Just got the Samsung 710T

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gosh all these debates...... i just want one clear cut winner and be settled with it. Even though i have 500 dollars to plump on a lcd monitor, i can't seem to peacefully choose which one without having second thoughts...

i guess this is the time where actually seeing them two in person will do the trick. That's why im heading out to all the major stores in nyc to see if which two are better. But im not sure the 710T will be readily available in all stores yet.
I just got mine and it OWNS. I'm never going back to CRT again. It owns in CS, it owns in Need for Speed Underground, it owns in Call of Duty, It owns in Far Cry, it owns in WC3, I mean it owns all, even the internet looks better. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
O, I also ordered it from Dell. I ordered it on Tuesday and got it on Wednesday and I ordered regular 3-5 day shipping. I guess DHL is tryin really hard to compete with UPS and Fed-Ex. But ya, no dead pixels, this LCD owns all. CRT'S ARE DEAD!!!! :mad:
Finally made the decision to buy 2 710Ts - but it seems that the 10% off online deal has expired :( Anyone know how often these run? Any alternative suggestions?

Would it help to call Dell and talk to someone live about some sort of Discount, (e.g. multiple monitor purchase?)

Should have been a little quicker on the draw. :rolleyes:


Edit: I called Dell, and they gave me the 10% off of both LCD panels. New Question: If the monitor is in stock - do they normally ship them out same/next day? (I was given a ship date of 28 July - but was told that the items could be shipped anytime before that.)
As a side note - I had the option of redeeming a coupon OR taking the 10%, in this case the coupon was not worth it :)
HC77 said:
Finally made the decision to buy 2 710Ts - but it seems that the 10% off online deal has expired :( Anyone know how often these run? Any alternative suggestions?

Would it help to call Dell and talk to someone live about some sort of Discount, (e.g. multiple monitor purchase?)

Should have been a little quicker on the draw. :rolleyes:


Edit: I called Dell, and they gave me the 10% off of both LCD panels. New Question: If the monitor is in stock - do they normally ship them out same/next day? (I was given a ship date of 28 July - but was told that the items could be shipped anytime before that.)
As a side note - I had the option of redeeming a coupon OR taking the 10%, in this case the coupon was not worth it :)

i got two of them, you wont' regret it!
CRaZy8 said:
I just got mine and it OWNS. I'm never going back to CRT again. It owns in CS, it owns in Need for Speed Underground, it owns in Call of Duty, It owns in Far Cry, it owns in WC3, I mean it owns all, even the internet looks better. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Teh Intarnet looks bettar!
Damn, I want me one of those.
CRaZy8 said:
I just got mine and it OWNS. I'm never going back to CRT again. It owns in CS, it owns in Need for Speed Underground, it owns in Call of Duty, It owns in Far Cry, it owns in WC3, I mean it owns all, even the internet looks better. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Now Im sry but The owns In CS is a TAD for, Yeah most other games look amazing but Not CS, I ahve yet to use a LCD that played CS well. CS is made of Greys and the grey is very hard for lcds to reproduce.

I am been to many lan centers all around NYC ,I play counter strile competitivly and have yet to see a LCD that can play CS well. It is a 5 year old game with really really bad textures,
Vinny is correct, the 16-bit textures on counter-strike look bad on all LCDs, but this LCD is better than any other I've seen. The textures are dated and bad on any monitor, even CRTs, but probably slightly worse on an LCD.
BombermanX said:
Vinny is correct, the 16-bit textures on counter-strike look bad on all LCDs, but this LCD is better than any other I've seen. The textures are dated and bad on any monitor, even CRTs, but probably slightly worse on an LCD.

CS Source beta starts Aug 10th, hopefully LCD users won't have to suffer with the 16-bit motion blur for much longer. ;)
That would be nice, 32-bit textures. One thing worries me about that; every time people change the look of a game, they feel it's a requirement to change the gameplay. That would be a mistake, as the gameplay in CS is very balanced and rather fun from time to time.
BombermanX said:
That would be nice, 32-bit textures. One thing worries me about that; every time people change the look of a game, they feel it's a requirement to change the gameplay. That would be a mistake, as the gameplay in CS is very balanced and rather fun from time to time.

The look of the game should change a lot since the engine for CS source will be using the one from HL2
In Cs 1.6 There is no 32 bit driver that is worth using. The 32 bit driver is written on code made for the voodoo 2 when quake 2 came out. It is very poorly written and in some cases the 16 bit looks alot better or could even be the same.

In cs souce the game will not change, The visuals will, The counter strike out now was just ported over onto the HL 2 engine. Thus the name Source as its the same cs source code. the speed of the game and all will be the same.

