im in a sticky situation. please help!


Limp Gawd
Jan 14, 2007
I have been using the old dell monitor in my sig, 1800FP for a long time but it recently died. i set out to get a new one and ended up at Action Computers Used computer store. i picked out the Chimei 22" 221D. i paid 295 for it AFTER bargaining, got home and googled it. 229 on newegg =/

i got ripped off. there is a return policy though. i bought it today and i can take it back for a full refund for 7 days after the purchase. should i take it back and look for a better monitor at best buy or on newegg or something? i feel like i got gypped and i should have done the research before getting the chimei. its a nice monitor, dont get me wrong but i got ripped off by the silly computer store people. they think the only people that walk into their store are computer newbs and will buy anything the sales people tells them to buy. but im not. i built my own computer 4 years ago. im 15 now.

so the question is...should i return it, have my dad talk to them (he said he was pissed at how they ripped my mom and i off) and get a new one? or just keep it. its only money ;)
I would return it....

Don't really know about this brand Chimei. But if you don't mind paying $295, you can get a Samsung, HP, etc.
man i love westinghouse. so should i get that one? it looks pretty sweet and if i get any dead pixels or anything i can take it back to best buy right?
I am also in the market to get a 22-inch and I have been looking into Samsung, LG and HP.

How is this Westinghouse? Do they make their own panels?
Pay $30.00 more at Best Buy and get the Westinghouse L2410NM which is a VA based monitor that rox.

I am not considering the 24-inch because of the pixel pitches on native resolutions.

19-inch 0.294
22-inch 0.282
24-inch 0.270
27-inch 0.303

I am currently using a 19-inch and the text size is perfect. 22-inch would be OK as well but the 24-inch would be too small (i am getting old). In browsing, I noticed that the text size of many web sites cannot be changed.
def return it..
use this as a learning experience.. always do some research before making a purchase ...

some of us (me) do too much research which is almost as unproductive as none at all.. hahah..

but for $300 you can get a great 22 inch panel .. my friend has 2 of those Chimei's and loves em.. but you can get a better price obviously..
100% return it - try and package it as perfectly as you can and be ready with some story better than you found it online cheaper just in case they give you crap because you're 15.

Maybe say you wound up getting a monitor as a gift or something and so, woops, don't need that one.
well my dad and i are gonna take it back today then go to best buy. i dont think hell go for the 24 inch even if its only 30 dollars more. it wont even fit on my desk so...22 inch it is. westinghouse probably.