Kindle Fire + Best Buy = FU


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 6, 2004
Note: Parents bought my kids a kindle fire last christmas as a gift from Best Buy (I wouldn't have bought them from tehre in the first place)

Since when is a kindle fire (the original version) an equivalent exchange to the kindle fire with special offers? Espcially when the kindle is used by an 8 year old child? Does Best buy think its ok for an 8 YEAR OLD CHILD to be bombarded with advertisements that may or may not be appropriate for them (Not that I think ANY advertising to a child is morally right). They are telling me that they think it is an equivalent product....

The worst part is that when they did the exchange they didnt even tell my wife that it was a different kindle (She didnt know the difference).

I plan on contacting all of my local news outlets, family, friends, and any internet sites I frequent and letting them know about Best Buy and their business practices. Please feel free to pass along the word.

This type of business is why best buy is going down the drain.
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The original Kindle Fire is NO LONGER made... As of Sept 6, 2012 a newer model is being sold... The newer model has a faster CPU and more Ram... The new version is Ad Supported but you can Opt-Out for $20... In your Case I'd speak with Amazon customer service and ask to have it Waived... Be nice and courteous about it and they WILL bend over backwards for Ya...
its hard for me to believe a [H] member of almost 9 years does not know this about the ad-opt out.
The original Kindle Fire is NO LONGER made... As of Sept 6, 2012 a newer model is being sold... The newer model has a faster CPU and more Ram... The new version is Ad Supported but you can Opt-Out for $20... In your Case I'd speak with Amazon customer service and ask to have it Waived... Be nice and courteous about it and they WILL bend over backwards for Ya...

Pretty much this... I have never had Amazon tell me no or give me grief when I have had an issue (which has been few and far between for the number of things I order from them). They are quite possibly the easiest company I have ever dealt with to this point.
its hard for me to believe a [H] member of almost 9 years does not know this about the ad-opt out.

I am very aware of the ad-opt out and contacted amazon yesterday regarding this. I am hoping they will waive the fee and handle this. I plan on calling them tonight after work (Per their reply to my email) to see what they say.

Its just a matter of pricipal at this point ($15 bucks is not going to break me) that Best Buy would not "Make it right" and makes the consumer jump through hoops etc. to get the product that was warrantied, not something different.
its hard for me to believe a [H] member of almost 9 years does not know this about the ad-opt out.

I didn't know about it till 2 days ago when I was looking them up to order one for my wife for xmas...
Update: Took all of 2 minutes with to explain the situation and they updated the kindle so that the ads will not show up.

Best Buy = Clueless, unhelpful, @sshats

Amazon = Helpful, understanding, classy

This is the outcome I expected.

Luckily I was able to let my parents know about this before they dropped 1500+ at best buy on TV's for the grandkids this year!
Good luck with the product and may your hands always be free when you're out with your kids and come across billboards. ;)
Good luck with the product and may your hands always be free when you're out with your kids and come across billboards. ;)

Oh I love the kindle (Well the kids keep quiet in the car and it encourages them to read!).

I get your point but at least I can see what they see as well on the billboards/tv/etc and can at least explain it if I see what they are looking at.
So I am complaining on the best buy forum and got a PM stating that one of my posts was removed for violating the T.O.S.....The conversation went something like this:

Greetings guito13,

One of your recent posts has been removed from public view as it was found to be in violation of our Community Guidelines, rules you agreed to when you registered for this site. Specifically:

Please be courteous and respectful to everyone engaging on the Forum. Everyone wants to have a fun and positive experience with the Forum. Specifically, refrain from submitting anything unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, indecent, lewd, harassing, threatening, violent, racist, abusive, harmful, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable or injurious to third parties. Please also refrain from submitting any content intended to exploit, solicit, or harm minors. Your opinions are always welcome, but personal attacks and harassment ("flaming" ) in either the Forum or through private messaging is not acceptable.

While we do appreciate and encourage your participation in our Community, we do ask that you abide by all Forum Guidelines, Terms & Conditions and Community Guidelines while doing so. Further infractions could impair your ability to post on our site.

Thank you for your understanding.

Can you please advise exactly which post you remvoved and what specifically violated the TOS?


Replacing letters with special characters in order to bypass language filters is prohibited within this community. The removed post included an instance of such. If you haven't already done so, I'd encourage you to refer to both our Community Guidelines and Terms & Conditions for more information.

Community Connector
Best Buy Corporate

Oh the @sshats thing?

It's how I always type it (You can search the other forums where I have reposted this complaint in order to get the word out, every time I used the @) , It wasn't done with any intent to bypass any filters. I do apologize for this. The next time when I want to refer to Best Buy as an Asshat I will type it without the "@" and use the proper spelling instead (i.e.. Asshats).
Take a breath, think about what you would have done as a moderator on that forum.
Usually people are happy when they get a newer version of a product they returned... Did you check to see if they figured out a rooting method for the new ones?

I got my wife a kindle last year, rooted it xmas night and put a launcher and the market on it and she has loved it all year...
Frankly, i think this entire matter was blow way out of proportion.