Now Counter Strike 2 Is currently in development and will even improve once the HL2 SDK is released to the public, CS 2 will be a totaly different game that will fail, You cant get better than CS it is the best game ever made, The reason so many people play it
vinny77 said:
In Cs 1.6 There is no 32 bit driver that is worth using. The 32 bit driver is written on code made for the voodoo 2 when quake 2 came out. It is very poorly written and in some cases the 16 bit looks alot better or could even be the same.

In cs souce the game will not change, The visuals will, The counter strike out now was just ported over onto the HL 2 engine. Thus the name Source as its the same cs source code. the speed of the game and all will be the same.

Now Counter Strike 2 Is currently in development and will even improve once the HL2 SDK is released to the public, CS 2 will be a totaly different game that will fail, You cant get better than CS it is the best game ever made, The reason so many people play it

I don't know about calling it the best game ever made, maybe the most balanced fps. My "best game" vote would go to Starcraft (still, after 8 years, the most played online video game). That is the only game of its type to acheive the level of diversity and balance that can keep something fun for 8 years.
The reason CS is so popular has something to do with the it not needing a high end system...
I can play SC on my REALLY old 200mhz p1 with 2 mb onboard, haha. CS requires my REALLY old p3 500 with 8mb onboard. But CS can look better with a better comp. SC starts where it stops haha.
Excelsior said:
The reason CS is so popular has something to do with the it not needing a high end system...

That and it is the only realistic game, Games such as Rainbow 6 dont compare to the realness of CS. Also the Speed of the game, the speed of a game is very hard to keep when graphics get better, The better a game looks the slower the game developers will make the player move to make the whole general game look better such as doom 3
BombermanX said:
I can play SC on my REALLY old 200mhz p1 with 2 mb onboard, haha. CS requires my REALLY old p3 500 with 8mb onboard. But CS can look better with a better comp. SC starts where it stops haha.

True, still though, you have to admit that is why both still flourish (besides gameplay). Most anyone has a computer capable of playing either game.

Andy Vinny, I seriously don't know about this realistic talk here pal. CS realistic? Hmm...until you give me some hard facts that prove it is the most realistic game, I will have to disagree. Raven Shield (from my exp) is FAR more realistic and detailed than CS.
Honestly, I'm almost tempted to flame you for this one, Vinny. You must be either A) young, B) naive, C) a foreign person without a strong working knowledge on the English grammatical, or D) All of the above.

How can you call Counterstrike the most realistic game when you speed up running when you theoretically are still carrying an assault rifle, submachine gun, or sniper rifle?! I boggles the mind, how you can contrive such outrageous claims. Farcry is much more realistic. How can you you quickly forget the fact that back in the days of 1.5 and earlier, when I played, that an AWP shot to the pinky or big toe would kill someone?! I don't care if you are using a .50 caliber Barrett, a shot like that would injure you, but certainly not even come close to killing you.

After playing the worthless game for several wasted years, I regret ever starting. If the graphics aren't horrid enough, the constant threat of cheaters and annoying 13 year olds shouting pre-pubescent rants into the microphone about "hacking" were enough to make me want to destroy my precious Samsung 710T monitor.

I will agree on Starcraft's fun factor, albeit for a limited time. It certainly was fun back in the Pentium 3 days, but time also hinders its enjoyability nowdays. I'm sure there is a strong fan group still, but obviously, many have moved on to newer games such as Warcraft 3, which I consider to be its successor.

Although I will say this...Counterstrike reminds me of my days when I was struggling to purchase a Voodoo 3 PCI 8 MB graphics card so I could dominate all people at this stage in technology.

Dark Assassin
Maybe the Balence of the maps and the Teamwork needed to Play in a match or scrim. Maybe the realism to the recoil of the guns, It is very real from what I have tried and used in real life. How about how there are no healhpacks or you cant pickupbody armor while the game is in progress,you can in farcry and i am not sure about rainbow 6. CS also has a realistic speed to them, you actually move like a normal person would, run-walk-crouch and jump. Game such and Farcry and rainbow 6 dont have this like Cs does. CS is a fast paced real life game. Idk this is just how i feel, I, Farcry is not as slow but shots barley hit and when you choot somebody with the M4 Carbine in the head and they just turn around and keep coming I mean come on how realistic is that, if you shoot anybody in the chest with 5 bullets from a rifle they are going down they arent going to keep shooting at you. think RB6 games arent real good, they are slow and have almost no control to them
Wow, yet again you sound rather unintelligent.

