In-Home Spying Devices Soon to Spy Better


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Amazon has filed for a patent for a "voice sniffer." This is not an elaborate plan to sell you more mouthwash, but rather many other things as well. If you don't think your Echo is not already listening to your conversations, you might take into consideration that this tech is already in use as there are many anecdotes on the internet about getting directly marketed for products that have been discussed around the devices. Tinfoil hat in size 7 please.

A “voice sniffer algorithm” is what the patent calls the technology.

“The more words they collect, the more the company gets to know you,” Daniel Burrus, a tech analyst with Burrus Research Associates, Inc., told ABC News. “They are building a personality profile on the user.”

The algorithm uses positive trigger words such as “prefer” and “bought” or negative trigger words such as “hate” or “disliked,” and then the device can “capture adjacent audio that can be analyzed” for keywords, gauging interest levels in various products.
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It's AI assisted learning for when they take over and kill us all.
The judicial system can force you to wear a tracker and most people would be horrified at the thought of wearing one.

Somewhere out there someone in a marketing department figured out a way to make people pay to have a spying device placed directly in their homes... KUDOS!
Cops ask Amazon for Echo data (no warrant needed), catches your teen having a party with drugs and alcohol, police seize your house (civil asset forfeiture - aka theft) and you go bankrupt trying to get it back.

Welcome to the future.

At least ordering more Tide Pods is easier when you get hungry.
Cops ask Amazon for Echo data (no warrant needed), catches your teen having a party with drugs and alcohol, police seize your house (civil asset forfeiture - aka theft) and you go bankrupt trying to get it back.

Welcome to the future.

At least ordering more Tide Pods is easier when you get hungry.

Paranoid nonsense!

The grim future present is a place where the paranoid people were right.
My mother in law has an Echo. For now on around it I plan on talking about how I hate these types of devices and love my privacy. They won't care, of course, but it will make me smile inside knowing I'm poking them in their virtual eye.
My mother in law has an Echo. For now on around it I plan on talking about how I hate these types of devices and love my privacy. They won't care, of course, but it will make me smile inside knowing I'm poking them in their virtual eye.

Be careful, they could be plotting to serve you an add for an extra small fleshlight at just the right moment and place as to really embarrass you. In the world of AI learning, revenge is a dish best served in megabytes.
The police negotiators will love this tech.

A guy takes hostages in a bank somewhere.
"Got the guy's name and address?"
"Yes sir, we've already visited the home, shot the dog, and talked to the wife."
"Excellent. What have you learned?"
"Well, the wife did not want to talk, however they own an Amazon Echo device."
"Quick, subpoena Amazon and get all the background 'personality' traits of this guy so we know what we are dealing with."
Be careful, they could be plotting to serve you an add for an extra small fleshlight at just the right moment and place as to really embarrass you. In the world of AI learning, revenge is a dish best served in megabytes.
It takes a lot more than that to embarrass me!
The police negotiators will love this tech.

A guy takes hostages in a bank somewhere.
"Got the guy's name and address?"
"Yes sir, we've already visited the home, shot the dog, and talked to the wife."
"Excellent. What have you learned?"
"Well, the wife did not want to talk, however they own an Amazon Echo device."
"Get all the background 'personality' traits of this guy, from Amazon, so we know what we are dealing with."

Fixed this for you because they can get it regardless.
Guess you'd better be careful mentioning..........
1) "rubbers"
2) "hookers"
3) "'blow"

I just unplug mine when I'm not listening to music.........but that stuff is creeping me out a bit.......
I never leave home without my tin foil hat. A friend of mine got an Echo. Invited me over to show me what it can do, and I declined. Told him, sorry, but I will never be coming to your house again.

I am thinking I should replace the front door with a steel one. That's to keep the worshippers who would be pushing these devices on me, out,....maybe an electrified front porch floor.....hmmm

Hear that Echo, bitch! That's right, will never take me alive!
What? That is complete nonsense. They have no need for that when the google eye satellite with its multi high res camera can already see and hear inside every single home at once.
Google and Amazon

G: Dude! We just rolled out this new data collection will make you cry!
A: Dude! We just topped that with a new tool! It uses farts for unique identifiers!
G: No WAY! Dude! We have this new tech which can see and hear through walls!
A: Pfffft! Dude! That is so 1990's. We added nanobots to Echo! Thay can collect ANYTHING!
G: DUDE! Damn....I got nuthin.
A; Damn right DUDE! Oh,..and we knew that already. :) Glad you are enjoying that Echo we sent you. NOW FART!
Patents like these are the good patents. Let the patent office rubber stamp these without a review so that innovation gets segmented to only one company and this gets stifled overall. Even better, give these to patent trolls.
I got a Google home mini thing with my Pixel 2xl free and tossed right into the trash. I am surprised they aren't just giving them away to everyone.
Just to play devil's advocate here, but maybe it could save you. Police come calling because everyone says the robber looked just like you, "Hey, I'm innocent, just ask Amazon, I was home all day!"
Just to play devil's advocate here, but maybe it could save you. Police come calling because everyone says the robber looked just like you, "Hey, I'm innocent, just ask Amazon, I was home all day!"
Surprised we haven't heard of anyone getting swatted because they were watching a crime-drama on TV in the same room.