'm sure both will be significantly better than Lair (early reports are definitely showing it).

God bless Gamefly. I was hating the idea of paying $60 for a game like Heavenly Sword that might clock in under 10 hours with no multiplayer. I'm not made of money. :(
Funny how about 40 people clicked through into the link then.

PS. Stalk much? You don't see me trolling around your posts just to irritate you. If you don't like me, leave me alone and I'll do the same to you.

Yup, I stalk you. It's not my fault you're a biased old fool. People clicking your link is not surprising as people will click anything.

But anyway, a lot of the user reviews I see are a lot more positive. I take that in stride more than I do some reviewer.
Actually, Defective and I co-own it. We got it about... umm... I guess it's been about three weeks now. I have Warhawk coming in a few days and I'm looking forward to that game. Then after that, Heavenly Sword. I'm sure both will be significantly better than Lair (early reports are definitely showing it).

God bless Gamefly. I was hating the idea of paying $60 for a game like Heavenly Sword that might clock in under 10 hours with no multiplayer. I'm not made of money. :(

OT:It looks like you guys are enjoying abusing gamefly. Wish I could say the same back then, they were too slow for me, oh well. Good review btw, stick it to the man
But anyway, a lot of the user reviews I see are a lot more positive. I take that in stride more than I do some reviewer.
Yeah, because people who have sunk $600 into hardware and then $60 into a game are often the best people to speak objectively on its quality.

Pick your battles man, this game is pretty much universally rated as shit - even by the self confessed fanboys that I know.
Yeah, because people who have sunk $600 into hardware and then $60 into a game are often the best people to speak objectively on its quality.

Pick your battles man, this game is pretty much universally rated as shit - even by the self confessed fanboys that I know.

Not everyone is like that. I wish I could play the game myself and let you know. All I know is what I read, and I've done a lot of digging on Lair. Think what you will, I could care less. I don't base my opinion on game website reviews.
Then I truly hope you get something out of it, but I would strongly suggest you rent it rather than buy it.

All the PS3 and Lair haters (most dont even own either) wont like this news.

After 1.92, the control is definitely more sensitive. The improvement is most noticeable in sudden movement/gestures. For other more gradual movements, I didn't have any trouble at all. Now I need to adjust to the quicker response. Still not a big problem although I wish Sony includes a sensitivity adjuster and self-diagnose in XMB itself.

I noticed the difference in Super Rub-A-Dub myself, dont have Lair, yet.

All the PS3 and Lair haters (most dont even own either) wont like this news.

I noticed the difference in Super Rub-A-Dub myself, dont have Lair, yet.

The controls were definitely a part of it's problem, but not the whole problem. Lair has lots of problems. I didn't think it was a horrible game. I think that control sensitivity will help things, but that doesn't help its framerate at higher resolutions, little bugs like landing 10 feet above the actual ground, or the annoying cut scenes it uses all the time. Least of all, this update might make its so flipping a 180 and dashing work more reliably. I'll be sure to test it when I get home and update my review if it makes significant changes.
You just ruined his "hate on the PS3" bandwagon attempt. :/

All the PS3 and Lair haters (most dont even own either) wont like this news.

I noticed the difference in Super Rub-A-Dub myself, dont have Lair, yet.

Are you some self-proclaimed knight and protector of Sony and all things PS3 related or something? If a game stinks, it stinks. Lair was proclaimed to be one of the most sought after games for the PS3, and how it would show the true power behind the PS3. It ended up stinking up the joint and got very poor reviews. User reviews are just as bad if not worse.

Not all games automatically get a gamer's seal of approval simply because it has Playstation 3 branded on the box. I'm sorry:/.

All the PS3 and Lair haters (most dont even own either) wont like this news.

Why wouldn't we want to see an improved Lair? Shit, it's not like I wanted the game to suck.

While improved controls will help a little, there are so many other technical bugs in the game that Factor 5 is going to have to do some heavy-duty patching just to get the game to an acceptable level in my eyes. Lair needs more help than snappier controls will bring to the game.
Are you some self-proclaimed knight and protector of Sony and all things PS3 related or something? If a game stinks, it stinks. Lair was proclaimed to be one of the most sought after games for the PS3, and how it would show the true power behind the PS3. It ended up stinking up the joint and got very poor reviews. User reviews are just as bad if not worse.

Not all games automatically get a gamer's seal of approval simply because it has Playstation 3 branded on the box. I'm sorry:/.

It's understandable that is was bad. We all know it got bad reviews. But, i've read some reviews, and 50+% of the Lair reviews was all about how much the controls sucked. Even Gamespot said the graphics are great, and the story was good, but the motion sensitive controls were horrendous. I think there could be some reasonable doubt, that if it were true that the controls were improved with the 1.92 update, then it could have improved some scores. Maybe not by leaps and bounds, but it could have improved.
I don't recall exactly, and I could be wrong. But I believe IGN raved about the story.
WTF is the "next gen grade scale"? Either the game sucks of it doesn't, I don't care what it looks like.

