Is there a noticeable difference in resolution?

On a 27 inch theres a difference. However, the best of them is a 24 inch with a 1920x1200 resolution in my opinion. There hard to come by though other than u2410 and u2412m. Those are both ips, I wish they still had VA panels in that ratio to be honest.
On a 27 inch theres a difference. However, the best of them is a 24 inch with a 1920x1200 resolution in my opinion. There hard to come by though other than u2410 and u2412m. Those are both ips, I wish they still had VA panels in that ratio to be honest.

24" is a great size to work with and I appreciate the 16:10 aspect ratio of 1920x1200. Anything beyond this size at 1920x1080 just doesn't look all that good. But I agree, I wish we had more choices for 1920x1200 monitors at that size beyond a handful of IPS choices. I'd love to get such a monitor for my girlfriend's machine.
What you think: I can play on 1440P in TF2 without performance drop? (GTX 680 / i5 2500K not OC).
I have 50-300 fps average in 1080p).
What you think: I can play on 1440P in TF2 without performance drop? (GTX 680 / i5 2500K not OC).
I have 50-300 fps average in 1080p).

its possible that you may not.

lower the resolution = more strain on cpu

higher resolution = more strain on gpu

raising the resolution to take some strain off of that stock processor could keep your fps at around the same its at now. hard to say though!
On a 27", the difference is astronomical --- I wouldn't buy anything under 2560x1440. If you prefer to get a 120Hz display, real estate aside playing a game @ 1080p on a 24" would look about the same.

I would have to disagree to an extent.

Yes, there is obviously a difference in resolution, however, it isn't as crazy as everybody makes it sound. In fact, I honestly think the picture on my Acer 23" is "sharper" than my 30" Dell. Despite the fact that my 30" has a higher DPI.

I have gamed on my PC using a 32" and 37" HDTV (both at 1080P) and up to 32" it really wasn't that noticable. 37" is more noticable, but to be honest, the picture size was so epic it didn't really matter. lol

As long as you aren't sitting with your nose buried in your panel it isn't nearly as noticable as some people make it out to be, IMO.
I currently do my gaming, surfing and work on a 24in 1200p ips and have another 24in 1080p tv next to it for strictly htpc media.

Been fighting the urge to add a third monitor in 1440p ips to use as my exclusive gaming monitor, but I really really want 120mhz in that resolution.
I currently do my gaming, surfing and work on a 24in 1200p ips and have another 24in 1080p tv next to it for strictly htpc media.

Been fighting the urge to add a third monitor in 1440p ips to use as my exclusive gaming monitor, but I really really want 120mhz in that resolution.

Aren't those Catleap or whatever they are called panels 120 hz?
So for a gaming monitor only would it be a no brainer to go ahead an get 1440?


So much back an forth i dont know what to take an what to leave. I currently have a single 680. I like smoothness an high fps with effects. Im looking at spending $800 tops. Im currently playing on a lcd tv an 1360x760. So im sure an upgrade is gonna have a huge wow factor to it but id like to do a wise upgrade. not buy 1080 an in a yr kick myself for not going 1400 or get 1400 an kick myself for not going 120hz. The bad part is i have no where to go an test a quality product so im doing a blind order from newegg.

What type of games do you play most? FPS? if so, it's arguable to get a 120hz LCD. Will you notice a difference between 60fps and 90fps?

If you don't play a lot of FPS online, then I strongly recommend getting a 27" LCD from South Korea on ebay for $300. I play BF3 single player and it looks great for that too. It's still pretty smooth on my Radeon 6950, so I wouldn't worry about your 680 at all if you don't play competitively.

The holy grail would be to buy one of the 100hz LCDs around $550. Then you get 2560x1440 and 100hz. So get the best of both worlds!

Most of them aren't and none of them run at 120hz out of the box. You have to use a hacked version of your display drivers and overclock them. It sounds like a pita to be honest.

The lack of a matte finish is why those Korean monitors are not options for me. While some bitch about the anti-glare coatings on every high end panel that uses them, I'm not bothered by them as much as I'm bothered by mirror like reflections on glossy panels. In a room with decent ambient light, I'll end up with headaches fast and as far as I'm concerned there is little point to using a monitor that makes the images on screen difficult to see. I've been there and done that on laptops and I can't stand it.

