Just joined [H]ardfolding....I think


Sep 7, 2004
Hey all,

I just put my new rig together and fired up F@H. I am logged in as magnusvir. I put in the team number as 33. I assumed I did it right as the [H]ardfolding team stats come up. The problem is my stats dont show up as part of the team. Will it do so only when i complete 1 work unit? Sorry if the question is stupid but I am a total n00b to F@H.
Welcome to the team!

Yes, your contributions only show up once you've finished a work unit... Stanford updates their stats every 3 hours (I think)... There are a few other stats pages around, take a look in our FAQ and/or browse the forum a bit... If you have any questions, feel free to ask, there are many many friendly people here to help... of course, don't be offended if your thread becomes a moose-hugging discussion or monkey spanking fiasco... it's all part of the fun ;)

Keep on Folding!!

Hello and welcome,

I'm a noob too. Actually, I'm a nob. :D

No such thing as a stupid guestion and I don't know what I'm doing either. :eek:

But I'm folding.

Which did you get, the graphic or console proggie?
magnusvir said:
Hey all,

I just put my new rig together and fired up F@H. I am logged in as magnusvir. I put in the team number as 33. I assumed I did it right as the [H]ardfolding team stats come up. The problem is my stats dont show up as part of the team. Will it do so only when i complete 1 work unit? Sorry if the question is stupid but I am a total n00b to F@H.

Yummmmm, new boxen, what are the specs?
A big welcome to magnusvir and the knob...er nob.

Keep folding and may the addiction be with you always ;)
BillR said:
A big welcome to magnusvir and the knob...er nob.

Keep folding and may the addiction be with you always ;)

Nice catch, they don't spell knob as nob in Pa.? :D
Papa-Ming said:
Hello and welcome,

I'm a noob too. Actually, I'm a nob. :D

No such thing as a stupid guestion and I don't know what I'm doing either. :eek:

But I'm folding.

Which did you get, the graphic or console proggie?
I got the graphic one, aint it cool to see a blob of ball and sticks :D

dr_dirtnap said:
Yummmmm, new boxen, what are the specs?
I am running an Athlon 64 2800+ with 1 gig of DDR 400 RAM. Not as [H]ard as some of the rigs here but I am happy with the speed :p
welcome to the horde.

before too long, monkies, relics, mooses...moise...whatever a bunch of moose are and the debate scotch vs. vodka will consume you.

that is if the need for more hardware just to fold dosent.
well i have F@H allready downloaded so all I have to do now is type in my Hardforum username and 33 at the team ID? thats easy enough
a1ka1ine said:
just joined :) folding time :)

Just saw your other post, you've been busy! :)

Going to do this in addition to then?

Gee I wish all the regular folders were here at the moment to welcome you guys, they're

very informed and funny. But they'll come .

I'm only just a *Nob* :D

I see our resident nob has already welcomed you. ;)
Let me add my "welcome" to the list.

Ok...so much for that....now shaddup and fold. ;)
welcome all ye. I don't think i'm considered a "[H]ard" [H]ardfolder until i break into the top 100, but i'm working on it...

any questions, yell. someone will answer.
Excellent! More fresh meat!

Welcome, newly initiated, to team Moose Bard Drinkin' Scotch...

erm... I mean...

the [H]orde. :eek:
Dark Ember said:
Excellent! More fresh meat!

Welcome, newly initiated, to team Moose Bard Drinkin' Scotch...

erm... I mean...

the [H]orde. :eek:

He said Scotch!!!! Time for another drink.
wow lets see how many noob questions i can ask in one night, sorry

so how long untill my name shows up on the stats, ii havent started yet but will be when i go to bed, so will I be on there in the morning?
Hey man, thats how we all learn: asking questions. And we're all here to answer them for you! Just don't hesitate to ask, because someone here has the answer.

So, your name will show up on the stats as soon as you turn in your first WU. The amount of time that will take to complete more or less depends on how fast your computer it is, and which protein you have in your work unit. Could take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, really. :)
i was folding for a freind and was stopped at 180 of 400, I switched the the hardfolding team or whatever and it continued at 180. Will I get the credit for the coplete fold? last one cause im starting to fold now
jojasary said:
i was folding for a freind and was stopped at 180 of 400, I switched the the hardfolding team or whatever and it continued at 180. Will I get the credit for the coplete fold? last one cause im starting to fold now
yeah, once it finishes your stats will be created by Stanford, and whichever team # you have in place will be who you add your points to ;)
jojasary said:
seems liek the hard folding site isnt working currently, what gives?
it's being moved onto the [H]ardOCP servers i believe, search this forum for the answer...
Give it some time after you turn in a work unit. You may even give it a couple of days. Don't worry, it will show up. You can check your username on Stanford's Folding page to make sure you have the correct team number and stuff. That is also where the majority if not all the other stats pages get their info. Can't update the info until Stanford does so the most updated stats will be there.
wOOt. Just put in 1 work unit. Got 244 points now for the [H]orde. :D

Now for the next 1 gajillion units. :rolleyes:
Welcome all folders, past present and future...That should cover it for a week or so ;)
AtomicMoose said:
A week? You sure are optimistic... :D

Almost fell off the chair there moose. I can’t recall ever seeing my name and the word optimistic in the same sentence, but you came damn close :D
BillR said:
Almost fell off the chair there moose. I can’t recall ever seeing my name and the word optimistic in the same sentence, but you came damn close :D
Don't worry...in this case, your optimism is unwarrented.