It didn't live up to the hype...

Yeah, Ageia PhysX for sure, but most of us more intelligent people realised that it'd fail way in advance.

If we can go back more than 2 years I'd throw all LCD monitors into the overhyped hardware mix. Still inferior to a decent CRT unless you spend absolutely crazy money, and even then you've still got the native resolution problem.
Graphic cards.
While some have been great cards out of the starting gate, most either are slow going then get replaced quickly, or the "hype" is never really met of the card.
Radeon 2900
Playstation 3
Windows xp-64 (software I know)
WIndows Vista (ditto)
iPod nano video
AMD 4X4 / Quad

I can only partially agree. They are fast as hell. Anyone that's seen that video of windows loading nearly instantly knows that. They bench fast as hell too. Its really the lack of DDR2 support and 2gb sticks of ram that made it not so appealing. I'd still plop down the money for 1 of these with 4gb sticks (yeah, i know... dream). 16gb is plenty for a system drive for me. Wicked fast.
Yeah, the cost is what disappointed me with the iRam. If they made a DDR2 version I would consider purchasing it since ddr2 ram is so cheap right now.

A 16gb iRam with windows XP and a few critical apps would be awesome.
Within the last year I've seen iRams going for $130-$150 brand new... That's not so bad in my eyes... just the price of ram kills it.