Frankly, I am not one who will let another person or company try to push me around. The product that we paid for and paid to warranty was not warrantied to my satisfaction. I dont think that asking for a product that has ad-free software (as the one before did) is to much.

Thats the problem with people today, they just accept what they are told....(Dammit im getting old, now get off my lawn)
Usually people are happy when they get a newer version of a product they returned... Did you check to see if they figured out a rooting method for the new ones?

I got my wife a kindle last year, rooted it xmas night and put a launcher and the market on it and she has loved it all year...

Excited when the version is BETTER than the old....the one we got is a portable commercial....

Never tried to root it.....its been a long while since ive done those things and TBH I am happy with it the way it is (Other than the ads)
Best Buy does not carry the Kindle Fire without special offers. It is as simple as that. They replaced your faulty device with the best replacement they have. As far as I am concerned Best Buy appears to have fulfilled the warranty to the terms agreed upon by you and as I would expect them to. You are overreacting here.

Also asshat is not generally going to be accepted terminology on a companies forum, whether you use @ or not. Your post was removed correctly, you should calm down and be a bit more level headed.
Best Buy does not carry the Kindle Fire without special offers. It is as simple as that. They replaced your faulty device with the best replacement they have. As far as I am concerned Best Buy appears to have fulfilled the warranty to the terms agreed upon by you and as I would expect them to. You are overreacting here.

Also asshat is not generally going to be accepted terminology on a companies forum, whether you use @ or not. Your post was removed correctly, you should calm down and be a bit more level headed.

You are allowed to think what you want however I do not find those items a "Comparable" as the verbiage in their warranty states.

I was VERY level headed when I was speaking to staff at BB and that got me NOWHERE. I only started being loud after i exhausted all other options. Its sad that you have to sometimes do that to get things done but its the truth.
Excited when the version is BETTER than the old....the one we got is a portable commercial....

Never tried to root it.....its been a long while since ive done those things and TBH I am happy with it the way it is (Other than the ads)

Look into it... If you get root, you can do whatever you want to do with it. Get rid of the crappy amazon launcher, add the google market and remove all of the ads. You'd end up with a nice little android tablet in the end. And you still have access to all of the kindle stuff when you want it. The specs are there in the hardware. You just have to hack it to gain access to it so you can do what you want with your device.

I've rooted every android device that has ever come into my household. Others do the legwork, you just apply their work to it and enjoy the benefits. :cool:
Best Buy policy for years now is to pretty much replace (as opposed to repair) any hardware under warranty. In this case, they likely don't have or can't get the exact replacement so they gave you the new version. Do they even have both (with and without ads...based on their website, I'd say no) models in the store? You can't blame them for not providing something they don't even stock.

And like your wife, they likely don't know the difference either.

So who's the real Asshat?
I am very aware of the ad-opt out and contacted amazon yesterday regarding this. I am hoping they will waive the fee and handle this. I plan on calling them tonight after work (Per their reply to my email) to see what they say.

Its just a matter of pricipal at this point ($15 bucks is not going to break me) that Best Buy would not "Make it right" and makes the consumer jump through hoops etc. to get the product that was warrantied, not something different.

Flash a custom ROM to it and stop bitching. :rolleyes:
lol at the OP.........glad I don't have to deal with you.......

BB replaced it, however they couldn't replace it with the exact same product because they did not have it.. Instead they offered you something better overall. Personally I would have paid the $20 to kill the ads and been done with it...

You called Amazon and they fixed the issue for you. Congrats, they didn't have to do it but they value their customers and gave you a pass.

Calling Best Buy Asshats (deserved or not) is never a good idea on their forum. Your inability to use proper online ediqutte and failure to understand why BB removed your post is just icing on the cake.....

Hopefully you learned something........
:rolleyes: All brick and mortar stores only carry the special offers kindles. Only place to get a non SO one is Amazon.

Could also root the Fire and take the ads off.
So, they gave you a better Kindle and you are outraged? Look at it this way, you only had to pay $15 to get a better Kindle than you had before.

Sheesh, calling media outlets, seriously? This is coming from a guy that refuses to buy anything on Origin (but I sure as hell didn't media outlets). How inappropriate are these ads for kids anyways? I couldn't imagine Amazon is advertising sex toys via Special Offers, so are they just ads not catered to kids? If it's something a kid has no interest in, they aren't going to give it any thought at all.
So, they gave you a better Kindle and you are outraged? Look at it this way, you only had to pay $15 to get a better Kindle than you had before.

Sheesh, calling media outlets, seriously? This is coming from a guy that refuses to buy anything on Origin (but I sure as hell didn't media outlets). How inappropriate are these ads for kids anyways? I couldn't imagine Amazon is advertising sex toys via Special Offers, so are they just ads not catered to kids? If it's something a kid has no interest in, they aren't going to give it any thought at all.

On my Kindle Fire HD, before I rooted and removed adds, I saw car, book and movie(none over PG 13) ads.
I noticed you avoided mentioning if the car had a bra on or not.

No bra, full on topless car porn. I was forced to root my Fire and remove the ads to protect what little innocence Amazon didn't take.