iPads Are Killing Jobs

I think what he really wants to know is this: How is outsourcing to the Chinese slave labor force benefiting America in the long run?
The materials to build the device come from China, the manufacturing is done in China. All we really know how to do is advertise and take a cut. I would honestly love to see digital mom and pop stores which buy a supply of digital content they can sell online. At least local communities keep giving money back to themselves instead of overseas or to Apple's headquarters.

I have a theory that in 20-50 years US citizens will start to migrate to China to seek out the Amer.. ahh I mean Chinese dream.
You can say bring the jobs home but no one would like what would happen as a result:

1. You pay more in wages, cost of goods go up, people cry crap is too expensive.
2. You pay similar wages to workers in China, no one takes the jobs, you hire illegals or end up off shoring again. lol

Why don't we raise the taxes on the import of select goods into America so that they are prohibitively expensive to bring into the country.

Then we pass a law that allows companies to bring workers into the country and give them a small salary, but be required to provide food and shelter. Perhaps they will be required to follow the labor salary laws of their country of origin.

You also pass a law that a certain percentage of Americans are required to be employed under American labor laws. This number can be adjusted to keep the desired unemployment rate.

Companies will save money on transportation costs and import export taxes which will offset the cost of their fraction of American labor. Company profits will go up. The cost of goods will go down. Unemployment will go down. America will save money. We'll also screw the other nations, which helps America as well.

My plan is a little evil and probably wouldn't succeed, but at least I'm trying to think of a solution ;)
"For there are some people who cannot grasp an intelligible truth, unless it be explained to them in every part and detail; this comes of their weakness of intellect: while there are others of stronger intellect, who can grasp many things from few."

Those of you laughing at that video might want someone smarter than you to explain that quote to you.

You might want someone to explain the original Luddite argument to you. Pick any random person on the street.
It doesn't eliminate publishers in the sense that they are still needed to produce a professional product from a manuscript. It does however eliminate the brick & mortar book stores. However, if you check the books you've bought, you'll see that almost all the large publishers already print their books in China. The loss of sales from companies like Borders is being balanced by the gain from companies like Amazon.

If Americans weren't such a bunch of Debt hungry consumerists to begin with they wouldn't have created the demand necessary to export the jobs oversea to make the products they don't need to begin with. Therefore maintaining a balanced stale society where both population and necessities would be covered. This of course is a Paradox. What made America great is killing it now. The value of the dollar is fake and there isn't much no one can do about it.
I'm not seeing how this argument is relates to this situation. When a military stops using swords and armor it's because of an advance in technology. Moving jobs from one country to another for cheaper labor is not.

When a society stops using wasteful paper and cumbersome books due to an advance in technology,what do you call that? It's no different.

This is really about two separate things. New technology pushing out an antiquated industry is one thing that has always happened in human history.

The issue people have with iPads being manufactured in China is something else entirely. What if the textbooks in question were printed in China as well? The loss of the American manufacturing base is an entirely different issue.
Why don't we raise the taxes on the import of select goods into America so that they are prohibitively expensive to bring into the country.

Then we pass a law that allows companies to bring workers into the country and give them a small salary, but be required to provide food and shelter. Perhaps they will be required to follow the labor salary laws of their country of origin.

You also pass a law that a certain percentage of Americans are required to be employed under American labor laws. This number can be adjusted to keep the desired unemployment rate.

Companies will save money on transportation costs and import export taxes which will offset the cost of their fraction of American labor. Company profits will go up. The cost of goods will go down. Unemployment will go down. America will save money. We'll also screw the other nations, which helps America as well.

My plan is a little evil and probably wouldn't succeed, but at least I'm trying to think of a solution ;)

This is basically importing slaves, creating plantations, and engaging in extreme protectionism. Good job!
I think this guy is unfairly picking on iPads, because there are many other e-readers :) Not that I think his argument has much, if any validity. The iPads were being made in China regardless of the e-book scenario, so it's not like we are seeing a giant shift of jobs to China now.. Cheap labor in China has been around well before the iPad.
I think this guy is unfairly picking on iPads, because there are many other e-readers :) Not that I think his argument has much, if any validity. The iPads were being made in China regardless of the e-book scenario, so it's not like we are seeing a giant shift of jobs to China now.. Cheap labor in China has been around well before the iPad.

