Kickstarter Not Built for Ouya Failure.. Sort of.

I too fail to see how everyone that donates money to Kickstarters don't understand it's a risk. I think that's quite obvious.

Perhaps some think it is pre-ordering a game, though even then, I would think it is very clear that this is not the case.
To me it does not matter, as a kick starter you have ventured into the world of venture capitol, you recieve no insurance in that game.
I have only donated to 2 Kickstarters because of the whole what if in the end there is nothing. The 2 I contributed to are Wasteland 2. I mean look at who is making it. Brian Fargo has a proven track record. I am $75 into Wasteland 2.

The other project I contributed to is Girl Meets Bike which is a movie about a young female shop teacher and her buying her first motorcycle (with her wedding dress money). I actually met the director and the lead actress at a local motorcycle event (The Bearded Lady Motorcycle Freak Show). The director is local to where I live, the filming was done locally and finished he just needed money for post production. This will also be the directors 7th feature film. A local University has students helping with the post production for sub title translations. I am $55 into Girl Meets Bike.

In both of these cases I am highly confident I will receive the finished work that I have contributed towards. If not I am out two tanks of gas. Big deal. Would be interesting in dealing with AMEX for a charge back for non delivery but with how AMEX is that could happen.
I don't see how someone can not understand that.
wait... how long have you been on this planet? :D

I can't wait to see folks here bitch and moan when stuff they helped kickstart gets released as some kind of foul odor. I still get a chuckle from when Rage came out; are all those pre-orderers still butt hurt over that one? Such silliness sure does "kickstart" my mornings :p
It's a charity. Are you going to open a lawsuit against the cancer research foundation and demand a refund if they don't find a cure for cancer?