Is it possible the next Half Life episode/sequel/game won't even use Source engine?

Should the next Half Life release be graphically update with a new engine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 113 66.1%
  • No

    Votes: 58 33.9%

  • Total voters
Look at Crytek innovating from Cryengine 2.0 to 3.0. Or id going from id tech 4 to 5.
And Valve has its own versioning system. They just don't openly publish those numbers. Don't get hung up on the fact that companies are appending numbers to the end of their engine names and Valve is not. Unless you're a developer, that number is totally inconsequential.

Well, at least Doom 3 doesn't contain engine code from Doom 2 :D
It probably does. They're both binary space partition-based engines. Wouldn't surprise me if simple things like object pickup code are almost identical between both. There's no need to re-invent the wheel for that kind of stuff when you can just copy & paste from a codebase you already own.
I doubt HL3 will be released anytime soon if ever.

Ep3 is taking a long time because it's just not a money maker, it's most definitely on the back burner. Valve saw a much better game design approach from the L4D games: Far less development time, easier QA due to less assets, and equally as popular in the mainstream selling well thus making more money.

Sorry, but the HL games have had their day; they're just not mainstream enough to justify modern game development budgets.

I at least agree with HL2, they need to kill it. It wasn't very good in the first place, specially compared to the masterpiece that is HL1.

Like DNF, they need to move on already. Do a HL3 or start something new. For me, after the crapfest that is HL2, I don't have high hopes for 3 being better.

Vales should pull an ID and just make the engine and then let other people make the games. They completely ruined TF2, HL, and DOD
And Valve has its own versioning system. They just don't openly publish those numbers. Don't get hung up on the fact that companies are appending numbers to the end of their engine names and Valve is not. Unless you're a developer, that number is totally inconsequential.

Yes I was aware of that. It was really a sarcastic comment aimed at those who don't, hence the ":rolleyes:" People are excited about the new Crytek and id engines due to higher numbering, when the biggest change in both is really scalability (down to mobile devices even), in the rendering component.
That's my point, it still did good even considering the fact they "updated" the previous engine. To be fair, they probably could've said they created the engine from scratch and nobody would've been the wiser, but that's not really important. The artists and designers are the ones who make it look good, and chances are they'll have more texture/model/lighting resolution to play with to make it look significantly better then HL2, and you don't need a whole new engine to do that.

Read my previous post for clarification on what I mean when I say a new engine :)
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It probably does. They're both binary space partition-based engines. Wouldn't surprise me if simple things like object pickup code are almost identical between both. There's no need to re-invent the wheel for that kind of stuff when you can just copy & paste from a codebase you already own.

You're completely right Phide, though I don't believe Doom engine source is in Doom 3, I know for a fact that all of modern id engines (id tech 2,3,4,5, coming 6) all have pieces of the Quake engine in it.
Source needs to be retired. There are only so many "updates" the engine can take, and they're not delivering any big visual benefits. Left 4 Dead 2 is an absolute eyesore. If Ep3 is on Source than fair enough, but there is no good reason why HL3 could or should be on it.

It amazes me how PC gamers whinge about the platform not being pushed anymore because of those evil consoles, yet let Valve skate by with their six-year-old engine that doesn't push anything.
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While I wouldn't mind it, I don't think it's necessary. When you max HL2 out (especially Episode 2) it looks great and runs amazingly well, too.
I'd rather have a game like that than something like Metro 2033 that looks nice in stills but runs like trash.
Unless Valve can promise me something that will do 60fps on hardware from 2 years ago, I don't want anything new.
I know for a fact that all of modern id engines (id tech 2,3,4,5, coming 6) all have pieces of the Quake engine in it.
Yep, of that there is no doubt.

Source needs to be retired. There are only so many "updates" the engine can take, and they're not delivering any big visual benefits.
Game engine ≠ renderer. I cannot emphasize this enough. The renderer is just one component of an engine. It is, in fact, just a small part of what comprises a game engine.
Except Unreal Engines are redone. Source Engines are just added onto. Its still the same Core engine.

The Unreal Engine core that exists in 3/3.5 is largely the same engine in design and usage as the one used for Unreal/UT99....