L4d - new campaign next month

Hooray! new content is always welcome in my book! and judging by the spoilers they are mixing it up some more instead of the usual climax...
OMG L4D2 means that there is no more support for L4D I better bitch and complain to no end......O wait never mind.
Yea I was expecting them to charge for it too. But why only charge for xbl instead of pc? I guess to cover costs xbox must charge them for hosting their content. Damn, its more fun on xbl, because all the friends are on that instead of pc. L4D with random people isnt as fun.
Yea I was expecting them to charge for it too. But why only charge for xbl instead of pc? I guess to cover costs xbox must charge them for hosting their content. Damn, its more fun on xbl, because all the friends are on that instead of pc. L4D with random people isnt as fun.

It's Microsoft IIRC that is in charge of whether or not to make something at cost or free. There was a big controversy regarding the DLC from Castle Crashers (an XBL game). The developers were quite deliberate at wanting to have the DLC be free, but it was out of their hands and Microsoft ended up charging people for it. The Castle Crasher devs went so far as to actually having bought tons of DLC codes themselves (or however it works) and for several weeks were giving them away free to anyone on their forums that said they wanted them.
you paid for whats in the box.. not promises. if you buy things that way.. you need to rethink your purchasing ways.

Well in some ways I agree, in others I don't.

No I didn't buy what was in the box, I didn't even buy a box. I bought a service, I bought a game I can download from the steam service whenever I like on to whatever computer I like, I bought the service to keep the master server browser up and running supplying my with a way to connect to games (when it works), I bought the service that addresses issues and bugs in the game with patches and keeps the game playable across multiple operating systems and other advances, for example if theres a bug in Windows7 we expect that to be fixed.

Gabe himself pushes the idea of "games as a service" with continual upgrades, and a lot of gamers put up with having small amounts of content on release because they expect valve through their PR statements and through reputation to deliver more content after the initial release.

But you're right, if we buy things based on promises (especially valve PR stunt ones) then we need to re-think our purchasing ways, and incidently thats why the left4dead2 Boycott group now has 41,230 members most of whom think the same way.

Anyway, I think the "too little too late" vibe is going to spread pretty quickly, if L4D was released with enough content to make it feel like a full priced game to start with people wouldn't have this opinion on new content.
Definitely a meager attempt to stop the whining about lack of support.

I'll take it but I still won't buy L4D2 at full price. Did anyone else watch that gameplay video? I don't like the look of the new characters or weapons and I don't get where the incendiary ammo came from. I sure hope they don't add in all kinds of ridiculous crap just for the sake of 'variety'.
Oh stfu. They're over 6 months late on adding stuff like this.

Better late than never. Also it takes a little more time to make a L4D make than a map for TF2, not like they can just pull them out of their ass like for TF2.
Better late than never. Also it takes a little more time to make a L4D make than a map for TF2, not like they can just pull them out of their ass like for TF2.

That may be true, but that sure didn't stop them from skipping the free DLC they said they were going to do and going straight to making a Part 2. Apparently it's not too hard to make the maps.
Ya cause valve stops updating there games the instant they come out. come on.. that's bs and you know it.

Not exactly. L4D is a fairly flawed game in terms of optimization of the AI. Instead of fixing the problems they created L4D2. In this case Valve for the most part stopped updating the game after release. Sure there were major bug fixes and we got the DLC update (of course I would not call that DLC since it was versus camp. that should have been included) but it has been lacking. Couple that with the huge delay in getting the SDK and I think its a recipe for horrible support.
Not exactly. L4D is a fairly flawed game in terms of optimization of the AI. Instead of fixing the problems they created L4D2. In this case Valve for the most part stopped updating the game after release. Sure there were major bug fixes and we got the DLC update (of course I would not call that DLC since it was versus camp. that should have been included) but it has been lacking. Couple that with the huge delay in getting the SDK and I think its a recipe for horrible support.

do you think L4D2 is going to optimize AI? I sure as fuck don't, and don't have an issue with that because the main AI is other players in which no AI can replace. Saying that L4D2 is nothing more than a fix for L4D is a fairly flawed opinion.

L4D2 is coming out simply because L4D fans want more and are just about done with L4D. The only main issues I see with L4D is rage quiting if valve was able to track and punish for this type of activity the game would be vastly improved.
do you think L4D2 is going to optimize AI? I sure as fuck don't, and don't have an issue with that because the main AI is other players in which no AI can replace. Saying that L4D2 is nothing more than a fix for L4D is a fairly flawed opinion.

L4D2 is coming out simply because L4D fans want more and are just about done with L4D. The only main issues I see with L4D is rage quiting if valve was able to track and punish for this type of activity the game would be vastly improved.

We'll see how this new map goes. Having it only two rounds should cut down on that.
We'll see how this new map goes. Having it only two rounds should cut down on that.

Hopefully but I'm doubtful, The only way we can get through a game now is if we loose on purpose because as soon as the rape start the players start dieing off.
Hopefully but I'm doubtful, The only way we can get through a game now is if we loose on purpose because as soon as the rape start the players start dieing off.

Lmao, that's exactly what my friends and I do. We usually lose the first round pretty bad so they feel good and stick.
Lmao, that's exactly what my friends and I do. We usually lose the first round pretty bad so they feel good and stick.

They should allow for team creation so people with a known team can play other known teams. It would provide better games for people like myself who play with the same group of friends. Team 1 vs Team 2 instead of 4 players vs 4 players.
They should allow for team creation so people with a known team can play other known teams. It would provide better games for people like myself who play with the same group of friends. Team 1 vs Team 2 instead of 4 players vs 4 players.

I agree. You should be able to join a friends-only lobby and search for other lobbies needing 4 players.

It's annoying when no one is joining your lobby, and the chances of finding another lobby with 4 open spaces is slim to none.
I read over my reply; I think I sounded like someone pissed in my cereal. My apologies if I came off as such.

I suppose I am glad they're still supporting this game and actually releasing stuff for it. Only time will tell what becomes of L4D after L4D2's release. Having said that, I'm sure the majority will flock to L4D2 anyway, which is fine if they integrate it right so that we don't have to exit the game and launch L4D if we want to play the original campaigns.

If they do something like Supreme Commander where you can buy the standalone expansion pack and play with everyone else, just not using the factions of the original game, I'm cool with that (or did I get that game mixed up with another game that has the same mechanism?).

Dammit who pissed in my cereal!~