iPhone 5 Surpasses Galaxy S III in Web Traffic Volume

I'm willing to bet that more Apple users do everything on their phone, while more Android users fall back to their PC once they get home.

Because their batteries doesn't last long enough to use all day.

(I had to :D)

Seriously, I think its simply because there are more Apple phones in businesses than Samsung Galaxy S3 phones because of direct upgrades.

I certainly drop my iPhone (4s) in the charger and power up my PC or laptop once I get home.
It's not news, iPhone web traffic as always been higher than their actual sales.

I think it's because iPhone users tend to play with their phones all the time while others (Android and others) see them only as useful tools.
So according to you, it's more of a...why buy the apps if they are too easy to steal?

Stealing mobile apps is stupid, they are really affordable by anyone.

That kind of thinking is what drives developers away and will eventually hurt android even more.

Not that I care though, i'm an ios user. After my nexus one crashing the phone app in some critical situations I would be happy to see android go down.

No, I buy my apps on Android. My other friends who own Android do not. Why? Because its so damn easy to download APK files. This is why Android always gets the shaft for apps and are inferior to their iOS counterparts.

Also, why bother selling your app on android? That is why we see games like Angry birds with ads in them, it is almost easier to generate ad revenue than selling it for .99 on Android.

Cheap bastards, lol.
Apple threads are funny:

first generalization happens about typical Apple user


AppleDefender1: No u r dumb, Android has no business on the internet

AndroidDefender1: Apple is lame, feed the sheepz plz

AppleDefender1: No u

AndroidDefender1: No u r 1

AppleDefender1: Nuh uh - heres 10 links no one will read or care about

AndroidDefender1: iMaps lolz

Pretty much hit the nail in the head, but lets get to the root of the problem. Your first statement was started by a generalization typically of an Android user.

Hell, I own an Android phone and I don't see what is "SO OMGZ AWESOME!!1!" about it over iOS. Fanboys make me laugh, and lose hope in humanity at the same time.
So according to you, it's more of a...why buy the apps if they are too easy to steal?

Stealing mobile apps is stupid, they are really affordable by anyone.

That kind of thinking is what drives developers away and will eventually hurt android even more.

Not that I care though, i'm an ios user. After my nexus one crashing the phone app in some critical situations I would be happy to see android go down.

I hate to break it to you but copyright infringement is not exclusive or unique to Android. There is a ton of it that goes on with iOS as well.
Pretty much hit the nail in the head, but lets get to the root of the problem. Your first statement was started by a generalization typically of an Android user.

Hell, I own an Android phone and I don't see what is "SO OMGZ AWESOME!!1!" about it over iOS. Fanboys make me laugh, and lose hope in humanity at the same time.

I always do a small countdown till the first generalization on either camp and see the knee jerk reactions.

Most of the time these generalizations aren't that bad or offensive but people sit there waiting for a chance to prove them wrong!
It's not news, iPhone web traffic as always been higher than their actual sales.

I think it's because iPhone users tend to play with their phones all the time while others (Android and others) see them only as useful tools.

...These threads. THESE THREADS...
In only three weeks and in a vastly smaller market, Apple’s iPhone 5 has overtaken juggernaut Galaxy S 3 in the volume of web traffic generated in an analysis conducted by research firm Chitika.

But that's one phone model from a wide selection of Android phones, and like someone else said I don't use my phone for web browsing unless I'm not home, or work.
No, I buy my apps on Android. My other friends who own Android do not. Why? Because its so damn easy to download APK files. This is why Android always gets the shaft for apps and are inferior to their iOS counterparts.

Also, why bother selling your app on android? That is why we see games like Angry birds with ads in them, it is almost easier to generate ad revenue than selling it for .99 on Android.

Cheap bastards, lol.

Gotta love justifications to alleviate any knowledge of wrongdoings or guilt. :rolleyes:
I'm not guilty of anything, bit if you like to think so go right ahead. All the power to ya, if it makes your day go by easier.

If i can afford the parts in my sig, i can afford a measly. 99 app, LOL.
I'm not guilty of anything, bit if you like to think so go right ahead. All the power to ya, if it makes your day go by easier.

If i can afford the parts in my sig, i can afford a measly. 99 app, LOL.

Then why aren't you paying for it? :rolleyes:
Maybe they are using more web traffic because they don't know what they are doing. Galaxy users are more web efficient. ;) lol

plus maybe the apple users are having to ask Siri several times "how do I switch back to my S3?"
web usage is not a good statistic - who knows Apple could be making sure that extra unnecessary bytes are need in their packets - like tracking bytes or their mysterious 3 AM transmissions (nocturnal emmissions LOL). Or it could be users are having to have the same data sent over several times - applies to all platforms. Or because the iOS has some new features, users may be trying them out - especially with so many getting the phone at once. Plus movie transmissions with the retina display resolution sif done server side would require more data to be sent. Or it couild be people having to download Google maps. Lets's see if the data rate is maintained. And remember the saying, there are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
I have owned a Dinc, DROID X, and now a GSIII. The Apple app store has leaps and bounds better quality apps available.

My wife has a iphone 5 and it's almost night and day.

However with my rooted GSIII running Cytongen I wouldn't get an iphone 5. I mainly surf the Web and use YouTube so the screen size was paramount.

I have over 40 games including NOVA 3, and while they are awesome they are far and few between especially with child apps.
Probably true. I know people who don't use anything BUT an iPhone for all their computing needs. There are many people like that now , especially among the older users who prefer one device for everything.

Plus Apple has legions of iPhone fans that would buy the new iPhone even if it cried like a baby all night and shit the bed in the morning.

Theres an app for that.
may be iphone 5 owners are just trying to download their things from app store.