You also negate the fact that somehow you don't have to chamber the first round on the AK-47, how it somehow takes more shots from a pistol or a submachine gun to kill someone, and how you can somehow get shot 5 times with a high torso shot to the chest from an MP5 and still have the ability to run, shoot, and win a round. There is no realism there. And you talk about recoil? Let me tell you, you would be hard pressed to keep an AK-47 steady even on a 3 round burst, considering it's a 7.62 x 39 mm cartridge.

Sure the game had some finer realistic points, but those are very minute and not even that accurate to someone that actually knows how real weapons operate.

Seriously, stop embarassing yourself and making yourself look even more incorrect than you already are.

Dark Assassin
Or no i wont stop and you cant stop me. What you guys dont understand is that I really dont care, you guys just keep going on and on. Il say what i wnat to say when i want to say it. I have not broke any forums rules on any of my most recent posts. I have been informed by the moderators by all of you guys moaning to them about me. I am doing what i want to do. if you dont like me so much then stop replying to my posts. I look to help people and learn. I Guess you guys are just here to harras people or somthing I dont know for sure

This will be my 4th time saying this to everybody

Please stop
vinny77 said:
Or no i wont stop and you cant stop me. What you guys dont understand is that I really dont care, you guys just keep going on and on. Il say what i wnat to say when i want to say it. I have not broke any forums rules on any of my most recent posts. I have been informed by the moderators by all of you guys moaning to them about me. I am doing what i want to do. if you dont like me so much then stop replying to my posts. I look to help people and learn. I Guess you guys are just here to harras people or somthing I dont know for sure

This will be my 4th time saying this to everybody

Please stop

We won't stop until you actual do what you say you are trying to do. You are helping anyone, nor are you learning. IMO, and I am sure others agree, you are not a benefit to these boards.
Excelsior said:
We won't stop until you actual do what you say you are trying to do. You are helping anyone, nor are you learning. IMO, and I am sure others agree, you are not a benefit to these boards.

I have more posts than you in other sections, of this forum than you do and I have been registered a shorter time, I barley post in the diplay desction. So I guess I am doing something
I would just like to take this time to say that: the number of posts is not directly proportional to your skill level, personality, knowledge, et cetera.

Ive found farcry to be quite realistic in the way bullets hit the enermy. at the beginning of the game, when you take out the pistole, and shoot them a few times............ they will die. (faster if you aim for the body and head............. try shooting at their feet and you will see what i mean). But latter in the game, when the enermy has shields, bullet proof vests, and you shoot them............... its to be expected that they don't go down in 5 hits....... and that's exactly how it is in the game.

On a side note: vinny... (this is a personal question, don't answer if you don't want) ... are you young? or are you new to english? nothign wrong with making mistakes in typing, but sometimes they seem a little wierd. (no offense, when i was young....... oh back about 4 years ago......... i made millions of mistakes)

p.s. your ratio of posts:days only means one thing.......... how many times you post per day..................... it does not make you better or worse.
Although, when you post things like....... quote: "un how about NO" ............. it goes to show just how pointless a posts:days ratio is......... if you get my drift.

I will say this last thing about games. so long as your using a mouse/keyboard/joystick........ its not going to be "realistic"........... there are diffrent levels of realism obviously.... and health packs and armor are just something that some games do to make it more interesting. I will say that armor is very plausible........... if you shoot a guy........ take his armor? makes sense.......... and if you find some body armor on a box........... heck, put it on ^_^

~I like FarCry ^_^ :D ^_^
vinny77 said:
I have more posts than you in other sections, of this forum than you do and I have been registered a shorter time, I barley post in the diplay desction. So I guess I am doing something
Yes you are, it's called spamming.
Um please post one post I have made that has been spam or me not defending myself

This post does not count
vinny77 said:
I have more posts than you in other sections, of this forum than you do and I have been registered a shorter time, I barley post in the diplay desction. So I guess I am doing something

Doing something, yes. Doing good? Doubtful.

The reason who have more posts in other sections is because I rarely come to hardforums. The only reason I came back recently is for the display section. I post on AT 99% of the time. In fact, you are a great example of why I don't like to come to hard forums.
So stop coming , I would appreciate it

I aint going anywhere

i even asked to be banned and they wouldent do it, So there is no chance for me to go
vinny77 said:
So stop coming , I would appreciate it

I aint going anywhere

i even asked to be banned and they wouldent do it, So there is no chance for me to go

Just as many people would appreciate if you left. So far, you seem to be the only person that wants me to go..wonder why... :rolleyes:
The bickering around here is getting really old. There are several on the verge of bannsville, but we'll start with giving vinny77 a 48-hour vacation.
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