Just got the Samsung 710T

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19" LCD from Sharp had no ghosting that is walls textures etc. stayed sharp all the time. i do not see much difference between this 12ms lcd and another sumsung 193p which is 20ms.
Sharp is 19". The only bad thing is that it is analog. I would keep it if it was digital also. but for the games it is far better than Samsung.


I do not know the price.

I would keep 710t than 172x because 710t has pivoting.
The 710t does not ghost with complex textures, because the colors are slightly different - gradients. When the textures are less complex, there are fewer gradients, thus they blur together. As long as you have a high calibur graphics card, you won't get noticeable ghosting. You really have to look for the ghosting to even know that it's there.
BombermanX said:
The 710t does not ghost with complex textures, because the colors are slightly different - gradients. When the textures are less complex, there are fewer gradients, thus they blur together. As long as you have a high calibur graphics card, you won't get noticeable ghosting. You really have to look for the ghosting to even know that it's there.

That's good to hear. And mostly what I expected- why would someone review an LCD with such a low end card? I'd be hesitant to do it on my 9700, at least considering games like Far Cry.
I have used this Samsung 710T monitor for a few days, since thurday and. I have decided to return it to Monitors direct. I am still not 100% sure but about 75%.

I really just dont think that, Lcds are up to CRts yet. I still stand by my 8/10 review rating that I made. I stills ee some ghosting and motion blur. I did not expect, That i would be seeing these things on a 12ms LCD. I thought from reviews I read that, They were pretty close to CRts. Which I have dtermined they are not close yet.

The text on the 710T, Is so crisp and is much crisper than any crt. I have ever seen. That is a plus

The monitor plays Games and dvds buitifuly but there is still that ghostly and blurr feeling to this monitor.

Even In counter strike which is a 5 year old game. I get a motion blur on the walls, wgich is unacceptable for a 5 year old game

In far cry there is no ghosting or Motion blur

I do recommend this Monitor to those who want it. and it looks very sexy and sleek and the size makes up for its very short lack of top level performance

to me a college student where money is always short, i paid $519 for this monitor and have decided that It is just not worth it where i could get close to 3 17" samsung crts for the price.

I am going to get a ATI x800 XT PE or a 6800 Ultra and a New Crt

If you still ahve any questions about this monitor i will have it for a few more weeks and will be happy to answer anybodys questions,

AIM= Vincentp77
I have a 172x for bringing to LAN parties and what-not. I have seen the 710T in action (actually side-by-side to mine) at the last LAN party I went to and I would have to say I prefer the 172x of the two for several reasons:

1) It seems to ghost a little less than the 710T. I noticed in UT2K4 that the edges stayed sharper as you move past them. Also we tried some winamp visualizations (which are a much better test for ghosting in my opinion...) and it became quite clear that 710T blurred when faced with a heavy fill rate. Both of our systems were using an Asus 9800XT btw...

2) I find the wall mounting to be really slick with the 172x; at home I keep it on the wall and then when I need to bring it with me its just a matter of lifting it off the bracket (the base does not need to come off...)

3) Asthetics. The 172x deffinately looks better all around.

I bought my 172x (well actually 2 of them) 3 weeks ago from Best Buy and after rebates and it being on sale I paid $680 CDN. The cheapest I could find the 710T in town for was $675 (and this store had a 30 second/30 foot warranty...)

Both of my 172x monitors came with no imperfections.
vinny77 said:
So the 172x is better

In my opinion, yes. If I didnt have a monitor, and there was $100 difference between the two, I would still go for the 172x.
how was the text on the 172x, here on the 710T it is the best Ive ever seen
Idk i am thinking about returning my 710T and getting a samsung Crt and a X800 XT
Counter strike is a poor example: low texture quality means less diversity which leads to more noticeable ghosting.
BombermanX said:
Counter strike is a poor example: low texture quality means less diversity which leads to more noticeable ghosting.

Don't bother trying to reason with him. Ill reserve judgement till my 710T comes in. Half the time Vinny is incohrent. Thanks for some info though Vinnny.
I knew what you ment still what do you say I am . I have the 710T and even made a very detailed review on it

This maybe none of my business, and I'm not trying to crap on your thread. So if you take it that way, I apologize.

Anyway, I've read the EXCELLENT review you did on the 710T. Because of your review, I am now giving the 710T serious consideration. Your original assessment sounded like you were very pleased with it. The following are quotes from your review that lead me to believe that.
I think this Monitor is great. i have never actually owned another LCD but ahve used friends and this monitor Is far supirior. The quality in image is great. Most better tha CRT

As for ghosting it is still there and at the Moment, if this monitor Ghosts all others also do. While if you use this monitor for a few days the very very slight ghosting will be irelevant.

