Is Mozilla Supporting Antifa?

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Bryan Lunduke has a video posted on Youtube that asks the question about how Mozilla is using its money to possibly help prop up Antifa which has been classified by the Department of Homeland security as a "domestic terrorist organization." I cut into the video where it starts to get interesting. He does go on to discuss how he reached out to both Mozilla and RiseUp and got no responses after reaching out multiple times. Thanks Valset.

Check out the video.

Mozilla, maker of Firefox, has awarded $100,000 USD to fund the email for The email service used by Antifa -- a domestic terrorist organization within the United States. Multiple attempts to get a statement from Mozilla & RiseUp -- for over half a week -- have been met with total silence.
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Creating false equivalences is the background of how radicalism becomes mainstream.

ANTIFA has presented an ideal, if fabricated, scapegoat for the lightning fast and ongoing radicalisation of the American right.

The dumb bastards play right into it, too. For every person the America's right murders, some ANTIFA dick-head is there saying mean things. They're the EXACT SAME!
So... gotta ask. Am I the only one who finds the guy pronouncing mozilla like it's some variant of mozzarella annoying and distracting?
This is literally a dumb story that we are all dumber for having seen.

Mozilla supports Antifa as much as Google, Facebook, and/or Twitter support ISIS. RiseUp provides secure communication services to a large number of organizations world wide.

Yeah this is the kind of stuff that seems to bring out the crazies, and looks like it already has begun in this thread.

What's next, video of a secret meeting Trump had with KKK leaders and Hitlers grandchildren?
Mozilla's board is full of SJW punks.

you can tell because they fired their Co-founder because he dared to donate money to a pro women-man marriage proposition.

obviously he was not part of the hive mind and had to go.

Not to mention Mozilla has been linked to Soros-backed interest groups, but hey I guess we're all just overreacting conspiracy nuts...
I just switched back to Firefox from Chrome when they released the Quantum beta. It’s great and I’m digging it.

To be perfectly honest, I saw this article and was immediately ready to uninstall Firefox. I do not support Antifa in any way, shape, or form.

Then I saw this...

This is literally a dumb story that we are all dumber for having seen.

Mozilla supports Antifa as much as Google, Facebook, and/or Twitter support ISIS. RiseUp provides secure communication services to a large number of organizations world wide.

...and my sense of rational thinking returned. I agree with aaronspink.
Creating false equivalences is the background of how radicalism becomes mainstream.

ANTIFA has presented an ideal, if fabricated, scapegoat for the lightning fast and ongoing radicalisation of the American right.

The dumb bastards play right into it, too. For every person the America's right murders, some ANTIFA dick-head is there saying mean things. They're the EXACT SAME!
If one has any knowledge of the rise of the Third Reich they would realize that progressives and Antifa are themselves promoting a fascist agenda. Relative to communism fascism is "to the right" but relative to a constitutional republic they are "to the left".
Also it should be pointed out that Antifa isn't listed as a domestic terrorist organization by the US. So basically the entire premise of the youtube video is at best wild speculation.
From Politico.

Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.
I don't join movements, but I will always be Anti-Facist.

Nazis and their sympathizers have the legal right to protest; but I have every right to despise everything they stand for.

There is no good side to Hate.

Remember when people could actually think for themselves, and not just go with what their Twitter fed believes?
I miss those days...
I don't join movements, but I will always be Anti-Facist.

Nazis and their sympathizers have the legal right to protest; but I have every right to despise everything they stand for.

Then you are a Fascist by Antifa's standards. Remember that Fascism is confused as a synonym for Authoritarianism because it is Authoritarian. That's not the part Antifa has a problem with.
Mozilla's board is full of SJW punks.

you can tell because they fired their Co-founder because he dared to donate money to a pro women-man marriage proposition.

obviously he was not part of the hive mind and had to go.
He voluntary resigned (I assume before they forced him to).

Nazis and their sympathizers have the legal right to protest; but I have every right to despise everything they stand for.

There is no good side to Hate.
Sounds to me like somebody hates neo-nazis :) (there is no NSDAP, so pretty hard to call them nazis, and kind of a compliment)

Then you are a Fascist by Antifa's standards. Remember that Fascism is confused as a synonym for Authoritarianism because it is Authoritarian. That's not the part Antifa has a problem with.
Gotta love a fascist anti-fascist group :)
Please don't try to link Dr. Martin Luther King to Anitfa. He would have been horrified by their actions.

I think the link was meant to discredit the gov and its choice to label antifa a domestic terrorist organization.
This wouldn't surprise me. But I don't give Mozilla any money directly, and as long as their product continues to serve my needs, I won't be uninstalling any time soon.
Maybe, but they are not officially listed as a terrorist organization by the US and are under no national or international terrorist restrictions. Law enforcement officials also treated MLK as a terrorist as well.

That would get into extremely muddy waters to do that, to label a domestic "group" an official terror group. Due to the inherent rights we have within the United States. Is there any domestic group labeled as such? I know there are many labeled as "domestic terror threats". But I do not believe any are in the same legal category as say Al-Qaeda. What can you do? It's illegal to assault people, and it's legal to openly have dissidence. Antifa is already covered under normal laws. The knee jerk reaction is similar to people calling for new laws against what the Las Vegas shooter did. Are those actions not already covered under laws? Would someone doing that be able to get away with it because there aren't specific domestic terrorist laws?
I think the link was meant to discredit the gov and its choice to label antifa a domestic terrorist organization.

Exactly. The FBI has a long track record of trying to infiltrate and discredit any left of center organization they can. If antifa could be officially labeled a terrorist organization, it would be, but they don't check the required boxes, so they won't officially label them, just treat them like they are as they've always done.

