Killzone E3 2007 New Media... (Yes, real in-game stuff)


Nov 22, 2004
These new screenshots are looking pretty good..

And here is a article from Gamespot from their experience at E3 with Killzone 2...;title;1&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot


Edit: This is probably the part that you've been all wondering, and what has come under the most scrutiny... graphics:

"The game's graphics, easily one of its most scrutinized elements, are coming together in spectacular fashion. The characters models were high poly and offered sharp detail and promising animation, with a lot of really nice gun movement for reloading and aiming. The environment was equally sharp with an impressive sense of scale and interactivity. As we saw in the GDC teaser for the game, you can blow the hell out of a variety of objects in the game, with damage varying on what they're made out of. However, what sold us on the visuals in the game were things like the stellar lighting, which was shown off in a variety of ways. We saw subtle touches such as the heat glow given off of metal when it's shot at to the way muzzle flashes from you and your enemies light up the areas around you. The lightning arcs which lit up the sky in the game managed to be both dramatic and subtle with light and shadow dancing around in dramatic fashion. Some of the explosions, especially the one that ended the demo, look really great. Other effects, like the use of depth of field to give a slight blur to the weapon in your hands while the distance remains razor sharp, or the various animations shown by the other troops, help set Killzone 2 apart from other shooters. Though the game was still a work in progress, we were impressed by how well the level ran, despite the frenetic battle taking place."
I guess I dont get it... what makes this different or better than every other cliche sci-fi first person shooter thats out there? :I
Pics look meh, but I really don't expect anything from Killzone (does anyone really?). Probably looks a lot better in motion though.
Pics look meh, but I really don't expect anything from Killzone (does anyone really?). Probably looks a lot better in motion though.

wtf pics are you looking at?

Hardly meh as far as im concerned.
wtf pics are you looking at?

Hardly meh as far as im concerned.

Its probably the motion blur effect, but I can't tell from the pics. You can't really make out anything from the pics besides they know how to draw a gun and the character models look decent, but it's nothing we haven't seen before. To me the pics look exactly like FEAR. Like I said, it probably looks better in motion, but the pics look "meh".
Its probably the motion blur effect, but I can't tell from the pics. You can't really make out anything from the pics besides they know how to draw a gun and the character models look decent, but it's nothing we haven't seen before. Looks exactly like FEAR from the pics I see. Like I said, it probably looks better in motion but the pics look "meh".

watch the HD trailer in the other sony e3 thread.
The pictures in question are pretty dark and aren't revolutionary from what I can make out. I'm sure it looks better in person, but the screenshots posted don't do much for me.
You people have to stop being so shallow and looking at only the pics. I suggest you direct yourself to and check the trailer.

Unless you can't cause you're at work like myself :(
I don't think there will ever be anything on the PS3 that will ever please the critics of the PS3. It will never matter to some people that the game actually does show off some of what was promised from the PS3. If you ask them why you will most likely get the same regurgitated answers from the past we have seen over and over. You will also never live up to the hype that was set out by the former head of the gaming division at Sony. They hired a new guy and have taken a more positive direction. They have not stepped on peoples toes and they have actually worked towards giving the people a better product in the PS3. This will always be overshadowed my the missteps that were taken before. Remember you can only make a first impression once and that was what left a sour taste in peoples mouths with the PS3.
Those pics, in the original post, probably don't do the game justice. I'm in the process of downloading the HD trailer though (currently at 73%), so we'll see how it looks in motion. I'm quite curious to see how it compares to the original E3 trailer, and how it looks compared to another fantastic looking game trailer shown yesterday (Call of Duty 4).
Just watched the trailer. I will say that I don't think it looks nearly as good as that original trailer, which we all know was CGI, but it did look good none-the-less. I'm definitely not hating on the game, but I hope it really improves on the first Killzone where it counts. I'd definitely get it.
Wow. The game looks absolutely amazing. It's not AS amazing as the CG trailer (duh), but I have to say it comes pretty damn close.

Here's hoping the gameplay matches the quality of the graphics. The inclusion of lean is something different for a made-for-console FPS.... so it looks like they're taking the necessary steps to make it a great experience. :D
i didnt think it looked all that amazing. it looked good, but nothing earth-shattering by any means.

why are people so pumped up about it? because it looks good? Killzone 1 looked good and got average reviews at best.

