Introducing Dell Monitor Price Alerter v0.5

Glad to be of service. As usual, if you have any gripes/feature requests/rants/etc. , don't hesitate to get ahold of me. Oh yeah. You can contact me on AIM: computergeek258 (clever screenname, I know ;) )

Once you subscribe for an alert when a certain product price changes, how do you remove yourself from the system? (incase you don't want to get alerts any longer)
KuJaX said:
Once you subscribe for an alert when a certain product price changes, how do you remove yourself from the system? (incase you don't want to get alerts any longer)

As of v0.6, you cannot. However, once you receive an alert for an item, any more alerts for that same item are canceled. You can sign up to receive them again, but it will automatically remove you from the mailing list when you get an alert.

Hello, great job on the code. Is it possible to post it, because I wouldn't mind looking up some prices on some other sites (and less hassle with done code).

PS A tip jar might be a good idea for v0.7.
Nice work!

Here's what I would like to see. A way for it to alert, only when a certain percentage change happens from an average price. As this is about good deals, I only want to be alerted when a price drops like over +40% (whether because an accident or otherwise). I wouldn't want 50 emails say the monitor has dropped 2$. I want a notification, that basically means, "someone screwed up pricing, the flat panel 22 incher is $100.00 instead of the $1000.00 it's supposed to be (just an exageration, but you get the point :) and you'd better get your ass to a computer before someone fixes it!
filename.exe said:
Hello, great job on the code. Is it possible to post it, because I wouldn't mind looking up some prices on some other sites (and less hassle with done code).

PS A tip jar might be a good idea for v0.7.

I second the suggestion for a tip jar. no good work should go unrewarded. Also, I like the idea of choosing a percentage price drop beore getting an alert.

Now a few suggestions:

1. How about the monitor models link to their respective pages?
2. An option to choose all models for monitoring.

Good job on the page work.
If you could, add an option when signing up to be able to check all monitors you want to watch, and add yourself to the list on all of them at once, instead of doing it one at a time.

Thanks though, and either way great program.
Very nice I went ahead and added it I could use 3 new monitors of the same size :)
Can you somehow make it highlight the deals that have changed? That way I can open the page and see automatically what has changed.
Definately put up a paypal email address (tip jar) and let people throw money your way.
xer0 said:
Nice work!

Here's what I would like to see. A way for it to alert, only when a certain percentage change happens from an average price. As this is about good deals, I only want to be alerted when a price drops like over +40% (whether because an accident or otherwise). I wouldn't want 50 emails say the monitor has dropped 2$. I want a notification, that basically means, "someone screwed up pricing, the flat panel 22 incher is $100.00 instead of the $1000.00 it's supposed to be (just an exageration, but you get the point :) and you'd better get your ass to a computer before someone fixes it!

Hmm.. Look for that in v0.7.

PsyKo[H] said:
I second the suggestion for a tip jar. no good work should go unrewarded. Also, I like the idea of choosing a percentage price drop beore getting an alert.

Now a few suggestions:

1. How about the monitor models link to their respective pages?
2. An option to choose all models for monitoring.

Good job on the page work.

1) Good idea. I just added it.
2) If you log in, you can add your own items. As of now, you cannot remove default monitors.... again... check back in v0.7 :)

filename.exe said:
Hello, great job on the code. Is it possible to post it, because I wouldn't mind looking up some prices on some other sites (and less hassle with done code).

PS A tip jar might be a good idea for v0.7.

I would release the code if I felt anyone else could read it. I slapped this together so fast that it's an incrediable mess. Heh. I never fathomed the idea that people may want to donate money to me. I should probably add one, huh.

DarkfallFan said:
Can you somehow make it highlight the deals that have changed? That way I can open the page and see automatically what has changed.
Yep, it bolds them automatically.

Again, thanks for all your visits and continued feedback.
This is a really great tool you put together. One question, could you put a refresh button on the page? Just a matter of convenience, but if it's not too much trouble, it would be helpful.