Not all of us are cave dwellers.
Aren't those all glossy panels?

Yes, the trade-off of having a much better picture is well worth have a little reflection IMO. Having bright lights when using any type of display, especially behind you isn't a good idea no matter which display type and anti-glare you use. If you are conscientious and have sensible lighting behind the display, there is very little problems with glare.

Most of them aren't and none of them run at 120hz out of the box. You have to use a hacked version of your display drivers and overclock them. It sounds like a pita to be honest.

Sometimes you have to take a few extra steps to get the best out of your equipment. I don't see why that is such a big deal on a [H]ardForum. Literally all you do is enable test mode with dseo.exe, remove the test mode watermark with the link included with the deso.exe, run ToastyX's DVI/SLI cap removal program that takes like 2 clicks of the mouse to patch the drivers, reboot and set your custom resolution in NVIDIA control panel.

Literally takes me like 2 minutes and once it's done, you don't have to ever touch it unless you upgrade drivers. If you cannot accomplish such an easy task as outlined above, maybe a forum like this isn't for you. :D

BTW if you saw 1440P at 132 Hz in person, I guarantee 99% of people would be falling over themselves to purchase one. ;)
Yes, the trade-off of having a much better picture is well worth have a little reflection IMO. Having bright lights when using any type of display, especially behind you isn't a good idea no matter which display type and anti-glare you use. If you are conscientious and have sensible lighting behind the display, there is very little problems with glare.

To each their own I suppose. I don't think the picture is that much better. Even if it was it's offset by the annoying reflections. All I can see on those things is reflections. I just can't do it.
i asked this in another thread but this one seems more active.

I am currently using a Dell 2209wa. Would I notice the jump in resolution if i went to a 23" 1080p screen? I am using gtx 460sli and don't want to go higher cause I don't want to upgrade video cards. If the jump isn't noticable i guess i'd have to get 1440p display and lookin into upgrading my cards too.
The move from 1050 to 1080p is negligible in terms of image quality, but for letterbox movies you won't lose have the massive black bars and 1080p gives a marginal increase in screen real-estate.

You can buy an Asus VG23AH 23" IPS panel which has much better image quality than your Dell and 72hz support. The image quality improvement should justify the expensive.
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NCX. I read through that review and it was very informative. Thanks. I'll see if I can sell off my two 2209wa to offset the cost of a new panel. I want a larger display though than 23 or 24
NCX. I read through that review and it was very informative. Thanks. I'll see if I can sell off my two 2209wa to offset the cost of a new panel. I want a larger display though than 23 or 24

fwiw, I sold my three 2209wa's and "upgraded" to 2560x1440 and I'm VERY happy I did.

yes, I lost real estate on the "upgrade". But it's so much nicer to have smaller dpi and higher resolution before I run into the bezel.
J Macker, did you use the 2209s for eyefinity or nvidia surround? If so, would you say it's worth it for that?That's the main reason I got them. Thought I'd have an easier time finding a third. I'm honestly happy with how things look, I just wish it were a bigger size so I could watch videos and stuff from further away.
I'm thinking of picking up an Asus VG278HE to compliment my 30" Dell. I wouldn't be using them in any type of dual monitor setup, but I it'd be nice to have the refresh rate and performance increase for my FPS and MMO games.

I have a 23 inch 1080 monitor and a 1440 27 inch. In game I can't tell the difference between the two save the fact that the 27 inch is bigger. On the desktop however, I rarely ever use the the 23 inch because I just have so little space. I've laid eyes on a 1080 27 inch (but never owned one) and even with my layman's eyes, I can see an obvious difference between the two monitos I do have. I personally wouldn't buy a 1080 27 inch.