Graphics can make a good game better, but they won't make a shitty game good.

uhm, a score for a PS3 game has a higher magnitude than a score on say, a ps2 or Wii game. No one can give a PS2 or Wii game a 10 and it actually mean anything, they are outdated before they are even released. But lucky for you, Scores don't mean shit anyways because no one knows how to score a fucking game now-a-days.

And Lair isn't a shitty game.

heh exactly.

But for his "Next gen grade scale" it still sucks compared to already released next gen games. heh

Uhm, its nowhere near being the best game out. I also didn't know every new game that comes out is supposed to be crowned the next best game or else it sucks. what the fuck is your point even supposed to be anyways?
uhm, a score for a PS3 game has a higher magnitude than a score on say, a ps2 or Wii game. No one can give a PS2 or Wii game a 10 and it actually mean anything, they are outdated before they are even released. But lucky for you, Scores don't mean shit anyways because no one knows how to score a fucking game now-a-days.

That has to be the most ignorant rebuttle I have ever seen.
Are you kidding? A higher magnitude? Please explain why this should even be considered, as the most dated control setup is the PS3 controller. (Same shit design for 10 years, and now no rumble.)

A higher magnitude, for what? 100,000,000,000 polygons? Are you retarded? I just played a Game Boy game the other day, with 4 colors, and that game was way better then some of the crap I'm seeing on all next gen systems.

Games are measured by fun. If it sucks, it fuckin sucks. End of story.

I just got Metroid Prime 3. That game is a fucking 10. Thats right, with its 480p widescreen glory.
GTFO, you are way beyond your element.
uhm, a score for a PS3 game has a higher magnitude than a score on say, a ps2 or Wii game. No one can give a PS2 or Wii game a 10 and it actually mean anything, they are outdated before they are even released. But lucky for you, Scores don't mean shit anyways because no one knows how to score a fucking game now-a-days.

And Lair isn't a shitty game.

Uhm, its nowhere near being the best game out. I also didn't know every new game that comes out is supposed to be crowned the next best game or else it sucks. what the fuck is your point even supposed to be anyways?

*laughing* Get out of here man! Should have let your post die :D

It's a crappy game and your in denial. No one but you is saying otherwise! *laughing* You're stating this game should be scored with "Next Gen" in mind. Well buddy, It is. Because there is Warhawk, Gears, Bioshock, Heavenly Sword and so all. All getting good reviews while Lair isn't getting that. *Laughing* You've got to be kidding me!

Like Levianthan said too. Good game is a good game. I can go back and play System Shock 1 which by today standards looks like shit, but still a great game. No one is going back to play Lair. I saw Metriod being played at EB and I can't wait. Game looks amazing. Finishing up Bioshock currently though. Lair: Not touching my PS3. Hah!
i figured it out. nope, lair is not a bad game. the reason you think it's so bad is because the controls "suck". nope they don't, the reason the dragon never wants to do what you motion for it to do, is because they are using 4 of the cells of the ps3 running AI for the dragon making it have a mind of it's own. yep, it is a "real" virtual dragon. *sigh* that make any of you that bought the game feel better?
It's a crappy game and your in denial. No one but you is saying otherwise! *laughing* You're stating this game should be scored with "Next Gen" in mind. Well buddy, It is. Because there is Warhawk, Gears, Bioshock, Heavenly Sword and so all. All getting good reviews while Lair isn't getting that. *Laughing* You've got to be kidding me!

Like Levianthan said too. Good game is a good game. I can go back and play System Shock 1 which by today standards looks like shit, but still a great game. No one is going back to play Lair. I saw Metriod being played at EB and I can't wait. Game looks amazing. Finishing up Bioshock currently though. Lair: Not touching my PS3. Hah!

So because you won't put the time in to learn a new control scheme, the game sucks? thats the biggest load of BS i've ever heard.

Gears was reviewed too early. The multiplayer is broken and imbalanced. Heavenly Sword is getting mixed reviews, and Bioshock is nowhere near a 10. Review sites/mags are a joke, and Lair getting a 4.5 is proof positive.
"Playing Lair is horrifying, like having a talking cyst erupt out of your genitals."
- Penny Arcade

(FYI I don't give two shits about consoles or their wars, but I had to post this just too funny, haha. Man I love Penny Arcade.
lol, i know what kind of gamer you are now, no need for you to say anything else. if any game on the Wii is a 10, anything on the PS3 and 360 breaks the scale.

I don't understand how anyone with presence of mind can post something like that. You'd be better off posting unintelligible gibberish to get your point across.

Basically, you're saying that the only thing you look for in a game is the quality of the graphics. To that end, Lair is a resounding success. It's just that most people, most normal people, play a game to have fun. Lair is not fun. In fact, to most who have played it (myself included), Lair is the opposite of fun.