iPads Are Killing Jobs

I just heard that buggy whip manufacturers are all out of business. My god, what has become of us!
Guys, the overall message was that even though this device eliminates publishers (which is inevitable), the jobs to make these devices resides in China were many big business are channeling products. Outsourcing is a good thing for business, but terrible for the average american as less jobs are available.
Guys, the overall message was that even though this device eliminates publishers (which is inevitable), the jobs to make these devices resides in China were many big business are channeling products. Outsourcing is a good thing for business, but terrible for the average american as less jobs are available.

It doesn't eliminate publishers in the sense that they are still needed to produce a professional product from a manuscript. It does however eliminate the brick & mortar book stores. However, if you check the books you've bought, you'll see that almost all the large publishers already print their books in China. The loss of sales from companies like Borders is being balanced by the gain from companies like Amazon.
The iPad is killing jobs. The kind of jobs that humans should not be doing. The scary fact is that most of society is fueled by jobs that do nothing for humanity. Maybe he is just realizing this?
Hardcore conservative are using this same twisted logic on any technology that eliminates old and outdated business practices.
Yeah we need to get rid of email because it's killing the postal system.
Guys, the overall message was that even though this device eliminates publishers (which is inevitable), the jobs to make these devices resides in China were many big business are channeling products. Outsourcing is a good thing for business, but terrible for the average american as less jobs are available.

I fully agree..
you know.. he has a point and defends it well, but cmon. On the flip side think of how many trees these will save and help deforestation... which in turn will cut more jobs for the lumberjacks... :rolleyes:
you know.. he has a point and defends it well, but cmon. On the flip side think of how many trees these will save and help deforestation... which in turn will cut more jobs for the lumberjacks... :rolleyes:

Most of our lumber is sold to China, with their workers being paid more, more of them can afford to have houses built!!!
What happens when we can automate nearly all mundane jobs and unemployment rates hit 40%?

Not a fan of this guy or his father, but I do think he has a valid point. He just presented it the wrong way. He should have said, yes, technology is great and helps drive efficiencies. As a Dem he should be celebrating that less books are being created because that hurts the environment. The issue he should have really hammered on is that jobs are not being recreated in our nation's boarders to replace the old technology. All our manufacturing jobs are going over seas. Take horse and buggy industry referenced earlier, they were replaced, but the new jobs were created by auto assembly lines here in USA. Same with Telegraph, new industry grew here in USA. The iPad is just an example of a new business that is killing an older business, however the jobs are being sent elsewhere. He should have harped on that, not on books becoming obsolete. We are advancing technologically, but we are not creating new jobs to match what is being made obsolete.
you know.. he has a point and defends it well, but cmon. On the flip side think of how many trees these will save and help deforestation... which in turn will cut more jobs for the lumberjacks... :rolleyes:
Those lumberjacks could quit the tree-chopping game entirely, learn iOS application development and, potentially, make more money than they ever dreamed possible.
.the printing press killed the screw press... the ball point pen killed the quill pen and so on.
Yeah we need to get rid of email because it's killing the postal system.

fedex has been desperately trying to buy the postal service. i believe they made 2 offers so far, both turned down.

theyre already setup to take it over. theyd keep it called "the us postal service", all the mail carriers, sorters etc.. they'd just integrate their smaller distribution network (very small compared to fedex) into fedex. as it is, they already rent a lot of space on fedex aircraft. we should just sell it to them imo.

also, outsourcing shit to china makes me nuts. i hate that shit, and the fact that they own most of our debt.
I do believe that Amazon had an effect on the brick and mortars before the eReaders. Perhaps he can take his argument to the record companies for the effect that MP3 players had on their industry.

The point has been already made that many publishers are having their books and periodicals printed overseas, making Mr. Jackson's argument moot. However, the sales of eReaders are doing well.... and providing some benefit to those American stores who sell them.
Hardcore conservative are using this same twisted logic on any technology that eliminates old and outdated business practices.
Both Jesse Jacksons are well known for their staunch conservative views and desire to maintain the traditional business practice status quo.

Guys, the overall message was that even though this device eliminates publishers (which is inevitable), the jobs to make these devices resides in China were many big business are channeling products. Outsourcing is a good thing for business, but terrible for the average american as less jobs are available.

I also agree.
fedex has been desperately trying to buy the postal service. i believe they made 2 offers so far, both turned down.

theyre already setup to take it over. theyd keep it called "the us postal service", all the mail carriers, sorters etc.. they'd just integrate their smaller distribution network (very small compared to fedex) into fedex. as it is, they already rent a lot of space on fedex aircraft. we should just sell it to them imo.

also, outsourcing shit to china makes me nuts. i hate that shit, and the fact that they own most of our debt.

1.) If you hate outsourcing why would you be for privatization? It's principally the same objective. The reason the USPS has lost money is because the vast package business went to Fedex and UPS instead of them, in most other countries Fedex and UPS pay royalties or licensing fees to the nation to work with their system. Only in the US is it an absolute free-for-all. If anything I would rather turn the USPS into a loss leader to destroy Fedex and UPS. Government controlled monopolies end up much better than privately controlled duopolies.

2.) China owns 9.5% of the national debt. The remainder is owned by Social security (which gets paid wonderful interest on it), US citizens and institutions (like retirement funds), and a small sliver is owned by other foreign countries. As it stands China doesn't really own that much and can't dictate anything really, it's why they formed a "human rights" council to be hypocritical back at us. They're a 2nd rate power, essentially hyper-regional, and losing ground to India for world power status. I'm not particularly afraid of them but I completely understand where this congressmen acknowledges that without a shift in manufacturing the US is going to face a systemic 10-20% unemployment as those without access to education will become a permanently unemployed underclass.
Really? You can't blame innovation for making jobs obsolete. Thats just the way the world works. I don't hear people blaming Thomas Edison because he put all the lamp manufacturers out of business. Its survival of the fittest.
If the iPad was made in the USA it would cost $1000+ because of the insane taxes, stupid "environment protection" rules, and unions

Fixed it for you.

And by "stupid environment rules" I mean the ones that allow the EPA to fine companies for building in a wetland when a puddle forms in their parking lot.
O... M... G...

What becomes of bookstores and libraries? Well, they start selling the download content, that's what. Is this guy dense?

I bet he hasn't thought about how many tree's have been saved, Mr. Speaker.
Is this the Jessie Jackson's Chewbecca defense evolved one step further by Jesse Jackson Jr to the Chewbecca-13-million-people-unemployed-ipad defense?