In following your "review" thread, and now this one, I get the impression that you have allowed yourself to be "talked" out of your initial admiration for this LCD, and that you are now going to "settle" for a CRT because of the opinions of a few people. I know, I know, I also consider other people's opinions, (like your review), but I do it before I make my purchase, not after.

IMO, you should trust your own eyes as to whether you should keep this LCD or return it for a CRT, not the opinions of others.

Anyway, I wish you the best in what ever you decide, and thank you for a great review!

Doug aka 7th Angel
Yes I am trusting my own eyes, ya know even thogh I love this monitors. A 19" crt and a ATi X800 Xt sounds a tad better. I still do see dome minor ghosting and, want to be able to play the next round of games, such as doom 3 and HL2 and dont knwo if this 9600Xt will handle them well at all.

I really do love this, Lcd. It looks so good on your desk. I am still unsure of what I will do. I have about 27 days left to decide
try to play games through analog connection. i have read that there is less blurring this way. let me know what you think
Ok will do, I just played Ut2k4 for about 2 hrs and there was alot of ghosting and cut up images and blurruing that i didnt notice
I'm not too sure vinnie knows what he wants as well. He grilled me for answers this morning regarding the quality fo the 710Ts. All i have to say is that I'm not getting the same problems he's getting with the lcds. In fact, I like my dual screen 710Ts so much that I bought my girlfriend a set of dual screen 710T's as well. In my opinion, these screens are awesome and well worth my hard earn money. I've had them a little longer then vinnie btw and I've also used them 7 hours straight one time already and my eyes aren't complaining yet. :D
I am also thinking about getting a 710t and have a 9600XT, i just got this shuttle barebone. I would get a 9800 but, i only got a 250 watt psu. I am soon moving to college (RIT) and I want as much space as i can. But i also need to game a lot too. What do you guys think?
Calibur said:
I am also thinking about getting a 710t and have a 9600XT, i just got this shuttle barebone. I would get a 9800 but, i only got a 250 watt psu. I am soon moving to college (RIT) and I want as much space as i can. But i also need to game a lot too. What do you guys think?

I will tell you Wednesday this week :) . I am sort of in the same situation though, 9700/Game/College.
yah, the whole reason for the lcd and xpc is college ./me misses his 465 watt psu
Calibur said:
yah, the whole reason for the lcd and xpc is college ./me misses his 465 watt psu

I think you'll be just fine without it. XPCs are awesome, Id get one but I figure since my case will be on the floor, it won't be in the way much.
gizo said:
I'm not too sure vinnie knows what he wants as well. He grilled me for answers this morning regarding the quality fo the 710Ts. All i have to say is that I'm not getting the same problems he's getting with the lcds. In fact, I like my dual screen 710Ts so much that I bought my girlfriend a set of dual screen 710T's as well. In my opinion, these screens are awesome and well worth my hard earn money. I've had them a little longer then vinnie btw and I've also used them 7 hours straight one time already and my eyes aren't complaining yet. :D

Sry I am just trying to trouble shoot
Excelsior said:
Dude...12ms isnt much lower than 16ms, and they have ghosting too. Until LCDs get in the 6ms and lower realm, I imagine that ghosting will still be evident. If you bought this LCD to expect no ghosting, then you messed up. If anyone truly cared about FPS or really fast paced games and doesn't want ghosting, they should get/stick to a CRT.

The differences have to do more with the fact that manufacturers rate own products differencty. So 12ms from Samsung might not be the same as 12ms from Benq etc.
As I said 12ms on 710t is way overrated.
bbc20000 said:
try to play games through analog connection. i have read that there is less blurring this way. let me know what you think

Ok I tried to play on anolog and its even worse for me, idk if its the 9600XT, maybe not powerful enogh. I am getting 80 fps in Ut2k4

so that seems good enogh to me
vinny77 - I merged your three 710T threads, so all the info would be in one place.

Good luck with the display - B.B.S.
Calibur said:
I am also thinking about getting a 710t and have a 9600XT, i just got this shuttle barebone. I would get a 9800 but, i only got a 250 watt psu. I am soon moving to college (RIT) and I want as much space as i can. But i also need to game a lot too. What do you guys think?