The inclusion of lean is something different for a made-for-console FPS.... so it looks like they're taking the necessary steps to make it a great experience.

really? Rainbow Six Vegas, GRAW 1 and 2, Splinter Cell (all) and Gears of War would like to speak with you.
i didnt think it looked all that amazing. it looked good, but nothing earth-shattering by any means.

why are people so pumped up about it? because it looks good? Killzone 1 looked good and got average reviews at best.

Apparently they were hindered by the power of the PS2.. i mean come on.. my graphing calculator was faster than the PS2 emotion engine :p ;) . Its just like halo, im guessing they aren't trying to bring anything new to the FPS genre, but do everything pretty well. The only thing i heard that was new so far is to be able to shoot behind cover without peeking your head.. which sounds pretty useless unless you were in a narrow hallway.
really? Rainbow Six Vegas, GRAW 1 and 2, Splinter Cell (all) and Gears of War would like to speak with you.
Vegas, GRAW 1 and 2 are all available for PC as well (well, not GRAW 2 yet, but you get what I'm saying).

Splinter Cell and Gears of War?
What does the acronym FPS mean to you?? :confused:
wtf pics are you looking at?

Hardly meh as far as im concerned.

Agreed, it's not Meh. It's definitely not up to the target video standards (but really, what fool ever expected it to be?) but it's up to probably Gears of War standards or so, but with more stuff going on and less color.

Looks decent, though.
Vegas, GRAW 1 and 2 are all available for PC as well (well, not GRAW 2 yet, but you get what I'm saying).

Splinter Cell and Gears of War?
What does the acronym FPS mean to you?? :confused:

ok, i was out of line on splinter cell, but ask anyone about GoW and they'll tell you its more FPS than anything else.

and while we're nitpicking, allow me to quote you:

made-for-console FPS

GRAW 1 and 2 and vegas were all developed console first. doesnt matter if they came to PC later.
GRAW 1 and 2 and vegas were all developed console first. doesnt matter if they came to PC later.
Actually, they were all designed to hit the PC eventually (if not simultaneously released). If you'd look at the press releases for each game, you'd see "coming soon to a PS3, 360, and PC near you!" or something to that effect.

Please, just stop. lol
Halo is a made-for-console FPS. Resistance is a made-for-console FPS.... and yes, Killzone 2 is a made-for-console FPS. That's what I was getting at.

And say what you want about Gears, I for one know it's not an FPS, because it effectively fucks up the entire meaning of the acronym. If anything, it's a third person shooter.

EDIT: Hey, look what I found:
"Genre: Third-Person Shooter"
oh god, don't be a dick.

GRAW 1 was developed for the 360 FIRST. with the console in mind. after they launched, they made changes to the game to adapt it for PC. which is why it came to the PC LATER.

GRAW 2? Same deal.

R6: Vegas? Same deal.

Now, if you want to talk exclusive to console, that's something completely different, but these ubi games are developed with the console in mind first and then an entire different studio (in some cases) take the game and make it work for PC

Actually, they were all designed to hit the PC eventually (if not simultaneously released). If you'd look at the press releases for each game, you'd see "coming soon to a PS3, 360, and PC near you!" or something to that effect.

Please, just stop. lol
Halo is a made-for-console FPS. Resistance is a made-for-console FPS.... and yes, Killzone 2 is a made-for-console FPS. That's what I was getting at.

And say what you want about Gears, I for one know it's not an FPS, because it effectively fucks up the entire meaning of the acronym. If anything, it's a third person shooter.

EDIT: Hey, look what I found:
"Genre: Third-Person Shooter"

I can't believe it's necessary to argue about the fact that gears is a third person shooter, LOL.
I can't believe that they started arguing about it in the first place.. lol. Back on topic please! I think the biggest thing critics are looking for in this newest killzone installment is how good the AI is going to be. I hope they can top FEAR in AI or something.
I can't believe it's necessary to argue about the fact that gears is a third person shooter, LOL.

Tell that to the other guy.:rolleyes:

...and to the other guy, here's an excerpt from the press release for upcoming Ubisoft games back in '05 (GRAW 1 was originally Ghost Recon 3):
"- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 3 (Xbox, PS2, Cube, PC, next-gen consoles)"

Again, thanks for trying.

