iOS 9 jailbreak is here!

6 plus here on ios9.

I think we'll have to agree to disagree.

-I think jailbreaking my ios9 6 is pointless for me, I miss the customization of droid
-You get great use out of jailbreaking ios
Check the sig. I own both iPhone and Android. I wouldn't if I didn't see the benefits each offered.

I was just defending his opinion. Its why I replied directly to him. That's how discussions work. Welcome to the internet.
Have any opinion you please. Just don't expect others to stand by quietly when you assert yours is superior. Welcome to life.
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Yet you come into a thread specifically about jailbreaking to try to tell people who are interested in jailbreaking that it's pointless? What is the logic here? You guys are just trying to stir up shit for no reason.

Bingo. Never understood those folks.
What's the issue? Those who need the phone jailbroken, will do it, those, like me, who are happy with stock iOS, don't need anything more, and are grateful, that I don't have to fiddle with the iPhone as I had to fiddle with my android phone, won't use jailbreak. Not that it's being forced by anyone.
As an American, I am exercising my God-given right to speech.

This entire subforum is just people thread crapping. If the topic is about Android, there will be someone who's entire post is nothing but them saying they hate Android. If its about IOS, people will jump in and complain about how bad IOS is. You can't post news or have a discussion about anything because without fail, there will be 2-3 assholes that change the conversation to why they hate a certain platform. You can delete every single thread in here and make 1 stickied thread called "tell me what you think about someone else's phone" and this subforum would literally have the same content as its current form.
I nominate lloose for admin of this sub

Getting back to the topic at hand, apparently the jailbreak can get iPhone 6 users some of the 6S functionality.
Speed Intensifier is pretty nice, although I think they need to work on it a bit since some of the apps (settings) don't update fast enough for the animation speed. You can see a quick flash before the "image" loads.
Folks: jailbreaking is fine, but it's also not for everyone. So long as you understand the risks to your phone's security and stability, it can give you the interface and apps you want on the hardware you want. Is Android more flexible out of the gate? Yes, but some people don't want Android. Fancy that!

And on the subject of exercising free speech, XKCD has some wisdom. You're entitled to say what you want; this doesn't mean that others on a privately-owned site have to sit and watch their conversation being derailed. At a certain point, you have to behave with a level of courtesy and respect.