iMac Goes Up In Smoke

For [H]ardOCP being a pc enthusiast site, you guys sure do post lots of Apple news. :confused:

Assuming you have [H] forum in default view, page 1 shows one Apple news out of 20 news post. Page 2 shows 1 Apple news out of 20. Page 3 has 2 out of 20.

Not sure if that qualifies as "a lot of Apple news".

You must be thinking of or
I received a bad batch of Dell GX270's once, with several of them catching on fire when they were turned on. It got to the point I kept a fire extinguisher with me as we prepped the machine. (No press coverage since they were Dells, it's expected.) While struggling with their off-shore technical support, their tech asked me "What color was the smoke?"

I hung up and called our account rep and told her that my warranty coverage shouldn't depend on what color smoke was coming from one of their burning machines, and that the HP rep had promised us a very nice discount on our next batch of 3000 workstations. It's amazing how fast Dell can get replacements shipped out when they really want to.

(Then again, the HP wide-format inkjet that turned into a bonfire when it was plugged in showed there was no place to hide. None of the Apples have combusted yet, but we can always hope.)
It appears that gadgets overheating, smoking, blowing up, etc... is becoming an apple trademark. I wonder is Jobs will try to patent it?
I would have thought all that money would have at least got you multi-colored smoke.
We all know those are Chinese knockoffs. A real Mac would have gone...
Wasn't that just the LCD monitor?

I am betting a voltage reg went and ended up frying some other larger ICs in the process.

In other old-news... when I was in college, the genius electrician hooked up power to ground in my dorm....

My monitor went up in smoke. When I arrived back at the dorm a few minutes later I was told what happened.... My whole room was filled with smoke from my CRT monitor.

The whole wing on the first floor of my dorm smelled like burning electronics for about 2 weeks....

And the college refused to pay to replace it..... something about a policy they had that if they screw something up and it messes your stuff up they aren't liable. Good thing it was still under warranty.

It also messed up multiple other computers in the same dorm.... a lot of people weren't happy.
OMFG, Apple again? How long can they go before they just get shut down for being a shitty business. lol
*Insert generic, snarky Anti-Apple comment here*


....hmmm, this sounds familiar....
Funny how the camera just happened to be there.

Within my reach, I have 4 devices capable of doing video. You bet your ass I'd be recording if something weird started happening.

1) Cellphone w/Camera (does 640x480 @24)
2) Point and Shoot Olympus (does 640x480 @30)
3) Creative Vado HD (does 1280x720p @30)
4) Netbook with a VGA webcam in it (640x480 @15)

So, really, why is it so funny that you can take THREE of those things out of the list and still be able to peg 95%+ of office workers' capabilities? If a cellphone has a camera, it likely does Video. Has been the case for about 5 years now.
*Insert generic, snarky Anti-Apple comment here*


....hmmm, this sounds familiar....

Sounds exactly the same way on the other side of the pond.. :eek:

Both sides seem to love to hate each other.
I received a bad batch of Dell GX270's once, with several of them catching on fire when they were turned on. It got to the point I kept a fire extinguisher with me as we prepped the machine. (No press coverage since they were Dells, it's expected.) While struggling with their off-shore technical support, their tech asked me "What color was the smoke?"

I hung up and called our account rep and told her that my warranty coverage shouldn't depend on what color smoke was coming from one of their burning machines, and that the HP rep had promised us a very nice discount on our next batch of 3000 workstations. It's amazing how fast Dell can get replacements shipped out when they really want to.

(Then again, the HP wide-format inkjet that turned into a bonfire when it was plugged in showed there was no place to hide. None of the Apples have combusted yet, but we can always hope.)

Hah, compare the HOCP front page to Anandtech, Ars, or The Tech Report (my favorite), no shit it's expected here. :rolleyes:
It is a good thing this iMac went up in smoke during business hours. Imagine what could have been if this had happened during the night? Yikes.

It could have been a look-alike Chinese bootleg copy iMac. Just read an article
recently about how the Chinese are turning out counterfeit goods in mass quantities.

found this on epochtimes dot com:

"HONG KONG—With the overwhelming global popularity of iPhones, many illegal businessmen in Shenzhen, China are producing counterfeits. Not only do these businesses produce a lot of fake iPhones, they also produce "new model" iPhones.

According to Oriental Daily News, the volume of production of fake electronic products in underground factories in Shenzhen is shocking. These factories not only counterfeit famous brands, but also the not so famous. In fact, these underground factories also suffer from piracy. "

So who really knows what we're getting these days?
the probably inhaled that shit to get high

thats why it was a short video.
just one more reason i won't buy apple....these iMacs start at $1200 and go up to $2200, and even more if customized, all to have it go up in smoke one day and lose everything?

if it were an isolated incident, it would be one thing, but there have been instances of iPods catching on fire & exploding, and the glass screens on iPhones exploding and spewing shrapnel all over the owner's face.....

no thanks....i'll stick to building my own PC-based computers.
Having a camera and knowing BEFORE it starts smoking that it's about to start smoking is another story...

And all computers go up in smoke from time to time.

Non story, but more typical hardocp Apple hatred.

Most people that do dislike Apple dislike them due to their pricing schemes considering they take and modify Unix and only allow that OS on Apple Logo'd products. Then up the price of their PC's and claim their free software makes up for that difference when it obviously doesn't as most Apple users still go out and buy Office for Apple (that work in any type of Business Environment or are in college) and Adobe for Photo and Video editing.

So when a Apple that just works goes up in smoke it normally gets attention. When Iphones that obviously, according to Apple, don't have faulty batteries explode, they also get attention.

I love Linux it just sucks Apple won't sell OSX outside the Apple Logo'd boxes as I've been putting my own computers together for my own personal use since I was 9. I could use a hacked version of the installer for OSX but then every single time I'd want to update my OSX I'd have to go out and buy it again, hack it again and you can't do normal updates on the hackintoshes. BTW just to clarify Apple has done wondrous things to their modified Open Source OS beyond just tacking things on which is why people enjoy their OS.

So yeah their is lots of dislike for Apple all over the place and not just from one single forum place, such as the [H]ard Forums.