iPhone 5 Surpasses Galaxy S III in Web Traffic Volume


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
In only three weeks and in a vastly smaller market, Apple’s iPhone 5 has overtaken juggernaut Galaxy S 3 in the volume of web traffic generated in an analysis conducted by research firm Chitika.

This latest shift in the mobile ecosystem is not welcome news for Samsung, which has positioned its device as a direct competitor to the iPhone 5.
I'm willing to bet that more Apple users do everything on their phone, while more Android users fall back to their PC once they get home.
I'm willing to bet that more Apple users do everything on their phone, while more Android users fall back to their PC once they get home.

Probably true. I know people who don't use anything BUT an iPhone for all their computing needs. There are many people like that now , especially among the older users who prefer one device for everything.

Plus Apple has legions of iPhone fans that would buy the new iPhone even if it cried like a baby all night and shit the bed in the morning.
I'm willing to bet that more Apple users do everything on their phone, while more Android users fall back to their PC once they get home.

That's what I do with my Android phone. I see the Android phone as a PC away from a PC, but nothing is like using my PC. When I'm home, I'm using my desktop PC.
I'm willing to bet that more Apple users do everything on their phone, while more Android users fall back to their PC once they get home.

Probably but I think specifically, it's because iPhone people have to be seen with their iPhone whenever possible. They need others to know they have an iPhone. It's the attention factor for them.
makes sense, most of the people I know uses their iphones for ... facebook and instagram, lol, while most of my samsung buddies typically use their android phones on productivity apps + games, they occasionally do use FB still, but as much as my iphone buddies
meh, I dont use my Gnex at home because by the time I get home its dead lol.
makes sense, most of the people I know uses their iphones for ... facebook and instagram, lol, while most of my samsung buddies typically use their android phones on productivity apps + games, they occasionally do use FB still, but as much as my iphone buddies

Cute...but it's a known fact that iOS apps are more polished compared to its Android counterpart.
i m willing to bet its ppl trying to use apple maps and not getting where they want to be and trying again and again ... that + all the tracking apple started to do again.
i m willing to bet its ppl trying to use apple maps and not getting where they want to be and trying again and again ... that + all the tracking apple started to do again.

Honestly Apple Maps are not that bad. They work fine from what I can tell based off my friends iPhone.

Every cell phone in the world is tracked either by the company providing the phones or the service or a Government of some sort.

I couldn't care less if Apple or MS or Samsung knew what I was doing. If I wanted to do something that I didn't want anyone to know about .. I WOULDN'T BRING MY CELL PHONE WITH ME. Simple solution.
It's from all the iPhone5 owners uploading videos and pictures of themselves using their iPhone5.

Before you ask, they used mirrors.
Probably true. I know people who don't use anything BUT an iPhone for all their computing needs. There are many people like that now , especially among the older users who prefer one device for everything.

Plus Apple has legions of iPhone fans that would buy the new iPhone even if it cried like a baby all night and shit the bed in the morning.

Lol, Android defense force!
Cute...but it's a known fact that iOS apps are more polished compared to its Android counterpart.

While I'm sure the Crapple fanboys believe this, the reality isn't true. Side by side you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Best you can say is that it "feels" better on Apple. I've heard developers are even locked out of key areas of the iPhone, which isn't the case with Android. Sure it's a pain in the ass for Android developers, but they can do more with their applications.

Also with Apple maps, can you say that with a straight face anymore?
love to see those "facts"

FACT - windows apps are more polished than OSX apps.. :rolleyes:

All personal opinion.

Coming from an iPhone 4 to a Galaxy SIII, I have to agree. Most apps found on either platform has more polish on the iDevices.

SongPop (lol, is laggy in comparison to my iphone 4) is one such example.
Probably but I think specifically, it's because iPhone people have to be seen with their iPhone whenever possible. They need others to know they have an iPhone. It's the attention factor for them.

I notice the same thing with GS3. Same sheep, different flock.
Cute...but it's a known fact that iOS apps are more polished compared to its Android counterpart.

It's also a known fact that Windows apps are more polished and capable than either their iOS or Android counterparts--in those rare cases where "counterparts" exist--which makes the argument for sticking with PCs more solid than ever...;) (Of course, for me, my PC always wins--the others are second-rate wannabe's.)

