Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Was there ever a question that internet trolls are horrible people?

The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).
That was an interesting read. Research like this will probably become more important as people fight over net neutrality, and censorship.
The GF and I were just talking about this last night. It really is interesting (and also really sad) to see how people behave when anonymous.
I am not a troll.

Besides, I'm too important to be narcissistic and don't care about your invalid opinions. So quit interfering in my enjoyable pastime.
Hmm, well the study hasn't been published yet and, weirdly enough, the subjects were asked to describe their subjective online chat style via questionnaire. Erm, I wouldn't bet my life savings on the findings of this study... :)
The GF and I were just talking about this last night. It really is interesting (and also really sad) to see how people behave when anonymous.

People who think they can be asshats behind a screen "anonymously".. I firmly believe have a problem in real life.
I've been textually assaulted on the internetz.

We had a single troll invade the piano forum (weird eh?) and the effect was huge. Dragged the entire place down until a mod got involved weeks later, and awareness grew amongst regular posters.
Research into the true nature of humans? I thought they already knew that. And by the way that study is a troll and was trolled (was more juicy that checking trolling a scientific paper).
Article fails to state the age range in which trolling usually occurs. That is a very important variable because age and maturity has a lot to do with it especially since teens tend to have self esteem issues and depression issues which could possible spur on these other character traits that cause them to become a troll. Until they grow up and realize how much of a dumbazz they were. Not that everyone fully grows up, it depends on what part of your personality grows up and what doesn't if it ever does which is why trolling might last longer than teens and the young adult stages, but that is a different story. Either way, article fail for not having age ranges.
Narcissism - right on the money. I've even seen trolls justify their actions by saying people should expect rudeness on the internet because it's the internet. That happened recently, and on this forum at that. Odds are said troll will probably realize I'm using him as an example and throw out some nasty comment, even though he's permanently on my ignore list and I won't see it, but I've found that with most of them it's like an addiction. They can't not troll. Take a topic that's a sore spot with them, be it religion, gun control, politics, even an opinion over a specific video game, and they'll latch onto it and not let go, and poke into that particular topic anywhere it appears. The problem is never with the troll from the troll's perspective, and you'll always be on the defensive once they start with their meanness. You can't win their game because as long as you're engaging them you're feeding their ego and they're getting what they want. The only way to win is to not play their stupid little game in the first place.

The upside is that they're predictable. Just about ever troll I've seen follows the same pattern of behavior, and this article helps to quantify the behavior traits underlying that pattern. I just wish more people would be aware of the trolls and not take the bait when one pops in and starts being an ass. Too many good discussions turn into flamewars between opposing trolls and any reasonable discussion gets lost under the walls of angry shout text.
Its a bullshit notion that people behave the same 24x7, or that people belong to either a strict binary "good" vs "evil" group.

Most people are shades of gray, recognizing moral relativism means that one person's saint is another's villain (is an Islamic honor killing a moral thing to do or not?), and ultimately people can be goody two shoes and bottle their animosity 360 days of the year but like to achieve release now and then online by being a trolling douchecanoe. And that includes myself.... I am quite proud of a few of my more epic trolls, yet in person am a perfect gentlemen.

Same thing with really conservative Christian girls, in my experience they are often the most attracted to wild fetishes in the bedroom as long as they can feel secure in their privacy, probably because they feel so repressed in public.
lulz I have been called a troll everytime I say I hate a game on the internet.

especially. the horrible killer instinct reboot on xbox.
lulz I have been called a troll everytime I say I hate a game on the internet.

especially. the horrible killer instinct reboot on xbox.

fuck you troll. you don't know what you are talking about. :)

I'm not a huge fan of it myself but then again I am not a huge fighter fan either. Going back and playing the original there as part of the Ultra version I found that my memory of the original game don't match the actual game. Unless they just screwed up the port. Although at the same time I don't find it to be that horrible of a reboot game what I have played of it outside of the microtransaction stuff which is why I just bought the full version in the event that I decided I wanted to play it.
fuck you troll. you don't know what you are talking about. :)

I'm not a huge fan of it myself but then again I am not a huge fighter fan either. Going back and playing the original there as part of the Ultra version I found that my memory of the original game don't match the actual game. Unless they just screwed up the port. Although at the same time I don't find it to be that horrible of a reboot game what I have played of it outside of the microtransaction stuff which is why I just bought the full version in the event that I decided I wanted to play it.

Oh i love the old killer instinct games the 1st 2. They was dumb fun and it was one of the games/movies that got me interested in 3d CGI rendered graphics that started me on my job.

I just think the new one is horrible looks nothing like KI (it is now a street fighter 4 rip off with bad art that looks nothing like the characters. There is no KI in it anymore.)

I have the games all the versions we even own the arcade and keep them at my friends cafe. I never forgot how the game was I see them often. its an emulation of the arcade it is decent enough.

To which I found this. John goddard one of the dudes working on KI bitching how the SNES street fighter box art did not look enough like the characters,. (and really compared to new KI they do) and yet he let the new KI out the door with that god awful character art and ugly kunfu panda/70s kung fu movie/street fighter 4 UI.

you can read that here.

And I got the same complaint the new KI art work sucks balls and looks nothing like the characters.

Oh and the game is also full of bugs and locks up. it locked up the first time I played it after 30 minutes. There are tons of other bugs the game is not finshed. it has less content than games from the 90s. yhou can only use jago in story mode and the game plays like a bad street fighter 4 mod.

We already got street fighter i can go play that.

But no a very small group of people (the same people on every major website from a small fighting game website) that worship the game like it is some type of hindu god go around and call people tolls if they hate the game in anyway.

Some of them even got to be mods on the offical site asking for good and bad feedback for the game and they pretty much killed all talk about it and now the place/game is a ghost town.

(also the fact the game is even more buggy now than it was at launch locks up more and you can find a match and you get false thrown in "jail" for no reasons because of bugs.

I am happy I did not buy the new KI or the xbox now, somebody else I know made the mistake for me and he hates the game too. games is horrible.

Oh and the game looks like an xbox 360 game flat out. it is the worst looking xbone game. injustice or dead or alive 5 on xbox 360 will pwn the new game in looking good.
Everyone can be assholes, so everyone has a little troll in them.
I'm fine with that.