EDIT: Oh look, another post of his trying to shit on Killzone 2...
Thread crapping at it's finest...
I'm done with replying to you.
Killzone 2 looks amazing. It beats most of the competition into the ground.

Well, I wouldn't go *that* far. It's at roughly the quality level of Gears of War. I don't say that as an insult, I think that's a perfectly good level to be at, and puts it in good company with one of the most beautiful games ever released on any console.

sorry, sour taste still in my mouth from that whole ordeal

"Its definitely real..."

"That is real gameplay everybody's seeing out there..."

"It is gameplay..."


That E3 trailer was pretty sweet, and was the one game that got me excited about the PS3, and then the truth came out. Still, I'm very much interested in the game. Live I said, I just hope it ends up better then the original.
Well, I wouldn't go *that* far. It's at roughly the quality level of Gears of War. I don't say that as an insult, I think that's a perfectly good level to be at, and puts it in good company with one of the most beautiful games ever released on any console.

in fairness, he did say "most"
being a 360 owner i was actually looking forward to this title being a graphical masterpiece, which would hopefully spur 360 devs into over drive, but seeing the trailer and those screens i guess the 360 devs will be sitting comfortably in their chairs again:(
Looks impressive. It doesn't look as good as the target render but its still in its pre pre-alpha stage. Hopefully they show more gameplay videos during Sony's conference.
I did. I didnt see anything revolutionary. No hud, regenerating health, fancy graphics... what did I miss? =/

I'm with you there. Oh well when it comes to graphics pc gamers sometimes can be a bit whorish :) But as far a a console go's that is VERY GOOD.
Hopefully by the time this game comes out the PS3 60GB will have dropped to $399. I really don't see anything for PS3 right now that will make me drop $500 on it. So far MGS4, Little Big Planet, and this interest me.

As far as the video and pics, the game looks very good. My only gripe would be the retarded blank stares from the soldiers and sometimes odd mouth movements.
Looks impressive. It doesn't look as good as the target render but its still in its pre pre-alpha stage. Hopefully they show more gameplay videos during Sony's conference.

Mmm, I doubt it's in pre-pre-alpha, LOL. It's been in development for at *least* 2 years after all :)
Actually, the lead designer said on NeoGAF that it is indeed pre pre-alpha. Here's his post:

"First of all. WHAT DID I SAY? Did I lied? Am I a jackass, because I could not say anything about KILLZONE "2"? I could not. It IS one of our most important games, in the history of SONY Computer Entertainment. And I hope you like it!

And I am not finished yet:

- Don't forget one thing: This game is PRE-pre-alpha! So, not PRE-Alpha, PRE-PRE! So, please don't start some "Hey, can you see that texture poppin' up! PLEASE, stop it, ok?
There will be much more details, effects and so on. Give us some time.

- Second: Half of the animations are still NOT in the game so, it will look MUCH MUCH better in the final game. Yes, we said it: The animations are matching the target render. Maybe it looks even better in the final game.

- third: Is there already a video out? I get no info here, because the conference is killing us (with joy). If so, enjoy it! If not, playstation storewill have it. You have to see it in HD to believe it.
And finally: mckmas8808, Bad_Boy, Busty, I said it, and we delivered!

So, wait for the conference for more info.
You saw NOTHING yet!"
in fairness, he did say "most"

Yep I did say most. Gears and killzone both do different things very well so I will not even bother comparing them till I actually play killzone .

The lighting in killzone is freaking crazy. The detail is superb. The thing is still in development too. I know there are some .gifs going around that show blood spewing and shadows and just general next-gen craziness. I forgot all about killzone, after the trailer of 05 it was MIA, but now... shit, can not freaking wait!
If its pre alpha that is indeed interesting. I would guess they have at least another 6 months of work left.

After seeing the graphics I’m a lot more interesting in the game play. To me it looks like a mix of F.E.A.R and Call of Duty. Both games I enjoyed. If it has the intensity of the first Call of Duty while adding in some new gameplay elements I’m all over this game.
As I recall, we first saw the KZ2 trailer in 2005, so they were obviously doing *something* at that point :)

regardless, they would have been spending the early stages of "development" with writing, storyboards, design etc. even before they would have had the SDK.