As far as "my graphics card isn't powerful enough to drive XXX game," I'm running a 448 and have low-40s on something like BF3 with occasional (and noticable) drops to mid-30s. Dropping a 670 in I ran BF3 with everything except AA at 60 with occasional drops into the 50s. Had Afterburner not told me I went below 60, I wouldn't have known. I didn't even try adding in AA, so you may be able to toss that in without a problem. Almost everything else I've played so far runs at full settings on both cards. I don't expect the 448 to continue doing this for the next year or two, but considering a 7870 gives you almost equal performance, I don't see the problem. Next year I'd expect even the mainstream cards to be able to push 1440 at a really high level.
J Macker, did you use the 2209s for eyefinity or nvidia surround? If so, would you say it's worth it for that?That's the main reason I got them. Thought I'd have an easier time finding a third. I'm honestly happy with how things look, I just wish it were a bigger size so I could watch videos and stuff from further away.

Yes, I used the 3x2209wa's in Eyefinity on my Radeon 5850 for about 18 months, and then with my 6950 for 6 months when I decided to sell them and get a 27" 2560x1440.

I used my 2209wa's in portrait mode primarily and played Skyrim on it that way. It was very very nice. I can however see both sides of the bezel argument; the bezels are extremely annoying in Portrait mode, but much less so in landscape mode. The only games that I spent extensive time using Eyefinity was Borderlands 1 and Skyrim. I only played BF3 a little bit and have never been interested in online play.

Earlier this year, I had already spent many hours playing those two games and my primary games during this last spring were Path of Exile and League of Legends. I also had been anticipating spending a lot of time playing Diablo 3.

Now I spend most of my free gaming time playing Borderlands 2. Even though D3 was a turd and I didn't spend much time playing it, and now BL2 supports Eyefinity, I'm not sorry about selling the eyefinity setup and switching to the 27" Korean LCD.

The only thing I can tell you is that selling your eyefinity setup vs having a single 2560x1440 is this: it really depends on the games you play.

For the most part, Eyefinity does not benefit or is not compatible with games I spend the most time playing or anticipate spending a lot of time playing (Age of Empires 3 (yes, still), Path of Exile, Grim Dawn in 2013, League of Legends and Torchlight 2).
Borderlands 2 is the only FPS I plan on spending a lot of time with.

Yes I bought Max Payne 3 and I'm about 50% done, but lets be realistic, there's no replay value in MP3.

During my (roughly) 2 years with my 3x2209wa setup, I found that I had the two side LCDs turned off most of the time. However, I'm only on my computer for about 1 hour each day (4-5 hours on Sat/Sun). All my other time is spent at work, playing with my daughter or household projects.

One last item; 2560x1440 is 3.7MP, while 3x1680x1050 is 5.3MP.

So the single 2560x1440 has 70% of the pixels as your setup.
I think it's worth ditching the bezels. Matte vs. Glossy is a whole different story. Also the blacks on the 2209was are a bit better in my opinion.

oh, and watching videos on 3x2209wa's is lousy. The bezels are REALLY annoying for movies.
The 27" trumps the Eyefinity setup on that aspect.

I gave my Asus vw266H to my little brother because he needed a bigger LCD, the picture quality is shit and 1920x1200 is horrible for a 25.5" LCD. There is something majoryly wrong with people who buy 1080p 27" LCDs. They're just in denial about the benefits of high dpi.
Imo the difference is not that big between 27" 1080p and 1440p monitors. I think a good 1920x1080 monitor is better than a bad 2560x1440 monitor. Both being 27".
For gaming/movies/internet that is. I can't tell how that goes with color work. It's probabably different if your a freakin designer.
Imo the difference is not that big between 27" 1080p and 1440p monitors. I think a good 1920x1080 monitor is better than a bad 2560x1440 monitor. Both being 27".
For gaming/movies/internet that is. I can't tell how that goes with color work. It's probabably different if your a freakin designer.

It's pretty easy to spot a user who hasn't used 2560x1440 resolution.

it has 80% more pixels than 1920x1080.

"difference not that big"

um, okay. :rolleyes:

Yes it's noticeable and a HUGE difference in games. You don't need as much AA (if any) because there's fewer jagged edges.
The difference is astronomical for regular desktop use as well, including surfing the internet. You can have 2 full pages open without resizing anything. Using resizing, you can easily fit 3.
This thread reminds me of Aspect Ratio "discussions" XD

FWIW, I prefer 1440p at 27". And to me, it makes a difference. But I'm sure that if I hadn't used my current monitor, I'd be fine with 1080p 27". It is a similar story with 120Hz IMO.
Imo the difference is not that big between 27" 1080p and 1440p monitors. I think a good 1920x1080 monitor is better than a bad 2560x1440 monitor. Both being 27".
For gaming/movies/internet that is. I can't tell how that goes with color work. It's probabably different if your a freakin designer.

