Kids Spend More Time On Computer Than In Class

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A new study says that British kids spend twice as much time on the computer and TV than they do in school. Thankfully U.S. kids don’t have this problem. :rolleyes:

On average British children spend five hours and 18 minutes watching television, playing computer games or online each day. The total of 2,000 hours a year compares with 900 hours in class and 1,270 hours with their parents.
Starting at a young age, I see why so many kids have social problems. They have trouble with their social skills in real life. My mother works in a counseling office at a high school.. it seems like every passing year brings a larger number of socially inept kids and emotionally impaired kids. Either that or we're just hitting the 80's/90's kids whose parents took too many drugs while they were in the womb..
weak. I go from driving and surging the web on my bb, to getting to work and surfing on my work pc, to going home and playing on that pc :)
In retrospect, I did the right thing.

I kinda ignored my classes, and studied computers a lot. (This is school in Alberta Canada btw)

Where did it land me? An IT professional career. I get paid to do the things I did "wasting my time on" while in HS. Sure I kept learning post HS, fiddling with computers, but the things I learned at that time were very fundamental and will forever help me.

It's not for everyone, but what you learn at HS isn't always going to land you the career you want. A lot of the subjects are irrelevant to any specialization you might take. Engineers don't really need Social Studies. Politicians don't really need Sciences. Architects don't really need English class.

I suspect reform is needed for the K-12 system, as it really was not that challenging. I suspect it could be improved also in helping students study more specific things, while studying some broad studies; as opposed to just broad studies.
you are exactly right ....

why would an engineer need to know the history of the country he lives in or the proper way to vote, or learn how the judicial system works, especially in such an economically messed up society right now; why would a politician need background knowledge to vote on environmental problems; and why would an architect need the ability to portray his ideas to construction companies to build a new building that up to safety codes?

you should have paid more attention is school
Hell, at the school district that I work teachers will not teach if the computers don't work.
Engineers don't really need Social Studies. Politicians don't really need Sciences. Architects don't really need English class.

I disagree. You need history to understand the context of the world your job contributes to. You need sciences for the same reason. And you need English to be able to communicate properly. This goes for any profession. Not saying you should have to be an expert or have a masters in a field within physics when you want to be an architect, but basic understanding. When I say that, I mean an equivalent of a High School class. Of course, I'm not saying our public schooling is perfect or even that good. I advocate home schooling.
if they have 2k hours of playing and 900 hours of school. I must have atleast 1700 hours of class since I have 4 hours of classes (more if you count the study groups I'm in.... some teachers can't teach).
Knowing what year the battle of waterloo happened in vs how to fix computers. Which do you think I get more use out of? Then again, not everyone learns much about what they play with. A lot of kids play all day on computers and still don't even know what a cpu is or does beyond "it has mhz!".
I guess that explains why we have so many young voters that are repeating history.
Shocking news really.... next up adults spend more time doing "recreational" stuff on the computer then working.
:confused: I have 5 hour lessons a day and even in primary school we spend way longer than 2 hours 39 minutes doing work
Sensationalist headline for the win!

The article actually states 5 hours and 18 minutes of TV, computer gaming or going online.

It doesn't have a breakdown of those three activities but I'm willing to bet that gaming is a really small overall component next to TV, TV and more TV. In fact, 5 hours of TV isn't at all surprising and their parents probably rack up that much as well.
I guess that explains why we have so many young voters that are repeating history.

Yes I remember when we elected the last black president...crazy times.

On average British children spend five hours and 18 minutes watching television, playing computer games or online each day.

So they lumped a few things together and realized it totaled a lot of time, shocker! You can do that with any generation and the things kids liked to do with their spare time, kids don't usually spend their time wisely who the hell cares?

Also I'm not really sure what the British public school system is like but from what I've seen of the US public school system, the amount of time you spend in class doesn't mean a damn thing. I remember missing a week of school because of the flu and taking about 3 hours total to catch up on all my work.
you are exactly right ....

why would an engineer need to know the history of the country he lives in or the proper way to vote, or learn how the judicial system works, especially in such an economically messed up society right now; why would a politician need background knowledge to vote on environmental problems; and why would an architect need the ability to portray his ideas to construction companies to build a new building that up to safety codes?

you should have paid more attention is school


High School is a learning foundation anyway, it is not meant to teach you enough for an advanced career, rather give you the tools to excel and go further
Yes I remember when we elected the last black president...crazy times.
Judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

I wasn't referring to the president anyhow.. I was referring to Congress. They're the ones that do all the legislating. The president is merely a puppet with influential power.
At our school, we have tablet computers that are used as notebooks and such. So we spend pretty much all the time on a computer :p.
I suspect reform is needed for the K-12 system, as it really was not that challenging. I suspect it could be improved also in helping students study more specific things, while studying some broad studies; as opposed to just broad studies.

I wholeheartedly agree. There needs to be a reform in the whole education system honestly. When I was going through school I took a lot of general academics. Science, social studies, etc. In highschool it wasn't much different with the exception of what measly computer related courses were available. I literally had to go to a different institute altogether to have a computer information systems class, and all that was was just a beginner's prep to programming in various languages. This wasn't until my junior year of highschool. Throughout that time I was learning computer hardware on my own, through reading [H] and other similar sites and lurking the forums.