You can most definately put a 9800 in a xpc with 250 watt psu. I had a sb61g2 with 200 watt psu and the thing worked fine along with a 10K rapter and 3.0c cpu. I did not have a single power related problem with that set up. And I had it running for well over a year. With 250 watt, you should be golden if you decided to put a 9800 in there.
gizo said:
You can most definately put a 9800 in a xpc with 250 watt psu. I had a sb61g2 with 200 watt psu and the thing worked fine along with a 10K rapter and 3.0c cpu. I did not have a single power related problem with that set up. And I had it running for well over a year. With 250 watt, you should be golden if you decided to put a 9800 in there.

I agree, and infact I am running a 10K raptor in mine, with a 9800XT and I have my 3.0c cranked way up... no power problems now that I have the 250. I had the 220, and I could hear some coil wine when I ran my 9800XT in it (didnt do it with a Ti4600 in there...) so I went to the SilentX 250 watt psu and it made all the difference in the world. I am also running a USB scanner (no external power), an Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro (with the external device powered by a floppy power connector on the card) and also a DVD burner too. No power problems whatsoever.
Samsung is shipping me a brand new 710T right now. My 173T I bought a month ago had 2 scratches on the screen when I pulled it out of the mint box, so I RMA'd it. Got a call today saying that they didn't have that monitor in stock right now, and that they were shipping out a 710T instead.

My 173T was awesome (coming from an LG 17" CRT), but those scratches were annoying. I checked the specs on the 710T after I hung up with Samsung, and was shocked at how much better it was. It's not much more than the 173T pricewise ($15 CDN), so I'm kinda wondering why all those extra goodies only warrant such a small price increase?

Should be sitting on my desk within a few days. :D

edit: Monitor Depot has the 710T for $40 more than the 173T. Monitor Depot is in Ontario, but the site didn't say if the prices were in USD or CDN. :confused:
I just got my 710t, but I was disappointed to see that it was the two-legged version (Here). Dell's website shows the 710t with only one leg (Here) . What's with? Has anyone gotten the one-legged version?
A little Q/A earlier from AIM:

Have you noticed colors bleeding together or banding at all (such as gradients)?
How does it perform with digital video (DVD videos, ect.)
Do you know if it has 24-bit color?
What is the actual color/design of the monitor? I have seen many different pictures from some being all black to others being black and silver. What is it really? Does it look like this --> http://www.samsung.com/in/products/...tftlcdmonitors/brochure/matisse_710t_910t.pdf ?
Does it have any security lock device?
If you have seen the 172X, how does the 710T compare?
Is the pivot feature easy to use?
Are there any negative things you have noticed while using it?
What do you like best about the monitor?

1. I have not noticed colors bleeding together, and I did some gradient tests and it was fine. Looks better than any CRT.

2. DVDs look amazing. There is absolutely no flashing problem like experienced on other LCDs. The colors stay sharp and ghosting is not noticeable at all.

3. It is one of the only panels rated at 12ms to display true 24-bit colors, and it is truly stunning. Color reproduction is better than any CRT (as long as you're using DVI of course). Color reproduction is better than expected (I do graphic design and this was a major selling point for me)

4. The actual design is exactly that shown in the pdf file you linked to. However, it is all black. I do not know if there are other color variations, but the version I have is all black. It looks very nice - althought I do prefer the silver.

5. I am unsure what you mean by this, if you can specify what you mean, I'll look - locking this in place would not be difficult as the base is very sturdy and has crossbars that could be easy strapped down.

6. The 172x does not seem to keep up with the 710t in terms of color reproduction (both in the amount of colors and clarity). Colors look much, much better on the 710t. The brightness is also much improved on the 710t. The 172x is also slightly worse at ghosting. I tried the solitaire test, which ghosts on all monitors (including CRTs). Though they were not side by side, my rough estimates of the blurring put the 710t in the lead, either way, it isn't bad, though.

7. The pivot feature is fairly easy (one thing I wish was that it automatically rotated the desktop). The pivoting is done by first clicking on the pivot pro icon then selecting rotate 90 (or rotate 0 to go back), then rotating the actual screen. You can (and probably will want to) configure the pivoting software, and set a hotkey, in the advanced tab of your graphics card's properties.

8. No, none at all.

9. Text, colors, games, movies, looks, everything. The best part has to be its size. So much more space on my desktop - I love it!
bbc20000, I have a few questions for you.

You said you ordered your 710T from Monitors Depot. I looked on their site, and it appears to be the silver and black model that I prefer over the all black one that is in the US.


Did you actually recieve the silver/black model? Do you know if they will ship to the United States? I assume that is in Canadian dollars, correct? Also, is it true you cannot reture the monitor once you have opened the box (as said in the FAQs on their site)? This worries me if I were to get a dead pixel. Did you get any dead pixels?

Thanks a lot!!!
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