iPhone Lawsuit Seeks Over $1 Billion in Damages

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
That class action iPhone lawsuit just got a little weirder, lawyers are asking for $1 billion. Wow. One billion?

Lawyers filed a class action lawsuit against Apple and AT&T seeking $1.2 billion in damages because the iPhone is locked to AT&T’s wireless network. The suit also notes that Apple will not allow unauthorized applications on the iPhone.
This is really getting stupid now. People knew when they bought the phone that it was locked into AT&T's network. Maybe people should start suing Ford for making a vehicle that only uses Ford parts and thus keeps me locked using a Ford dealer to fix the vechile instead of being able to take it to a Nissian dealership to have it fixed. :p
If you aim high and don't get quite there, you'll still be in the plus...

ask for a hundred bucks, getting 50 bucks would suck...
ask for a billion.. get a couple of hundred million and it will still be great!
do they do this kind of shit in canada? time to move before my head explodes.
Someone should ask John Edwards if he will be willing to enact TORT reform, as president.. Oh wait since he is a slip and fall lawyer, he won't be too enthralled on the idea of reigning in his sleazebag buddies in the legal extortion industry...
How can you possibly justify that amount of money for something so trivial? It's not like Apple are making a cure for cancer avaliable only to AT&T contract holders.
I think its Bullshit, People that bought the iPhone knew they would be locked into AT&T as well as be restricted with what you can do with the phone.
If they win just imagine what will follow, Powerbook users sueing because there stuck with OS10 and not windows, Blu-Ray DVD owners sueing because they cant watch HD-DVD on there players. Ford owners sueing because they can't put a LS1 into there Escorts. Everyone that ever Signed a contract will Sue because they are restricted by what they agreed to.....
do they do this kind of shit in canada? time to move before my head explodes.

No,they dont.BS like this goes no where fast.

Someone should ask John Edwards if he will be willing to enact TORT reform, as president.. Oh wait since he is a slip and fall lawyer, he won't be too enthralled on the idea of reigning in his sleazebag buddies in the legal extortion industry...

Tort reform in the US will never happen,not in our lifetime,not in your great grandchildren 999 times removed lifetimes. :p
Found this link in the comments of the linked story:


Incompetent Hacks Blamed For iBricks

Amid a war of words between iPhone hackers, one has been removed from the development channel and a new group has formed independently of the core team. The new group, calling itself the iPhone "Elite" Team, claims that iUnlock and AnySIM contained critical flaws which resulted in users' handsets being bricked when updated.

"No, it wasn't Apple's fault. Rather than figure out how to fix this themselves, the iPhone Dev Team would rather work on jailbreaking the new 1.1.1 and keep accepting your donations. We want this fixed -- we want them to take responsibility for their bunk code.

Introducing itself as the bearers of the 1.1.1 jailbreak, the Elite team makes a point of not asking for donations and not micromanaging its community. The split appears to be the result of strategic and personal differences: Hacker Zibri's unceremonious removal from the iPhone Develop Group's IRC channel combined with the technical claims regarding the poor code found in outstanding hacks.

Growth and success in the face of a powerful foe has its downside. This is, perhaps, a standard volunteer-development tempest in a teacup. If it's more a substantial schism, it could make life harder for the everyday user who just wants his or her hacks ready before bedtime. Wither thou goest, haxxors?
Eh, the update also bricked a lot of people who didn't hack their phone is what makes this interesting to watch. Apple was telling those people they did hack it and to leave.
I just wrote this in another forum I frequent...
This is something that should be laughed out of court. One of the "amazing" things about a free market is that it drives demand and assists in the development of products. If consumers see a new product, but it lacks certain features they want, most wouldn't buy it. This would either force the company to improve their product, or provides and opportunity for a different company to come in with a product that has what the market wants.

How has it proceeded to a point where customers can purchase a product, knowing full well every limitation of it, and then file an enormous lawsuit because it doesn't do what they want? I'd like to dethstab every little whiney bitch and lawyer involved in this suit.
asdf. It makes me sick.
I wonder when somone will sue Ford because it wont work with GM parts :rolleyes:

People are stupid. They made that figure so high to get a higher profile case, which is a huge expense for Apple as they are trying to fight the case + damage control.
The rumors are true. Apple customers ARE insane!

We've known this for a long time. You have to be insane to buy a mac that costs several times a PC but is slower and that nothing runs on then run around proclaiming how awesome you are.
ive said it many times. only people with more money than brain cells would pay 600 bucks for a cell phone just because its made by apple. case in point: the mayor of philadephia, while on average, 2-3 people are murdered each and every day, sat his stupid ass in line for an iphone.
We've known this for a long time. You have to be insane to buy a mac that costs several times a PC but is slower and that nothing runs on then run around proclaiming how awesome you are.

Hoooo boy.
Wow, that one will open a can or worms

Yeah, just going to ignore it.
But this is happening because the iPhone is the "flavor of the month." Now I own an iPhone and love it, and do not feel any less about it than the day I bought it, but all these people suing Apple or AT&T over the phone knew exactly what they were doing and are just doing this in hopes of cashing in quick.
Yeah, just going to ignore it.
But this is happening because the iPhone is the "flavor of the month." Now I own an iPhone and love it, and do not feel any less about it than the day I bought it, but all these people suing Apple or AT&T over the phone knew exactly what they were doing and are just doing this in hopes of cashing in quick.

Na, this is happening because people think the world revolves around them, they are the king of everything, even apple
thus this is why macs suck

Do you people just post like this because it is cool or something?

People suing over the iPhone could be doing this with many other phones, window based, Palm based, operating systems that, or with a specific phone manufacture.