Intel to Talk About Arctic Sound GPU in December Conference


Mar 3, 2018
Digitimes claims that Intel will host a conference for its "GPU architecture technologies" in "December," and that Raja Koduri and several high ranking executives will be there to answer questions. As they often are, the Digitimes report is frustratingly short on details, and doesn't cite a source. In related news, Hot Hardware also has plans to "engage with Intel directly and probe the company for some more information on its efforts." Its unclear if they're attending that same December GPU conference, but they are asking readers to submit potential questions now.

Intel is planning to release a discrete GPU codenamed Arctic Sound in 2020 and this will be the company's third attempt to cross into the related market. In addition to the gaming market, Intel expects the business to help it expand in the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning sectors, leveraging its existing CPU advantages.
I hope they push out a competitive high end GPU because AMD is out of the fight. Maybe GPU prices will normalize again in 2020.
I don't expect too much from them. At most it will be a compute card for AI and ML. Consumer GPU not so much. IMO.


It is going to be for enterprise level stuff, not a gaming card. They might do one at some point, but don't expect much outside of compute. If they do however, I will be shocked, but it would be welcome for sure.
I don't expect too much from them. At most it will be a compute card for AI and ML. Consumer GPU not so much. IMO.

This is probably true. It's cpuöd be a stepping stone to consumer GPU's in future generations though.

We'll see.

Some more competition in GPU's would be nice.
Even if they pull together a really nice piece of hardware, it is the software that makes it a good product and I just cannot see them pulling together a high end video driver in that time frame without licensing code from someone.

Color me skeptical about the entire effort.
, it is the software that makes it a good product and I just cannot see them pulling together a high end video driver

intels current video drivers are pretty decent. its just that the hardware has been truly lackluster.

but.. we need to see what they actually produce

i bet the pre-orders on their new cards will be huge.. :LOL:
Only an Intel would name a new GPU "Arctic Sound", making you think first that it's an audio device! Perhaps that's just a code name, and they'll have a more intelligent moniker for the 2028 retail launch.
If Raja is there we can atleast count on it being significantly worse than he says lol.