Indiana Jones videogame teased by Bethesda

Wolf 2 was good

Youngblood was so fucking dumb though, I hope they just retcon it as a fever dream

Also I unfortunately have little faith anyone can do this ip justice
New Colossus was already dumb AF, and even the New Order contained some questionable jokes. Machinegames is a lost cause, they are the next volition, I'm sure that in the time passed since youngblood they completed their purge of industry veterans who were responsible for the gamplay not being completely awful.
The whip as a weapon, especially a primary weapon, turned me off immediately. I don't recall any enemies in the movies being taken down, as in killed or incapacitated. I think the only one "whipped" was the girl at the very end of temple of doom to kiss her?

They are doing enough in Hollywood to drag the original 3 movies through the mud. They don't need the help from this. If between Raiders and Crusade, they better not attempt to bring Connery/Jones Sr into it.
New Colossus was already dumb AF, and even the New Order contained some questionable jokes. Machinegames is a lost cause, they are the next volition, I'm sure that in the time passed since youngblood they completed their purge of industry veterans who were responsible for the gamplay not being completely awful.

I mean Youngblood literally just ruins the entire story because if you consider it canon, it guarantees that they basically can't wrap up without an even bigger timeskip. Great literally everything in the last few games is basically pointless and it turns out we basically made zero progress in 2 decades. Stupid. Literally just needs to be forgotten.

TNC is basically insane and campy in exactly the way I expected it to be.

This has promise.

I hope, cause the trilogy is one of my favorites.

The whip as a weapon, especially a primary weapon, turned me off immediately. I don't recall any enemies in the movies being taken down, as in killed or incapacitated. I think the only one "whipped" was the girl at the very end of temple of doom to kiss her?

They are doing enough in Hollywood to drag the original 3 movies through the mud. They don't need the help from this. If between Raiders and Crusade, they better not attempt to bring Connery/Jones Sr into it.

He disarms someone like right at the start of Raiders I think. Uhh maybe he disarms someone in Temple of Doom near the end.

But yeah it's actually not used that much in combat. Literally maybe just a couple of times in the entire trilogy. Way, way, way more for swinging and utility.
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The whip as a weapon, especially a primary weapon, turned me off immediately. I don't recall any enemies in the movies being taken down, as in killed or incapacitated. I think the only one "whipped" was the girl at the very end of temple of doom to kiss her?
I think the whip as a weapon looked pretty fun. I'm eager to try it out. I think it'll work great in this game. I see where it wouldn't work for the movies that way, But that's the movies. Here, I think they'll nail it.
The whip as a weapon, especially a primary weapon, turned me off immediately. I don't recall any enemies in the movies being taken down, as in killed or incapacitated. I think the only one "whipped" was the girl at the very end of temple of doom to kiss her?

They are doing enough in Hollywood to drag the original 3 movies through the mud. They don't need the help from this. If between Raiders and Crusade, they better not attempt to bring Connery/Jones Sr into it.
That one guy in Temple of Doom got killed with the whip when it strangled him with the fan.
That one guy in Temple of Doom got killed with the whip when it strangled him with the fan.
Dang, you're right, forgot that one. Tend to forget that scene and the one at the end of temple where he whip steals a sword over how completely ridiculous the scene is. Cheap ass ceiling fan somehow pulls in all rope slack and insta kills a large dude with not even a broken fan blade.

Couldn't resist, had to find the scene.

Yes I know that trilogy was littered with humorous impossibilities, but some are just so over the top its insulting.
The Todd Howard hate runs deep it seems 😅

This game looks like it could be great (but I suppose with trailer these days, they all look that way). Will wait for the reviews and inevitable Steam sale as per usual...
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I think the whip as a weapon looked pretty fun. I'm eager to try it out. I think it'll work great in this game. I see where it wouldn't work for the movies that way, But that's the movies. Here, I think they'll nail it.

ever played Arkham City?...Catwoman also used her whip as a primary combat weapon and it worked pretty well
ever played Arkham City?...Catwoman also used her whip as a primary combat weapon and it worked pretty well

I mean mechanically it's probably great

People are going to complain that Indy just didn't really use it that way in the movies and it's out of character, which I kind of get
Is the Indiana Jones move that came out last year any good? They have the DVD and Blue Ray at Walmart but it's 24.00.
I bet the game will be trash, just like the lastest movie they did.
I didn't mind the movie that much until it ended abruptly for no reason and then the credits started rolling. I was like ... did they forget to finish filming?