What's the email address that the alerts come from so I can white-list it for spam?
gandalf said:
This is a really great tool you put together. One question, could you put a refresh button on the page? Just a matter of convenience, but if it's not too much trouble, it would be helpful.


just press F5
Of course. Thanks for all the communtiy support. I've been pouring in a lot of time into v0.7... including an all new look (for users of less than 1280x1024) and many new features.

If you like it, tell a friend!

Great idea, gamefreak. Idea for a feature - you can put a notifcation threshold - so if a monitor changes price down past a certain amount, then it notifies you.
gamefreak1450 said:
Heh... too bad this isn't the "public service" that counts for schooling ;)
Hah! I'd be more than willing to forge a form saying you sang Christmas carols at an old folks home or something if it'd help any.
Christmas in July FTW!

enlightenedby42 said:
Hah! I'd be more than willing to forge a form saying you sang Christmas carols at an old folks home or something if it'd help any.
enlightenedby42 said:
Hah! I'd be more than willing to forge a form saying you sang Christmas carols at an old folks home or something if it'd help any.

Hmmm... do you think they'd catch on to the fact I can't sing? :D
heh...sorry for the digression there.

In all seriousness though...I wonder if there would be a way to make the tool browse the bargain sites for monitor coupons.

For the first few days of existance, this is a pretty kick ass little tool already.
enlightenedby42 said:
In all seriousness though...I wonder if there would be a way to make the tool browse the bargain sites for monitor coupons.
That would be almost physically impossible unless there was a list of coupons somewhere.

enlightenedby42 said:
For the first few days of existance, this is a pretty kick ass little tool already.
I agree. Much more awesomeness to come :)
I wonder if this is going to be looked frowned upon from Dell and have them change a few snippets of coding on their site to destroy all the work that you have and will put into the project??
Not to completly go against your design, but why not release a standalone version? let people waste their own BW and check for updates every millisecond if they feel like it? Ofcourse, i dont know what language you wrote this in, that might be a problem if its written in something really esoteric.

Otherwise. good job, to find the time to write something that everyone wants!
KuJaX said:
I wonder if this is going to be looked frowned upon from Dell and have them change a few snippets of coding on their site to destroy all the work that you have and will put into the project??

I don't see why they would disapprove... it's not like we're hacking their site to get lower prices or anything. They're the ones to set the prices, this application will just help us find them before non-[H] people.

petvirus said:
Not to completly go against your design, but why not release a standalone version? let people waste their own BW and check for updates every millisecond if they feel like it? Ofcourse, i dont know what language you wrote this in, that might be a problem if its written in something really esoteric.

Otherwise. good job, to find the time to write something that everyone wants!
Ehh... I don't know many programming languagess for standalone crap. This is in PHP + MySQL.. so it's not portable for anything else. Anyway, I don't think that's very high on my priority list as of now, seeing as how I'm making significant changes to the program currently and it would be a huge PITA to distribute new versions to everyone.
Damn nifty lil tool... now... if only you could put it in a RSS feed that way you could check it all the time if you don't have your email client up. Perhaps I'm just TOO damn lazy, and perhaps it's not possilble, but it would be cool.

Anyways, Major props to you good sir. May Dell mess up prices again in your general direction. ;)
SpazzeBlue said:
Damn nifty lil tool... now... if only you could put it in a RSS feed that way you could check it all the time if you don't have your email client up. Perhaps I'm just TOO damn lazy, and perhaps it's not possilble, but it would be cool.

Anyways, Major props to you good sir. May Dell mess up prices again in your general direction. ;)

Hmmm. RSS feeds are rather low on the priority list, but thanks for the idea.

Yeah, I think Dell should stage an experiment to see how many people will buy a 3007WFP if they put the price sub-$200. ;)

ok, i can live without a standalone app, in this case a suggestion, ie feature request!

- on the front page you have all the prices of stuff today and stuff yesterday:
* if there is a difference between those 2 numbers for one product, make the text red so people can see it right away.