By the time I got to college, I didn't know what the hell to do, because I didn't know enough about any particular thing to really say "I'm most passionate about this, so it makes sense I do this." I just knew I didn't want to do what I originally enrolled in, which was Electronics Engineering, which I hated, got burned out trying to do, and dropped out. (My mother losing her job didn't help matters either, but that's a different story altogether)
In my opinion we need to put into law that PE or Gym classes need to be in every class year in its entirety. The obesity rate among kids in this country is getting way too high for comfort.

I spent at LEAST 30 hours a week in front of a PC but goddamn I still run and lift weights.......

I walked into BK just today and seen a sea cow downing 2 whoppers and fries and I was like holy god, turned around and went to Subway lol
Maths, sciences, and history are the only important subjects. English in its depths is unnecessary because whther or not I know about the Allegory of the Cave is inconsequential to the world. History is unfortunately fed to children in a brainwash approved format here just as it is in Germany and Japan, unfortunately.

I mean, the government had no idea idea Pearl Harbor was going to happen when in reality declassified documents show the president and government did actually know, right? And Germany put ads in the New York times urging Americans not to take cruise ships to German infested waters because ships would be sunk, but that didn't stop the government from urging Americans to cruise abroad in those very waters just before WWI!, right?

I'm sure school history books will forget that the World Trade Center attacks, the London Train and bus bombings, and that other "terrorist" attack all had wargame-antiterrorist scenarios running on the exact same days for the exact same places and the exact same situations that happened in reality at the exact same moments in time! No way this shit could ever be anything other than coincidence, right?
you are exactly right ....

why would an engineer need to know the history of the country he lives in or the proper way to vote, or learn how the judicial system works, especially in such an economically messed up society right now; why would a politician need background knowledge to vote on environmental problems; and why would an architect need the ability to portray his ideas to construction companies to build a new building that up to safety codes?

you should have paid more attention is school

There will ALWAYS be an exception to such a broad example such as mine. Did you really expect me to account for every possible permutation?

It was a generalization, but thanks for expecting more from it.
Maths, sciences, and history are the only important subjects. English in its depths is unnecessary because whther or not I know about the Allegory of the Cave is inconsequential to the world. History is unfortunately fed to children in a brainwash approved format here just as it is in Germany and Japan, unfortunately.

I mean, the government had no idea idea Pearl Harbor was going to happen when in reality declassified documents show the president and government did actually know, right? And Germany put ads in the New York times urging Americans not to take cruise ships to German infested waters because ships would be sunk, but that didn't stop the government from urging Americans to cruise abroad in those very waters just before WWI!, right?

I'm sure school history books will forget that the World Trade Center attacks, the London Train and bus bombings, and that other "terrorist" attack all had wargame-antiterrorist scenarios running on the exact same days for the exact same places and the exact same situations that happened in reality at the exact same moments in time! No way this shit could ever be anything other than coincidence, right?

Cliche: History is written by the victors :/
Yes, it's all an inside job and the government flew radio controlled planes into the twin towers and pentagon and a farm field in pennsylvania.
900hrs = 6hrs *5day *30weeks.

I went to school and learn't a load of stuff that I didn't need to, to delay getting a job!

I play computer games to teach me to drive, and instruct me what to do in post apocolyptia.

How can we turn tv watching and games playing into education and eventually into a productive activity to help the world economy?
if bush can spend 34% of his presidency on vacation, why can't kids spend 34% of their time on the computer, silly reporters :)

but really...computers are the best thing. I don't know where i'd be if i didn't learn so much about them. However, i think we should do things in moderation. Hell, with the way things are going...GTA may become a way of life for more and more people lol.
The article should also include the fact that even when at school, kids spend more time talking about video games than they do focusing on their assignments .. More so for my Grade 10s than my grade 9s.
if bush can spend 34% of his presidency on vacation, why can't kids spend 34% of their time on the computer, silly reporters :)

but really...computers are the best thing. I don't know where i'd be if i didn't learn so much about them. However, i think we should do things in moderation. Hell, with the way things are going...GTA may become a way of life for more and more people lol.

Camp David != vacation
Yes, it's all an inside job and the government flew radio controlled planes into the twin towers and pentagon and a farm field in pennsylvania.

I know right. Its not like a coincidence with a ratio larger, by a factor of 10, than the amount of sand particles on the entire planet Earth can't happen.. 3 times in a row.
I know right. Its not like a coincidence with a ratio larger, by a factor of 10, than the amount of sand particles on the entire planet Earth can't happen.. 3 times in a row.
Yes. The tin foil is rolled deep around these parts.
Yes. The tin foil is rolled deep around these parts.

I'm guessing Bush and his friends never did anything illegal while in office either, did they?

Oh, its just a coincidence that Halliburton was almost bankrupt just before the war, had its stocks grow to 10x the worth, and close to when Bush is leaving office they begin to fall, while still hovering above 3x their value before the war.


Its also a coincidence that 9 billion dollars, shipped as cash and counted by weight, happened to go unaccounted for over in Iraq.

I, too, refuse to question or look in to anything that hurts my pristine view of my country and government.