That entire first part of the movie was incredibly horrible though with the uncanny valley creepy CGI young Indiana Jones. I felt like I was watching The Polar Express or something. Disney owns Marvel, so why weren't they using the same youngification technology that Marvel has in their movies that looks completely real? Does Marvel have their own patent that they won't let Disney use or something? I bet half the budget was spent on just making that terrible young Indy.
I didn't mind the movie that much until it ended abruptly for no reason and then the credits started rolling. I was like ... did they forget to finish filming?

Yes and no. They actually shot something like seven different endings and picked the one that screened the least poorly of them all, then reshot it again.

The movie was done with a system called "scrap-booking" where they wrote and filmed a bunch of scenes they wanted to see, then rearranged them with reshoots and rewrites to stitch the scenes together. They literally did not start with a plot, just scenes.

Anyway they've already said that this isn't going to be for original Indiana Jones movie and game fans and that it will be tailored for "modern audiences" so take that how you will.
Yes and no. They actually shot something like seven different endings and picked the one that screened the least poorly of them all, then reshot it again.

The movie was done with a system called "scrap-booking" where they wrote and filmed a bunch of scenes they wanted to see, then rearranged them with reshoots and rewrites to stitch the scenes together. They literally did not start with a plot, just scenes.

Anyway they've already said that this isn't going to be for original Indiana Jones movie and game fans and that it will be tailored for "modern audiences" so take that how you will.
That makes perfect sense. The movie felt like it was randomly stitched together. Also, anything made for "modern audiences" ends up being complete and utter shite most of the time. What they mean is they're making it for themselves and what they think "modern audiences" like, which makes up about 5% of people while ignoring 95% of the fan base and then they'll end up wondering why it didn't do well. Which is what's been happening to all kinds of movies, games, and other media the last several years. Disney recently made a statement to their shareholders that they don't care about profits and will continue pushing their agenda ... and it's any wonder their last 10 movies or so have lost over a billion dollars.
This being from Machine Games gives me a lot of hope.
Being made by MachineGames fills me with dread. The last three Wolfenstein games were terrible. They hit it out of the park with The New Order and The Old Blood, but completely fumbled with The New Colossus, Youngblood, and Cyberpilot. They already said it's made for "modern audiences."
Great another classic ruined in the name of stupidity, I thought at least the game can escape this treatment and revive the original spirit of the franchise.
Idk what you on about. It been ruined for awhile.
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Idm what you on about. It been ruined for awhile.

I meant from gaming perspective, I remember playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis as a kid -so that would be my latest memory of Indiana Jones gaming experience.
I meant from gaming perspective, I remember playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis as a kid -so that would be my latest memory of Indiana Jones gaming experience.
There were several Indy games after that were terrible. They moved toward action/adventure instead of point and click.
Cautiously optimistic if we get a first person Tomb Raider meets Dark Forces / Jedi Knight / Wolfenstein in the Indy universe. Glad its coming out for PC on Steam right from the start, in any case. It seems like they've at least taken into consideration puzzle solving, combat with fists, whip, and pistol I'll see where it could be going. I always enjoyed Fate of Atlantis (Loved the 3 branching paths in the middle of the game, and ultimatel think it shoud have been the base for the 4th movie instead of Crystal Skull - it would have covered similar themes) but admit that simply a direct remaster or remake would run into many of the other issues with similar games of its time period, notably the "try every combination of things in your inventory or in the room until you find the combination the game expects you to use". Indy was far from the worst in this regard and most of the puzzles you could think through, but there were a few that were a little obtuse. There are some modern point-and-click adventures that manage to maintain the best parts of the genre, while getting rid of some of the more obnoxious or outdated mechanics, so I'd have faith that if someone wanted to do a faithful remake of Fate of Atlantis it could be done well. The problem is finding those actually interested in such things .

Regardless, we'll have to see how Great Circle appears as we get more gameplay videos as it moves closer to release.

P.S. - If anyone wants a more retro Indy inspired FPS, check out "Venturous: In The Footsteps of the Fallen" a ZDoom total conversion -
I hope this is somehow good

I unfortunately have my doubts, but I hope it somehow pulls it off
I'm right there with you, but I will buy it and like it regardless since I'm biased when it comes to Indiana Jones.
this looks pretty good...very cinematic...the Harrison Ford character model/voice acting also looks pretty sharp
Is it just me, but some of the footage look like a game that started with the idea of maybe having a PS4 version one day...... while some other look more modern...