And granted I don't even like Antifa and think they are almost entirely counter-productive, but this story is absolute BS trying to discredit 2 organizations in Mozilla and RiseUp that have done nothing wrong by lying about a third organization and their ties. Mozila is not RiseUP is not Antifa.
It's become a potato browser. Who uses Firefox? Opera, chrome and even Vivaldi are better.
Please don't try to link Dr. Martin Luther King to Anitfa. He would have been horrified by their actions.

That time period was not as pretty as the history books would like you to remember it. There were hundreds of bombing across the country during the late 50's to early 70's. Police officers were targeted and killed. Most people are probably not even aware that in 1985, the US government dropped a bomb on a residential house killing 11 people. The equal rights movement was brutal. History would like us to believe that it all came about because of peaceful protests and civil disobedience, of which Martin Luther King championed. But the reality, is that the government gave in because things were getting very violent and were not sustainable. While hindsight may have shown MLK was good, at that time, I'm sure the government was very uncertain of him or his motives.

As bad as we think things are right now, they could get MUCH worse. As they have in the past.
Not using Mozilla or because someone or some group also uses it/them is nuts. It would be like not buying a brand of car because the LasVegas idiot owned one. Or not renting a Ryder truck because one was used to blow up the Murrah building. Use of a product by a terrorist or criminal does not mean the maker/provider of the product endorses the use.

I briefly looked over the website. In at least one place, they recommend the use of a Mozilla product. This might be why they got the money from Mozilla.

Use/buy something because it meets your needs at a price you are willing to pay. As always, check the fine print as the recent VPN discussion highlighted.
That would get into extremely muddy waters to do that, to label a domestic "group" an official terror group. Due to the inherent rights we have within the United States. Is there any domestic group labeled as such? I know there are many labeled as "domestic terror threats". But I do not believe any are in the same legal category as say Al-Qaeda. What can you do? It's illegal to assault people, and it's legal to openly have dissidence. Antifa is already covered under normal laws. The knee jerk reaction is similar to people calling for new laws against what the Las Vegas shooter did. Are those actions not already covered under laws? Would someone doing that be able to get away with it because there aren't specific domestic terrorist laws?

Pretty sure that some cells of ALF/ELF have been officially labeled.
That time period was not as pretty as the history books would like you to remember it. There were hundreds of bombing across the country during the late 50's to early 70's. Police officers were targeted and killed. Most people are probably not even aware that in 1985, the US government dropped a bomb on a residential house killing 11 people. The equal rights movement was brutal. History would like us to believe that it all came about because of peaceful protests and civil disobedience, of which Martin Luther King championed. But the reality, is that the government gave in because things were getting very violent and were not sustainable. While hindsight may have shown MLK was good, at that time, I'm sure the government was very uncertain of him or his motives.

As bad as we think things are right now, they could get MUCH worse. As they have in the past.
The civil rights movement happened because of violence. Malcon X and MLK were both assassinated by the same people butt hurt over nfl protests and the people who elected trump
You gotta be careful about who you let use your products... :rolleyes:


This story is clearly sensationalist fake news.
Wow, time to support Mozilla then, I'll be installing it on all my customer's computers instead of chrome from here on out.
Neither of those has any US official labeling Antifa as a terrorist organization. Antifa groups within the US are under no terrorist restrictions or sanctions. And more importantly, neither the FBI nor DHS will label Antifa as terrorist organizations when asked.

And serious, why use a bad fox source instead of the primary source? The fox source can't even get its basic facts and attributions correct.
Just to piss you off.
The only thing it really does is propagate misinformation and the less intuitive will take it as fact, very similar to the pizza pedophile ring...
Antifa....For me has nothing to do with it, when I first saw this it was RiseUp I had an issue with, as their mission statement goes on to say:

"The Riseup Collective is an autonomous body based in Seattle with collective members world wide. Our purpose is to aid in the creation of a free society, a world with freedom from want and freedom of expression, a world without oppression or hierarchy, where power is shared equally. We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression."

If you read that and the rest of the page, they are straight up communist. No thanks.
Why are so many fringe communists movements based in seattle? They even got a statue of lenin there.
Why are so many fringe communists movements based in seattle? They even got a statue of lenin there.
Evil statues of the left are ok!
Antifa....For me has nothing to do with it, when I first saw this it was RiseUp I had an issue with, as their mission statement goes on to say:

"The Riseup Collective is an autonomous body based in Seattle with collective members world wide. Our purpose is to aid in the creation of a free society, a world with freedom from want and freedom of expression, a world without oppression or hierarchy, where power is shared equally. We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression."

If you read that and the rest of the page, they are straight up communist. No thanks.
wtf! That's straight communism right there. Does the far left even understand the downsides of communism and how the government must have a hierarchy and extreme oppression to survive? Russia and China are perfect examples.
The video is a little heavy handed in associating Antifa to It's like saying Antifa uses TunnelBear so supporting TunnelBear is supporting Antifa. I do find it odd that a corporation would support a communist email service, although maybe that email service is used by all kinds of repressed groups around the world. If Antifa used Gmail, would he be asking the same question to Google investors? Of course not. I want my 10 minutes back, that video was a waste of my time.
Evil statues of the left are ok!
wtf! That's straight communism right there. Does the far left even understand the downsides of communism and how the government must have a hierarchy and extreme oppression to survive? Russia and China are perfect examples.

In most cases they will say (to any given example): "well, that wasn't TRUE communism" or "Yes, but they did it wrong, this time with us, we will do it right", it is almost always some variation of those two.
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