Kid racks up a bill over 1000 pound on his dads credit card

It took him over six months to realize he was being charged for something? He deserves it for not keeping a tab on his finances.
You are pretty retarded if you don't check your credit card at least one every few days. It takes 5 seconds to do, on the PC or even on a phone app.

1000 pounds? isn't that like 1200-1400 dollars? Don't know the conversion rate.

I know the spending limit of my card, and even without looking up anything I can roughly tell you at any given time how much I left out of my credit line. Usually down to 50-100 dollars.

Not related but I pay the balance off every 3 weeks or so. The interest rate means nothing to me because I pay it off monthly. I'm sorry but I have to laugh at the people who just pay the minimum balance. If you turn over the statement, it gives a projected pay off and interest totals. It's something like if you owe 3K and only pay 50 bucks a month, it takes something like 15 years to pay off with the crazy ass rates they charge. That 3K debt turns out to cost you 12K total. CRAZY.
An article attacking games from a Daily Mail? Must be a day that ends in y. The father and son are both complete fucking morons. The son should know better by that age and the father should have checked his balance. Do credit card companies in the UK send monthly statements? Wouldn't he have to have paid on that balance during those six months?
Uh, ok so how the fuck do you manage to spend that much on upgrades? There should be a limit with that. Like a a premium package with BF. Not that I bought that either but still. Shady. COD and EA being the games that have this "upgrade" bs are a SHOCK TO MY SYSTEM!!

Greed is the problem. How many boats do you really need?
The father shouldn't have let the kid use the CC in the first place, especially if he's too young to not know better. I also don't know how he went so long without knowing about the huge balance.

Having said that, I do agree with the dad about how easy these purchases can be made. I agree with him, but I don't really feel sorry for him.
Did something like this once. Used my step dads cc to renew live. Thought i went with 1 month but did 12. He was mad but let it go. Year later when i turn 18 and got my first real job he decided to bring it up again lol. Payed him back and all is well
Not related but I pay the balance off every 3 weeks or so. The interest rate means nothing to me because I pay it off monthly. I'm sorry but I have to laugh at the people who just pay the minimum balance. If you turn over the statement, it gives a projected pay off and interest totals. It's something like if you owe 3K and only pay 50 bucks a month, it takes something like 15 years to pay off with the crazy ass rates they charge. That 3K debt turns out to cost you 12K total. CRAZY.

This is the purpose of this system generated by the credit card companies, essentially turning people into long-term indebted slaves. People fall for it out of ignorance, believing this money to be free, like these organizations are doing them a favor. That, and there are those with insane spending habits, consumerist behavior that "have to" have everything. Somehow believing that owning it all will bring happiness, or completeness, or some other fantasy that our consumerist culture purports.

I suppose the truly scary part is that it's all 'legal'.


In regards to the thread topic, I don't really think this is surprising at all, sad as that statement is to say.
They're both guilty. The father should of watched his finances, and the kid KNEW what he was doing. If you have friends and you're familiar with Xbox Live, you know that Xbox points is real $$$.
For many years all companies looked at the phone carriers with envy, FINALLY the game companies figured out how to pull it off.

Really the kid knew what he was doing, he is 12, even my 7 year old knows not to do that crap. And if everything else fails the father should have just told MS to screw off and I am not paying/ canceled the charges and threatened not to pay the credit card bill. It is very clear that any company that cares would put in safety measures, but they dont because this is EXACTLY what they want to happen, just like the long distance days followed by the texting days. They look for that addictive feature kids want and over charge for it.
I'm sorry but I don't believe this at all. Over SIX MONTHS the guy didn't notice the XBL charges on his card? It's beyond retarded that you can even spend that much money on COD and FIFA in the first place, but that is kind of beside the point in this case.
For many years all companies looked at the phone carriers with envy, FINALLY the game companies figured out how to pull it off.

Really the kid knew what he was doing, he is 12, even my 7 year old knows not to do that crap. And if everything else fails the father should have just told MS to screw off and I am not paying/ canceled the charges and threatened not to pay the credit card bill. It is very clear that any company that cares would put in safety measures, but they dont because this is EXACTLY what they want to happen, just like the long distance days followed by the texting days. They look for that addictive feature kids want and over charge for it.

There ARE parental controls on the 360.
And why the hell is the kid dressed up like that for the photos? I'm pretty sure he doesn't wear those kind of clothes on a daily nor does he wear them just to play cod.
And why the hell is the kid dressed up like that for the photos? I'm pretty sure he doesn't wear those kind of clothes on a daily nor does he wear them just to play cod.

Some schools require kids to dress like that I think.
Between December and June this year Nik spent a wallet-busting £1,150.

What the fuck? the father didnt look at his statement in 6 months?

hahahaha what a crook
What the fuck? the father didnt look at his statement in 6 months?

hahahaha what a crook

I think George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and their gang of 11 others are recruiting. He can be "that guy" that steals wallets or something, or just continues to steal from his dad through Xbox Live. "Guys! I stole another grand from my dad's card!" Hey, every penny counts.
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The youngster thought he had earned the points for scoring goals and killing villains and he used these to add extra weapons for his soldier in hit game Call of Duty and players in football game Fifa.

WTF? Does he also believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?

Kid can't be that stupid. What a fucking liar.
Yeah.. I think the term "accidentally" is rather loosely defined in this particular story.
I really really hate those "Look at me! I'm a victim!" pictures. Something about it just annoys me.
I like how the bill example shows four £17charges and one £6 charge from MS, yet the account balance varies all over the place and by almost £200 at one point. Seems more like the dad is a fucking retard. :)
Funny how everyone is blamed except the persons who actually are to blame, the parent and the kid.

So it's either fraud or a new low in fucking stupidity.