In some areas maybe, but the dot pitch of the 27" 1920x1080 monitor is still terrible.
Awesome. Time to get a new monitor and a new gpu. Thanks especially to J Macker for giving such a detailed response. Hopefully I can get some money for my dell's.
For those of us who have played PC games at 1080P on 32", 37", etc.. etc.. HDTVs, 27" is not that bad.

I still prefer my 23" Acer TN over my 30" Dell 3007WFP-HC for games.
For those of us who have played PC games at 1080P on 32", 37", etc.. etc.. HDTVs, 27" is not that bad.

I still prefer my 23" Acer TN over my 30" Dell 3007WFP-HC for games.

For games it generally isn't unless the games require you to read text on screen. Then it sucks pretty hard most of the time. At least on PC games anyway.
For games it generally isn't unless the games require you to read text on screen. Then it sucks pretty hard most of the time. At least on PC games anyway.

I never had an issue with text on screen with the larger panel size unless it was excessive (40'+) and I was sitting far away. I gamed regularly on a 32" HDTV and had no real issues that I can remember. It actually didn't even really seem that different from my Dell 30" while gaming (outside of the normal performance increase).

The 30" panel is nice and I didn't even notice any input lag or response issues at all until I tried something else (my 23" Acer). Now it seems like I notice it all the time.
All I can say to you guys above is that I really enjoy my 1920x1080 27" mva-panel Philips monitor after owning several 2560x1440s that are considered as best on the market like dell u2713hm (which I still have and it collects dust currently) and samsung s27b970 for example. So in my opinion for gaming there is no possibility of using a 2560x1440 monitor as they all suck so badly today that even an 1920x1080 mva in the same size win them over.
But I must admit that some things look better on the higher resolution monitor - such as trees in skyrim for example. And some books in Skyrim. I dont play skyrim but I use it for testing grapchics and thats the only game and items where I can say the bigger resolution clearly wins. In other games I dont see any loss in details, actually I see only win in details. Taking the Skyrim for example - overall I like picture much more on my philips than on the dell, except for trees and books - everything else looks simply better on the 1920 1080 mva monitor.
So in my opinion - if you're not some kind of designer you should not waste your time on current generation of the 2560x1440 shitty monitors.
For acceptable 2560x1440+ a new technologvy is required something like OLED maybe. Or an MVA 2560x1440 27" would be absolutely gorgeous.... Im not a technician but I think manufacturing such a panel is much less expensive than manufacturing an OLED for example. Those IPS or PLS monitors is just a cheap indian joke. Pass it by and don't waste your time on it.

Thank you for attention and start ignoring those ips-pls jokes as soon as possible )
Probably because of the input lag.

I sold my Planar SA2311w to keep my 60hz catleap. I don't regret it at all.

Yeah, definite difference in input lag. I was always under the impression that ti wasn't really noticable...until I got the Acer. Omg.

I actually also sort of prefer the color as well in some instances. I know it's a TN panel and not as accurate colorwise, but it just looks "better" some times. Perhaps because of the Dell's AG coating.
I'm kinda in the same situation, rocking my 20 inch 1650*1050 display for years and wanting to upgrade, I don't really know witch monitor I want. 1440 in 27 inch or a 24inch 1080p 120 Hz(or 144hz)

The problem with 1080p is that it's not quite a big improvement on the resolution side and with a 1440 one, you need the gpu horsepower to back it up, cause I hate fps drop.
Anyone who swears by the dot-pitch of a 27" 1440p would NOT exchange it for a lower DPI 30" 1600p (otherwise similar panel properties) in a heartbeat?

Just saying that most of you dont even talk about dot-pitch. You're enjoying your 1440p because of all other reasons like colors, glossy, pixel-estate, responsetime etc.

Chiming in with Murzilka here and want to add that its good to try stuff for yourself and not listen too much to what some overly invested and opinionated people yells about.