IWill KK266-R Processor Upgrade


Nov 29, 2003
I have an IWill KK266-R Version 1.0. I am currently using a T-Bird 900mhz.

I want to get a faster processor but I don't want to get a new motherboard because I don't have money for a new mobo and ram. I currently use PC-133.

The website states that it supports "Supports AMD® Athlon™ XP processor from 1400+ to 1900+". Does it matter if its a Palomino or Thoroughbred. Also, is there any reason that it won't support anything higher then 1900+? All the 1900+'s I find run the 266mhz fsb, I don't use DDR.

Any help?
Palomino or Thoroughbred won't matter.

Personally, I'd invest in some PC2100, 512MB is less than $50.
Thanks for the reply, any info about it supporting faster then 1900+.

I don't have the money to buy a new motherboard and ram. I am just graduating from college in April and will be saving this first year.

I would really like to get a 2100+ but I am not sure if it will work.

Thanks again.
Originally posted by MrCodeDude
Palomino or Thoroughbred won't matter.

Personally, I'd invest in some PC2100, 512MB is less than $50.

Wrong information. Come on guys, if you don't know the answer or just guessing, say so. Don't send someone down the road to buy something that won't work.

That motherboard only supports the Palomino or older. It will NOT support a Thoroughbred or Barton.

It supporting anything other than a Thunderbird is sketchy even with a revision 1.2 board. With the revision 1.0 board, it's even more of a gamble.

One of the things your going to have to do is move the VIO jumper to +10% to get it to run stable. Another thing is that it will not cold boot without pressing reset a second or two after power the system on. I have successfully gotten a XP2000 Paly to work with my revision 1.2 KK266-R with the latest BIOS (1002 if I remember correct). If I remember correctly, the Paly's went up to XP2100, and there should be sufficient multiplier support with IWILL's last BIOS they made.

Good Luck. Just do not buy a Thoroughbred or newer Athlon. It will absolutely not work.
Originally posted by Met-AL
Wrong information. Come on guys, if you don't know the answer or just guessing, say so. Don't send someone down the road to buy something that won't work.

That motherboard only supports the Palomino or older. It will NOT support a Thoroughbred or Barton.

It supporting anything other than a Thunderbird is sketchy even with a revision 1.2 board. With the revision 1.0 board, it's even more of a gamble.

One of the things your going to have to do is move the VIO jumper to +10% to get it to run stable. Another thing is that it will not cold boot without pressing reset a second or two after power the system on. I have successfully gotten a XP2000 Paly to work with my revision 1.2 KK266-R with the latest BIOS (1002 if I remember correct). If I remember correctly, the Paly's went up to XP2100, and there should be sufficient multiplier support with IWILL's last BIOS they made.

Good Luck. Just do not buy a Thoroughbred or newer Athlon. It will absolutely not work.

This is true. I had the V1.2 back in the days and then, at that time, Palomino support was sketchy. It was luck of the draw. So don't even think about T'Bred or Barton.
