Im losing my mind...I cannot figure out why new build will not post...

Nov 3, 2006
I am putting together a new build and have had the following occur:

I originally purchased a GA-MA78GM-S2H (AM2/AM2+ AMD 780G) and paired it with the following:

Rosewill 550W PSU
2 GB PQI DDR2 800
1TB Seagate SATA 7200RPM HDD
Lite-On SATA DVD Burner
Used (from last HTPC, but working fine when removed) 64x2 3800+ AM2

No matter what I did, the build would not post. Would power on and all fans would spin, HDDs spin, CPU has power, PCI-E have power, etc... but no post beep, no display to monitor (regardless of whether through VGA, DVI or HDMI).

I verified ALL Parts but the motherboard in other builds as independently working. No luck, so I figured must be a bad MB or perhaps a quirk w/ GB board not liking some of my other parts, so I RMA'd it and replaced it with an ASUS M3N78-VM AM2/AM2+ Nvidia 8200 board.

Put the new board in and... exact same problem.

Remember, all other parts (RAM, CPU, Power Supply, HDDs, Video Card) all verified working in other builds after the probs showed up in this build.

So now I know it's not MB, so I try a brand new 64x2 5000+ (65nm) - no change

I also tried another PSU I had from another build - no change.

I also tried a diff DDR2800 RAM stick from another build AND a DDR2667 stick - no change

I tried it with just CPU & RAM in board, everything else disconnected (and each other peripheral independently disconnected) = no change.

I have used the display with other builds - it works fine w/ same VGA & DVI cables.

The board powers on, onboard speaker is attached and no post, no display.

The only thing I can come up with here is that the case I am using for this had a snipped power connector and I connected the reset switch connector to the power switch pins on the motherboard (so that I could just press the reset switch and have it turn on the computer, in theory). The power switch on this case was snipped a long time ago and I don't have extra wires to use to try to reconnect it.

I figured that it would make no difference if it was the RESET SW or the POWER SW as long as it was connected to the POWER SW on the motherboard so I really doubt that's the issue. To doublecheck, originally I posted that ? and everyone reiterated that it could not cause the problem (Link to that post here:

I have had issues getting new builds to work before but this is the first time I'm truly stumped.

The only thing I can think of next is to try a new case but if anyone has any other ideas, please share... Any help much appreciated!
make sure that the case is grounded correctly and that the motherboard is not shorting on case!
I did, took mobo out and put it on wood board, connected just PSU, CPU & RAM, = same prob...

but thanks for the idea...
Remove all the switches and try starting the motherboard manually. Connect the two power pins with a screw driver.
@Danny Bui - thank you!!

I never though starting it manually would be diff than pressing reset button but... on ur recc, i trie it and... got POST beep (still no display) was able to lookup error codes (bad VRAM), removed Video card (which i did b4 but didn't post) and viola - i have display & it works !!!

@Danny Bui - thank you!!

I never though starting it manually would be diff than pressing reset button but... on ur recc, i trie it and... got POST beep (still no display) was able to lookup error codes (bad VRAM), removed Video card (which i did b4 but didn't post) and viola - i have display & it works !!!


Good to hear that everything is fine now. Now it's time to RMA that video card. And now you've learned something new. :)