"My cell phone is for jawin'--my PC is for computin'--my Mac is for--wait a minute, what Mac? I don't have no friggin' Mac..!"..;) Quote, 10/13/2012, some famous person somewhere...
Cute...but it's a known fact that iOS apps are more polished compared to its Android counterpart.

maybe, I honestly can't distinguish them on both platforms though except for the facebook app before the android version was pretty much more buggy than the Apple version, btw, as much as I hate Apple, Im not really taking sides this time (well for the moment lol), It was just an observation on my part on my friends, if it holds true for friends of friends of friends of everyone, well :D
This should be a duh moment not a sky is falling moment.

There's a handful of devices using iOS to split the users up with.

There's 111915315316^3 Android devices for people to choose from. Of course the userbase of one select model is going to be smaller than the newest Apple phone, which will eventually makeup a majority of the iOS userbase by itself.
Maybe they are using more web traffic because they don't know what they are doing. Galaxy users are more web efficient. ;) lol
ios 6 uses more data in general then android so not sure how this is suppose to be surprising.
Also I believe it just proves that there are more sheep and dumb people in the world that will buy anything called Apple believeing its the best thing ever no matter how much it sucks! lol
*sigh* I really hate it when the fanboys of either camp start getting into silly dick waving contests using only half truths.

Of course apps that cater to both platforms are going to seem more polished on Apple. They only have to support 1 - 2 versions of the OS at any given point and 2 - 3 versions of hardware at any given point. Compare that to the half a dozen or so versions of Android that are mainstream at any given point thanks to Carriers wanting to control every single device and the literally hundreds of hardware configurations and you come into a "No freaking shit" realization that it is magnitudes easier to make it seem more polished for iPhone. We see the same exact thing when looking at highly specialized computing devices vs general computing devices. This is basic programming knowledge and frankly given the years of info on this site anyone who is a regular here and has forgotten that should honestly be ashamed of themselves.

The facts are simply that the iPhone and Android appeal to completely different demographics. If you are tech oriented and like to have control, then chances are the iPhone isn't going to appeal. If you aren't then chances are Android isn't going to appeal. Are there exceptions? Sure there are. There are always exceptions. It is simply beyond me why people can't realize that just because you prefer something, that doesn't make everything else crap.
*sigh* I really hate it when the fanboys of either camp start getting into silly dick waving contests using only half truths.

Of course apps that cater to both platforms are going to seem more polished on Apple. They only have to support 1 - 2 versions of the OS at any given point and 2 - 3 versions of hardware at any given point. Compare that to the half a dozen or so versions of Android that are mainstream at any given point thanks to Carriers wanting to control every single device and the literally hundreds of hardware configurations and you come into a "No freaking shit" realization that it is magnitudes easier to make it seem more polished for iPhone. We see the same exact thing when looking at highly specialized computing devices vs general computing devices. This is basic programming knowledge and frankly given the years of info on this site anyone who is a regular here and has forgotten that should honestly be ashamed of themselves.

The facts are simply that the iPhone and Android appeal to completely different demographics. If you are tech oriented and like to have control, then chances are the iPhone isn't going to appeal. If you aren't then chances are Android isn't going to appeal. Are there exceptions? Sure there are. There are always exceptions. It is simply beyond me why people can't realize that just because you prefer something, that doesn't make everything else crap.

I dont thin you can even say facts. You can't even generalize the demographics for either users. I know plenty of engineers, and professors with real knowledge of tech and how it works that prefer iOS over Android, and vice versa. Just like you cant even really tell someone why you specifically like something else in complete facts. Its all personal preference, just [H]ard seems to be a more android biased place. I use and like both, and I like different things about both, you really end up with nearly the same thing after a jailbreak and root. I don't even understand all the fanboyism to phones anymore. Specifically all the hate for Apple on this forum.
How much of it is due to iPhone users having unlimited data from a grandfathered plan vs. GS3 owners who had to lose it?
Also I believe it just proves that there are more sheep and dumb people in the world that will buy anything called Apple believeing its the best thing ever no matter how much it sucks! lol

There are legitimate reasons for buying an iPhone 5 over a GS3 (e.g. smaller size, better screen, aluminum build, large iTunes collection) . People have preferences.
Want IOS? Get Iphone. Want Android? There are so many choices. Do they compare Android traffic vs Iphone? That would be more reasonable.
love to see those "facts"

FACT - windows apps are more polished than OSX apps.. :rolleyes:

All personal opinion.

These guys are lying I guess.





We said it last year and it's still true: iOS has a bigger and better library of available games than Android. The fact is, most developers - not all, but most - prefer to develop for iOS first and Android second, if at all. Reasons for this vary, but there are two big ones.

