Is Google Afraid of Bing?

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
I guess tech news is what’s cool these days, now that the New York Post is trying to get in on the action. The NYP has an article about Google and their major concerns with Microsoft’s new Bing search engine. More reputable sites are also commenting on this so it may not be as far-fetched as bat-boy.

[Google co-founder Sergey] Brin, according to sources inside the tech behemoth, is himself leading the team of search-engine specialists in an effort to determine how Bing's crucial search algorithm differs from that used by the company he founded in 1998 with Stanford University classmate Larry Page.
I would be worried if Google wasn't worried. If we learned anything from the Greek plays is that hubris kills.
As per wikipedia


MSN Search

Windows Live Search

Live Search

So "new features" aside, it seems like they're changing the name of something they already had in order to either make it sound like something new or something... *shrug*
yea, thats pretty much the impression that i'm getting too

also, did anyone watch the insane microsoft shilling that jimmy fallon has been doing on his show lately? first he devoted an entire segment to the project natal stuff, then he had an entire part of his show dedicated to windows 7 and finding things on bing....


(no, i'm not a fan of his... i just was too lazy to change the channel after conan last week)
Actually during Schmit's interview with Fox news, he didn't seem really confident in saying he wasn't scared of it. He acts in one sentence like there's nothing to fair, and then later on in the conversation says it's a major thing to deal with.

Bing's bird's eye view is awesome.

This is what I find funny... Live search had the same thing. Microsoft just ported that stuff over. Again, it's all about marketing. A product might have good features but if the public perception is bad it really doesn't matter.
I think is over rated I still think google is going to out beat this new search anytime.
Sometimes merely throwing on a fresh paint of coat does wonders even when the internals haven't changed much.
Even though I think Google is going to stay dominate, I really like Bing. Enough so that I've made it the default search engine in Firefox search bar. But, it is too little, too late.
i type google to search for anything, i dont have time to think about changing what i search....

unless i want ebay cash back :p
The image search on Bing works much better than Goggle.

Great for hotlinking in GenMay. :D
I really like the interactive hotspot images. I had a huge appreciation for the picture of Normandy beach on 6-June, and I like today's view of Cincinnati's Union Terminal.

Dialup-ers milages may vary.
Happy Flag Day indeed--I forgot about it until I read the article and saw Bing's homepage was decorated for the occasion. I'll give it a few more tries--I have it installed in Firefox, so we'll see how it compares. If Microsoft ever does develop a superior search engine it would sure be easy to switch.
As per wikipedia

So "new features" aside, it seems like they're changing the name of something they already had in order to either make it sound like something new or something... *shrug*

Um. No.

Bing has an entirely new back end. It is a new search engine. Using your logic Win7 and Win 3.0 are just the same thing. *shrug*.
Bing is definitely for porn. But Google is better for everything else, and will always be the bigger one.
Um. No.

Bing has an entirely new back end. It is a new search engine. Using your logic Win7 and Win 3.0 are just the same thing. *shrug*.
Yup. Unfortunately most people choose to ignore the details. Now the facelift comment I read was in reference to Win 7 being VISTA with a facelift not Win 3.0 (unless I'm missing something. BUT when I take into account all of the discussions over the years about each Windows release it does kinda amount to Win7 and Win 3.0 being the same since people claimed that each new version was a facelift of the previous.

Annnnyhow, I like Bing a lot. Now all I need is a Bing search plugin for Safari (Google and Yahoo only? WTF!). So far Safari has been less problematic for me under Windows 7 vs IE8 and it is actually pretty quick.
Messed around with bing over the weekend. All in all, I was pretty impressed. The video search and image search > what google is currently doing, however I still prefer google for regular web searches.

M$ have raised the bar yet again
Google would be foolish not to understand the competition.
I have been using Bing quite a bit, I think it comes up with better searches than Google has been lately.
I need to checkout that birds eye view. But in all honesty, I have the tmbobile G1. And I can get a 3d "street view" right in my GPS in my phone. It is the google maps version of course, and that is freakin l33tness.
Chandler should sue.

Youtube is the blocked at the work but bing preview will play part of the clip even the the source site is blocked. Now only if preview could play the whole video I would be sold.

Google should provide similar functionality at an optional level within the next few months I would imagine.
If Bing can offer competitive search results with Google I'd support them over Google for no other reason than the MS cashback. I'm hoping that they continue to offer it as an ongoing promotion for a long time because the cashback is what draws me to Bing. The 8% instant cashback at eBay alone is huge for anyone that purchases expensive items on eBay. As long as Bing continues to bring in the large cashback discounts I'll continue to try their features over the competition. At the moment the only thing Google has to offer me over Bing is Gmail.
Google looks at Bing's 4% market share, shakes its head. No they are not afraid. I'm sure its on their radar but afraid? No.
Bing is just a fresh name on a crappy product. I'll take good old Google thank you.