"I'm happy with my current S775 setup" club

Either you mean Kentsfield, or you need to update your sig :).

ahh... my yorkfield build isn't there anymore... thanks for pointing that out, hehe. It used to say:

[0] Q9450 @ 3.2Ghz -HDT-S1283 • X38-DS4 • 4GB • 1.9TB R5 + 1.5TB • X1300
Abit IP35 Pro
Intel E6400 OC'd to 3.2GHz (400x8)
Zalman 9500
2x1GB Corsair DDR2 800MHz 4-4-4-12
9800GTX slightly OC'd (nicer PSU would let me OC it higher)
and my 2x36GB 16mb Raptors in Raid 0.

Currently driving Dell's nice 24"er LCD.

Hey, it plays TF2, and that is all what matters to me pretty much. Right now actually I've been laying off on the games (just distracted doing other things).

Farcry2 sucks, so I'm currently waiting for GTA4 (whenever it comes out heh :p)

I don't really see a need to upgrade right now, let's just hope for some new games, new video cards, lowered priced Core i7, and how the socket 1160/or AMD Deneb deal is going to work out.

As of right now, I'm fine as it is.

Wheres the "I dont have a s775" club?
Where's the socket 370 club? :p
Count me in. I don't know when my cpu became obsolete, but im still happy with it.
Both the rigs in my sig.
I'm happy with the machines in my sig as well. If anything, I'm looking to upgrade my 4870 into either a 4870x2 or GTX 280b (whenever it comes out).
See sig.

I might upgrade to the 32nm shrink, however I probably will get a Q9xxx when they are cheap or buy one off the forums when everyone is selling them to upgrade to i7. Can't wait for Win7, as I am using XP32 now and want the streamlined 7 vs Vista (have it on my laptop).
Lol, e-peen support group.

All the support and understanding on the subject of NOT upgrading to Core i7 because you are happy with your LGA775 is like a support group to deal with erectile dysfunction. It is the exact opposite of an e-Peen support group.
Core2 Quad Q6600 - currently stock, but has been cracked to 3.6Ghz
4GB of PC6400
Evga Geforce GTX 260.

Core2 Duo E8400 - also stock
2GB of PC8500
Evga Geforce 8800 GTS 320MB

I like what im seeing from the new chips, but i don't feel theres a need for it yet.
maybe next summer. Both these rigs are good enough for the games that im playing and stuff that i'm rendering.
Sure a core I7 might be a fair bit faster, but i don't feel that it justifies a new chip, mobo and ram.
just to much money for me.
Post your spec here if you are happy with your current S775 setup and you won't be upgrading to Nahalem soon.


3.2 GHz Quad core,
X38 Mobo
HD4870 X2

I guess that I've maxed out any upgrade posibility for now and the next step would be a new system but I'll wait at least another year.

3.0Ghz Dual Core (E8400) @ 3.4Ghz (will go higher when AS5 breaks in)
4GB RAM PC8400
P45 Chipset (Gigabyte DS3R mobo)
HD4870 1GB

It handles pretty much every new game with ease, and it tears through Windows Vista, which is more than I can say for my school laptop.

It'll be at least two years before I upgrade this machine.
All the support and understanding on the subject of NOT upgrading to Core i7 because you are happy with your LGA775 is like a support group to deal with erectile dysfunction. It is the exact opposite of an e-Peen support group.

I'm upgrading to Nehalem. Anything less is just not [H]ARD!
I'm upgrading to Nehalem. Anything less is just not [H]ARD!
good point.
but with the way the economy has been, especially with the drop in the canadian dollar, i just can't afford it right now.
spring or summer i'll be [H]ard again :p
Considering i've only had mine running less then a week, i'm very happy with it, my GTX 260 is on its way to finish it off
All the support and understanding on the subject of NOT upgrading to Core i7 because you are happy with your LGA775 is like a support group to deal with erectile dysfunction. It is the exact opposite of an e-Peen support group.

So......whats your point? :p

My 1.5 yr old q6600 @ 3.6Ghz with GTX 260 will still rock the newest games :D

Will probably upgrade to Nehalem at OctaCores ;)
I'll join. I'm happy with the setup in my sig. I'd better be, since I only put it together two months ago.
What's up with the self esteem insult Freeze?

EDIT: Damn, ninja edit. Nice save, Freeze and nice rig :D
S[H]ady;1033275907 said:
good point.
but with the way the economy has been, especially with the drop in the canadian dollar, i just can't afford it right now.

QFT. It's a good thing I built my PC when I did, because if I'd have waited, it would have cost me probably 1.5 times as much as I ended up paying.
Q6600 @ 3.2GHz (400x8)
8GB DDR2-800 @ 800
abit IP-35 Pro

Not going anywhere with these parts, just bought them last April. Absolutely destroys anything I throw at it (games, CAD, movie ripping, Folding).
i'm happy... q6600 @ 3.0GHZ.. 4GB ram, would upgrade to more ram, but i dont want to have my current ram just sitting around...

not going to upgrade cpu/mb for another 2 years.... hard drive yes, maybe the fusion io drive :p
Whether or not it's the truth will vary depending on the individual. We don't all have equal buying power.

Well for me I didn't want to upgrade since it's a new socket, new chipset ect. But the main reason why I didnt upgrade is gaming, I mean 2-3 FPS different in some cases is not worth upgrading IMO.
Well for me I didn't want to upgrade since it's a new socket, new chipset ect. But the main reason why I didnt upgrade is gaming, I mean 2-3 FPS different in some cases is not worth upgrading IMO.

And that's perfectly fine. I just take issue with people who assume everyone is just like them in terms of what is a "good" decision.
E6300 @ 3.045 daily
2GB of RAM ( XP FTW)
8800GT @ stock daily but can go up to 738 / 1836 / 1150

Totally happy.
Q9450, 47C with Prime95 on one core
8GB cheap DDR2 667
3x WD Greens
1x OCZ Core SSD
9600GT (silent)
< 22 dB :D
Pretty darn happy. Just need more single video card horsepower so I can get my 30 incher!

E8600 (4.4GHz @ 1.328V CPUZ) All SILENT/Low-Speed Fans | ASUS P5E (0903) | G.Skill 2x2gb PC2-8000 @ 1056 | Ultra-120 Extreme | Antec 1200 | Corsair HX620W
eVGA GTX260 725/1450/1250 | SB X-FI | 3 300GB Velociraptors in RAID0 | 1 WD6400AAKS | Samsung SATA DVD-RW | Samsung 245BW | G15 | G9 | Vista x64 Ultimate
I have no plan to upgrade in the next couple years except maybe video card. Of course I've said this before and it didn't hold up so you never really know. :)
I could be happier, but this machine is still chugging along and plays the original Farcry maxxed.:D

P4 3.4EE CPU at 3.8Ghz
Zalman CNPS9500 CPU cooler
Gigabyte GA-8KNXP 875P Motherboard
3GB Corsair XMS DDR400 (PC3200)
Gecube X1950XT 256MB DDR3 AGP
120GB DiamondMax Plus 9 SATA Main HD
250GB DiamondMax 10 SATA 2nd HD
Corsair 620HX PSU
XP Pro

Personally, I think I'm going to pick up a Q9XXX CPU to replace my Q6600 when everyone starts dumping them to buy i7 stuff. P5Q Pro is a nice little board for the money. The way I see it, how much more power do I really need? And at what cost? Next upgrade is a video card.