Introducing Dell Monitor Price Alerter v0.5

Someone posted this on Slickdeals forum... You might be getting alot more traffic soon. Hopefully this doesn't screw the OP's bandwidth. I'd hate to see this sweet utility go down because someone had to go and spread it out to the world.
domoMKIV said:
Tom D


my name is Tom and last name starts with D too.

THANKS FOR THE PROGRAM, now if only they'd bring on the $160 lcd's again :D
Hey, fellow Tom! You don't happen to own do you? ;)
jonspd said:
BTW why not make it where you can get a private message here or @ another forum when price drop's?
That's a good idea, but I doubt that that would work, mainly because if it did, that would open up a whole world of spam for forums. If someone could create a script to send PMs, then everyone on [H]|F could quickly have 200 PMs in their inbox - not good.

SpeedNut said:
Just a heads-up, for some reason every minute I'm now getting ~4-10 emails about the E177FP, which I think it's only supposed to send 1 period?

Other than that, looks like a great utility! Thanks :)
Yes, I believe I have corrected that bug. Unfortunately it takes Dell to be asinine in order to test my program and tell what's wrong. It seems Dell has deleted many of the Monitors included on the watch list.
[LYL]Homer said:
Wow Tom, nice work!

I'll Paypal you some of the savings when the 2407 drops in price!
rockman1117 said:
Someone posted this on Slickdeals forum... You might be getting alot more traffic soon. Hopefully this doesn't screw the OP's bandwidth. I'd hate to see this sweet utility go down because someone had to go and spread it out to the world.
That's funny. I can't find it anywhere on their forums! Does anyone here have the link to the topic on Slickdeals? My bandwidth should be okay... the page + everything is only a couple kilobytes. I'm working on transferring it to my friend's hosting company now, actually.
mdameron said:
Aw man that's lame as hell!
Uhh... my program is lame, or something else? If the former, I'm sorry you don't like it.
Dapperdan said:
he is prob hiding under a bridge somewhere
As long as they give me credit (and link to this thread), I don't care who posts it where. Hell, I'd rather have it be on 1000 forums.... the more the merrier. :p
ituggle said:
eating billy-goats!
I didn't know fugitives hiding under bridges commonly partaked in the consuming of billy-goats ;)
gamefreak1450 said:
Uhh... my program is lame, or something else? If the former, I'm sorry you don't like it.

No no, whoever posted up your program is lame! Not your prog, lol.
*sigh* I just got an email the 2407 was $248...

Edit: Just read the entie email, the email was for the E177FP thought I subscribed for the 2407.
We finally got real hosting! My friend was gracous enoguh to donate some of his 1TB (and growing) of bandwidth. Don't worry about DDOS'ing it now, it'll be okay.

New URL:

hity645 said:
*sigh* I just got an email the 2407 was $248...

Edit: Just read the entie email, the email was for the E177FP thought I subscribed for the 2407.
Did you not sign up for the E177FP? If you never signed up for it, that may be a problem. If you clicked "All programs", then yeah, it would have rightfully sent it.

phelan1777 said:
I just quoted the first post as it has all the links, I posted it on XS in the LCD thread.
Post #420
Thanks, but can you update the URL in that post, and also provide a link back to this post?

Nice, very nice. I signed up for the alerts :)

If you want to send me the source code, maybe I could improve it a little and help you out. Let me know.

Thanks again :D
if there was going to be hosting on dells server it would be someththing like:

Nope I recieved a notfication again for the E177 yet I made sure it was the 2407.
Has the multiple email thing been fixed yet? I just got home, and had 350+ emails from the notifier!
Unknown-One said:
ROFL!!! You made me spit soda all over my monitor!

http://[color=red]dell[/color] Did somone actualy give you hosting on dell's servers? :eek:
lol, no. It's just "dell" because that is describing the program. I think Dell has it out for me now.

SheepNutz said:
Has the multiple email thing been fixed yet? I just got home, and had 350+ emails from the notifier!
Wow. I'm very sorry for your time wasted, I could have sworn I fixed that... apparently not.

I'm 90% it's fixed now, if you get any more e-mails, let me know.
I think there is still a problem with multiple emails because i just got home and i have 750+ emails from the program in my box :eek:
SheepNutz said:
It seems to be fixed now, thanks for all your hard work!
Thanks, I'm sorry I didn't get it fixed earlier.

Exile said:
I think there is still a problem with multiple emails because i just got home and i have 750+ emails from the program in my box :eek:
Wow. Reading that inspired me to log each e-mail sent and put a troubleshooting ID at the bottom. If you have any problems, either post the ID here or e-mail it to me and I will be able to see specific details.

Whoo. Busy day.
rockman1117 said:
This is the slickdeal thread if you still want to know the link:

Thanks again OP.
Thanks, someone actually PM'd it to me.

civictyper16 said:
Wtf :eek: i just got 300 emails about E177FP i remember putting only the 2007 home and business??
If you keep getting them, then something is wrong. Like, something I swore I fixed yesterday. If you get any more e-mails, include the troubleshooting ID (which should be on there - if it's not, that's a problem) and I'll fix what's going wrong.

In other news, the price of 5 monitors went up, so if you look quickly, you can see what the program does when a price changes.
I think Dell is up to something.. gonna make the Monitor not work... why would they jack the prices up and then turn it back down? I saw the 20.1" WS for $447, then it went down to $367..
Lamont said:
I think Dell is up to something.. gonna make the Monitor not work... why would they jack the prices up and then turn it back down? I saw the 20.1" WS for $447, then it went down to $367..

I don't know, but it looked accurate to me when I checked it out. Maybe it's automatic that when they run lower in supply, it jacks up the price automatically. Also, if there is a lapse in sales.

tripleplay905 said:
!! Looks like some of the prices went down about $15, a few went up too.

Yeah, I can't find any that went down though

civictyper16 said:
Hey Tom it seems to be working fine now. :D

It's not. 15 monitors that used to be working have seemingly been deleted. I wrote something into the program such that it doesn't show the monitors that Dell deleted, but you can tell how many are not working by looking at the green bar on the bottom.
I'm not able to access the server now. Did you you take it off line for repairs? BTW it is a were cool site/program
marvin888 said:
I'm not able to access the server now. Did you you take it off line for repairs? BTW it is a were cool site/program

It was just a 5 minute downtime unannounced by the hosting company. It's sporatically working and not working, there's nothing I can or did do.

*Sigh* Reliability would be nice... that's the whole reason why I transferred it to

2bad the DVI-HDCP input only accepts 720p from HDTV sources. no 1080i. i hear 3007 has the same limitations. good price though =).
Haven't heard anyone talk about this for a while, and needed to search to find it, but I've been lurking this thread for a while.

Decided to make the jump and sign-up. Looks good.

I guess the suggestion I have (and may have already been suggested before) is to set it so if you setup an "account" it shows all the subscriptions you have, unless there is only one you can do at a time, I guess I didn't think about that.....
If Dell start messing with the pages by giving them totally different URLs, you might think about parsing to get the link to Small Business or Home, and follow the links much like a "real" user would.
Looks good. Is there an easy way to add the functionality of selecting multiple monitors without subscribing multiple times?