His argument that is that with the arrival of the Chinese made iPad, comes the downfall of the American printing and bookstore/newstand/publisher retailing industry.
He was too specific. We are going to more and more have to deal jobs loses in losing industries in global economy of innovation and an ever changing market place and realities. How do you stimulate growth in a mature economy when the labor scale of countries with tons of brain and man power put workers in mature economies at a significant disadvantage?

Job growth in mature economies is key to reinvigorating the global economy and solving the long term government budget problems that are effecting governments at all levels all across the US and other countries across the globe. I think in the end however when a strong economy sorts itself out, most of the time things work out. It'll be a constant struggle but hopefully we can come to some political solutions over government budgets as well has have a nice long term period of sustainable economic growth.
I bet Amazon is glad he didn't mention the Kindle, which I would say has been a far more relevant factor in the decline of physical books at least. There's a Kindle reader apps for Windows and Windows Phone so Kindle books work everywhere. Barns & Noble need a Windows Phone client, hopefully one is on it's way, Like to but books there are well.
His argument that is that with the arrival of the Chinese made iPad, comes the downfall of the American printing and bookstore/newstand/publisher retailing industry.

Exactly, which is why I don't understand why he is picking on the iPad. There are numerous other readers out there, not to mention people mostly read their news on the PC anyways. Many PC components, e-reader components, or anything else that could be used to read books/news are made in China. The bookstore/newstand/etc industry was going to fall iPad or no.. it was just a matter of time.
I bet Amazon is glad he didn't mention the Kindle, which I would say has been a far more relevant factor in the decline of physical books at least. There's a Kindle reader apps for Windows and Windows Phone so Kindle books work everywhere. Barns & Noble need a Windows Phone client, hopefully one is on it's way, Like to but books there are well.

Seriously, that is what I was posting about. Hell, I own many of my books on PC. I don't even own an iPad.. I also read some of them on my droid.

Fail to see why this guy is picking on Apple. Not that I like them, just seems like the issue spreads further than the iPad.
Yeah we need to get rid of email because it's killing the postal system.

What I used to do was back before the credit crunch I would get a dozen credit card offers a week in the mail. I would take the blank applications and mix them up into non-matching return envelopes. The envelops were pre-postage paid by the company so you didn't have to put a stamp on them.

Put 'em in the mailbox. USPS gets to mail them to the credit card company, the CC company pays for the postage, and they get a completely wrong unfilled out application inside. Helps the government, hurts the CC companies. Loved it.

But now I get like 1 or 2 CC applications maybe every 2-3 months, so can't do that anymore :(
Paper eliminated the need for bards.

I thought I remembered writing a lot while playing "A Bard's Tale." Perhaps paper increased the utility of bards in the short-term?

In any case... how the hell can a university require iPads for the purpose of reading textbooks? Can't they put these books universal formats (PDF or e-reader compatible formats) for ANY tablet? I'm not understanding how this distribution method limits students to the iPAD platform... :confused:

WTF is this BS? It's shameful and idiotic.

What if I were satisfied using a Nook Color? Do I have that option at these sorts of universities? I had better... I would avoid universities for that reason alone.
My brain is fried.

I wish to append the following to my response:
In any case... how the hell can a university require iPads for the purpose of reading textbooks? Can't they put these books universal formats (PDF or e-reader compatible formats) for ANY tablet? I'm not understanding how this distribution method limits students to the iPAD platform... :confused:

Furthermore, wouldn't an iPad requirement fail 508c compliance?
Jackson Jr. And his father are racist and are wealthy elitists who blackmail companies into giving them money. They want to start class warfare of the Have and have-nots because they are communists. As for American jobs, We are Addicted to cheap labor. We need to become a country of producers who make goods.
This is basically importing slaves, creating plantations, and engaging in extreme protectionism. Good job!

Trust me, I know. It seemed to work the first time to help turn the south into an economic powerhouse, so I figured it would work again. Only this time, we'd be a little nicer :)