iPhone X Reported to Have Overheating Problems


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
It's been reported that several customers over in the Apple forums are stating that their iPhone X is overheating for no reason at all. Some have said they even put the phone in the freezer to cool it down and that didn't help. At this point in time it's too soon to say this is a wide-spread issue, but it's worth keeping an eye on. Also, beside the overheating issue, some users are beginning to suspect Apple is using some kind of enhancement that uses the cellular connection for some reason even if they have wifi turned on and connected.

In addition to the overheating, some iPhone X owners are also starting to believe that Apple’s new device uses a lot more cellular data than earlier models and that iPhone X “has enhancements that might use cellular data regardless of a wifi connection.” Apple hasn’t provided any insight into what those “enhancements” are or if they can be turned off but it could be quite worrying for individuals with low data tariffs who ensure that they stay connected to WiFi to stay within their data limitations.
I'm pretty sure the overheating is thanks to having a phone that's mostly glass. Phone looks great, but it overheats. Trade-offs :playful:.
Or it is people that have a crap ton of apps that are chewing through processor power and generating a ton of heat.
This is literally a feature. That you can turn off. :facepalm:

Settings -> Cellular -> Wi-Fi Assist.
An old feature at that, also available on Android I’m sure.
So you're telling me that overheating via WiFi Assist is a feature? Is that on the spec sheet? o_O
Don’t be ignorant, it’s unbecoming of our species.

Even in Montus post the two issues are presented separately and as of yet unrelated.
Wonder what the number of complainers vs number of phones sold is? 1 out of 10 is a big Apple oops. 1 out of 100,000 is just bad customer luck or a usage outlier.
Hot but no bursting.. Right?...

Maybe its a new feature for defrosting windshields.

Step 1: place phone on dash.
Step 2:
Step 3: window defrosted.
Now to deactivate simp&\÷ #;$/× then your done.
I wonder how many are visiting sites with crypto mining scripts embedded on them.

Also, the phone gets warm if you beat the shit out of it from a CPU or radios usage perspective. This is not a defect. The question is why you are beating the shit out of it. The above mentioned crypto mining script is not apple's fault. Something I dealt with on multiple android devices where it would decide it had to constantly try to reconnect to wi-fi it was already connected to and try to set my leg on fire while running the battery down in 20 minutes was a software bug and was google's fault rather than the manufacturer or carrier's fault.
So you all missed my point and/or I failed to deliver my sarcasm as well as I should have. It's a stupid notion that WiFi should cause that kind of overheating.
Reminds me of my LG G4. What a great phone, got hot a lot, enough to melt the shit quality glue inside that bricked most G4s eventually.
Or it is people that have a crap ton of apps that are chewing through processor power and generating a ton of heat.

The phone should still be running within it's thermal design regardless of what's running. Possibly a design or manufacturing flaw on a certain number of phones.
The phone should still be running within it's thermal design regardless of what's running. Possibly a design or manufacturing flaw on a certain number of phones.

I'm glad someone finally said it. If it gets hot the CPU should throttle, not overheat. Don't blame the user, blame the design.
I'm surprised that any self-loving Apple fan would admit that there might be a problem. Even more surprising is that that it was done in an Apple forum.
I'm glad someone finally said it. If it gets hot the CPU should throttle, not overheat. Don't blame the user, blame the design.

It will throttle, but if heat is added by an external source, eg sunlight, the device will go into thermal protection.
It will throttle, but if heat is added by an external source, eg sunlight, the device will go into thermal protection.

Yup, it happens to any phone

It will throttle, but if heat is added by an external source, eg sunlight, the device will go into thermal protection.

This is being reported on unused phones that are in a freezer. Try again.
So when they had the screen problem in cold weather, how was that actually solved? Did the patch start looping background processes in some way to generate heat in order to keep the phone from becoming too cold? If so, I could see that becoming a problem.