First: Hardware fragmentation means more choices for consumers, but it's a huge turn-off for developers. Consider what Imangi's Natalia Luckyanova had to say following Temple Run's introduction on Android earlier this year: "99.9% of support emails are complaining their device isn't supported. We currently support 707 devices. Mindblowing."

Second: iOS users have historically been overwhelmingly more likely to pay for apps. Six month ago, a survey found that two thirds of Android users had never spent a cent on apps. More recent data suggests that trend could be shifting, and we're optimistic that the debut of game-specific Android hardware like the Wikipad and Ouya could spur development.
No worries.. Its just all the data mining an siphoning..

Actual usage by the owners in no different than previous models.
Also I believe it just proves that there are more sheep and dumb people in the world that will buy anything called Apple believeing its the best thing ever no matter how much it sucks! lol

This is the dumbest post I've read in this thread.
These guys are lying I guess.





We said it last year and it's still true: iOS has a bigger and better library of available games than Android. The fact is, most developers - not all, but most - prefer to develop for iOS first and Android second, if at all. Reasons for this vary, but there are two big ones.

First: Hardware fragmentation means more choices for consumers, but it's a huge turn-off for developers. Consider what Imangi's Natalia Luckyanova had to say following Temple Run's introduction on Android earlier this year: "99.9% of support emails are complaining their device isn't supported. We currently support 707 devices. Mindblowing."

Second: iOS users have historically been overwhelmingly more likely to pay for apps. Six month ago, a survey found that two thirds of Android users had never spent a cent on apps. More recent data suggests that trend could be shifting, and we're optimistic that the debut of game-specific Android hardware like the Wikipad and Ouya could spur development.

I mean, who wants to buy apps on android? I can just download an APK file and get it up and running. All my android using friends have barely spent a cent in the app store, and its not because they get it for "free" from the android marketplace. No, they just download an APK file and just install it. No root access needed.

Also, this may be a generalization, but most android users that I personally know are cheap as hell. If you can't afford the apps, you can't afford the phone (same saying as "if you can't afford the gas, you can't afford the car). Galaxy SIII owner and I came from the iPhone 4.
As a Galaxy Note user, I have to admit that every time I look at the iPhone 5, I feel deeply envious. It looks so luxurious and stylish in the all black color. The screen size is perfect so that I can do everything with one hand. I bet that screen will never show a scratch either, cause Apple must be using something better than guerrilla glass. Clearly, since everyone is purchasing the iPhone 5 and loves it, I will too... not.

P.S. I hate hate hate hate hate Apple! ;)
I mean, who wants to buy apps on android? I can just download an APK file and get it up and running. All my android using friends have barely spent a cent in the app store, and its not because they get it for "free" from the android marketplace. No, they just download an APK file and just install it. No root access needed.

Also, this may be a generalization, but most android users that I personally know are cheap as hell. If you can't afford the apps, you can't afford the phone (same saying as "if you can't afford the gas, you can't afford the car). Galaxy SIII owner and I came from the iPhone 4.

So according to you, it's more of a...why buy the apps if they are too easy to steal?

Stealing mobile apps is stupid, they are really affordable by anyone.

That kind of thinking is what drives developers away and will eventually hurt android even more.

Not that I care though, i'm an ios user. After my nexus one crashing the phone app in some critical situations I would be happy to see android go down.
I could see getting along just fine with only an iPad, iPhone and wireless internet.
These guys are lying I guess.





We said it last year and it's still true: iOS has a bigger and better library of available games than Android. The fact is, most developers - not all, but most - prefer to develop for iOS first and Android second, if at all. Reasons for this vary, but there are two big ones.

First: Hardware fragmentation means more choices for consumers, but it's a huge turn-off for developers. Consider what Imangi's Natalia Luckyanova had to say following Temple Run's introduction on Android earlier this year: "99.9% of support emails are complaining their device isn't supported. We currently support 707 devices. Mindblowing."

Second: iOS users have historically been overwhelmingly more likely to pay for apps. Six month ago, a survey found that two thirds of Android users had never spent a cent on apps. More recent data suggests that trend could be shifting, and we're optimistic that the debut of game-specific Android hardware like the Wikipad and Ouya could spur development.

LOL this post is being ignored so hard
Apple threads are funny:

first generalization happens about typical Apple user


AppleDefender1: No u r dumb, Android has no business on the internet

AndroidDefender1: Apple is lame, feed the sheepz plz

AppleDefender1: No u

AndroidDefender1: No u r 1

AppleDefender1: Nuh uh - heres 10 links no one will read or care about

AndroidDefender1: iMaps lolz