Internet Explorer 7 Update

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Steven Reynolds, Microsoft's Internet Explorer Program Manager, has updated the IE blog letting everyone know that you can finally update to IE7 and Windows Genuine Advantage validation is no longer required.

Because Microsoft takes its commitment to help protect the entire Windows ecosystem seriously, we’re updating the IE7 installation experience to make it available as broadly as possible to all Windows users. With today’s “Installation and Availability Update,” Internet Explorer 7 installation will no longer require Windows Genuine Advantage validation and will be available to all Windows XP users.
seems like a cheap attempt to advance adoption of ie7, wouldn't be surprised if they started offering free updates for
seems like a cheap attempt to advance adoption of ie7, wouldn't be surprised if they started offering free updates for

Microsoft is trying to promote its product by making it free like Firefox. Defiantly not a cheap attempt, sounds like a smart move to me.
Free or not, I stick to my trusty firefox.

Still good that M$ sees the light, better late than never. IE7 is so prone to crashes still (with plugins) that they got alot of work ahead of them.
Never really like IE7, I'm sticking with IE6 as my secondary browser.

Opera all the way!! :D
Who figured MS would finally catch on?
They lost people to other browsers due to the restriction...
Who figured MS would finally catch on?
They lost people to other browsers due to the restriction...

Huh? If someone were ripping off a copy of XP anyway, I'm sure they could rip off a copy of IE7 too :rolleyes:.

As far as losing people to other browsers, I hope you're not referring to FireFox of all things. I tried it a couple of times over the years, once a few months ago, and it's pathetic, to put it simply. It looks shiny, but that's about it... sluggish performance, huge RAM demands with more than 1-2 tabs open, and general web page display bugginess on many sites I tried visiting with it shooed me back to IE6/7 each time. I'm all for the whole "open source" thing, but sheesh, stop acting like FF is the reincarnation of all that was ever good :rolleyes:.
seems like a cheap attempt to advance adoption of ie7, wouldn't be surprised if they started offering free updates for

If you'd rather be discriminated against and want to pay for the updates or go through a secondary or potential tertiary checks before being able to update your product .... go for it. I'd rather have it for free myself. IE crashed while i was replying to this message. I'll take my updates for free.

This doesn't mean that I don't use firefox, it just means I want my IE7 to work. I think you misunderstood the main point.

Free or not, I stick to my trusty firefox.

Still good that M$ sees the light, better late than never. IE7 is so prone to crashes still (with plugins) that they got alot of work ahead of them.

I don't even have any plugins and every update fixes one problem but seems to cause another.