I'm boycotting CoH because...

Iria said:
I'm russian myself, 9.5 years in there while it was still USSR. A chechen vs. russian BF2 style setup would be very unique, same with afghan vs. russian. All of you should look up the August Storm Soviet operation that drove the Japanese from Manchuria durring WW2 as the US dropped its first nuclear bomb, and was cited by Japanese historians as a bigger reason Japan surrendered than the nuclear bombs themselves, because it had cut Japan off from all of its metal production, refining facilities and stockpiles. As well as the Soviet elimination of the Japanese bases on on the Chinese / Korean side that was to play as the stage for the Normandy-style allied US-Soviet invasion of the Japanese mainland incase Japan didnt surrender after the first bomb, then Manchuria, then the second bomb.

Operation wise this would be something neat to re-play. But the main question here is how would ppl in the US regard themselves in these games and if there would be any interest since there is no 'american' side to either of those except the canceled land invasion.

In either case I would hope someone other than EA picks up these projects, because I abhort the way they executed BF2.

Hmmm... I'm just going to go off-topic here just a little. This is very interesting, about that august storm op. I have never heard about it before so I like the perspective from the other sides in that war, which I feel many times don't get the recognition they deserve sometimes. I might just have to go look up all those information on that, as I love history specifically wartime history.

And as for the topic of the thread, Well chams, I really think you might want to give this one a look-see before you go trashing it. Now, I can definately understand where you are coming from on feeling burnt-out by a particular game setting. I had started to feel that way myself here recently with playing DOD:S, CS:S, BF2, Ghost Recon warfighter constantly that I needed a break from them, and as these are FPS an RTS fits in perfectly. Well this company of heroes game is definately giving me one. It's very well-done, easy to learn/play, haven't noticed any showstopping bugs/problems. It is one damn fine game from Relic Ent. who I have up there in my top three developers whose games I will buy on the day they come out. :)
i don't mind war games - but i can't stand WWII games.

i don't want to play a game where my gun is made mostly of wood.

besides - i believe the gamer generation is too young for WWII games. Give us some more Delta Force Black Hawk down or something...
Alright, you guys convinced me, so I picked up the game today at Wal-Mart. :p
Already regretting it.:mad:

I keep getting "connection problems" when hosting a multiplayer game. I have no problems playing WoW, Quake 4, Unreal Tournament, CS:S and my ping is usually in the low 50's in every game. I think theres a problem with Relics Servers TBTH!
Chams said:
Already regretting it.:mad:

I keep getting "connection problems" when hosting a multiplayer game. I have no problems playing WoW, Quake 4, Unreal Tournament, CS:S and my ping is usually in the low 50's in every game. I think theres a problem with Relics Servers TBTH!

Are you on a router? Check the readme for port forwarding info.
Yeah, I'm not on a ruoter and bypassed it in windows firewall exceptions, but still getting connection problems. :rolleyes:
This game is fantastic. I think your depriving your self of a awsome experience.
The reason why you never heard of August Storm is because the Pacific theater was won after the European theater, and the Cold War was in full swing... to share credit for defeating the Japanese with the Soviets was untinkable for the US and is why the Soviet army never got its full share of credit during the Cold War for either theater of war, until recently when Soviet records became public after the USSR collapse. This is allso how a lot of new Holocaust records were discovered and how the scam of a certain US bank to defraud Jews of Europe was discovered, where they sold life insurance that could never be paid out without death certificates that Nazis didnt give. The records allso included info on the nuclear bomb captured from German research along with their scientists that is making the world re-think if the Rosenbergs realy happened. They were playing a stupid mind game as to hide things behind the iron curtain that would even absolve themselves, so they never questioned why August Storm wasnt mentioned in the American victory. There is an incredibly detaild August Storm Wiki right here .
dotK said:
There would be minimal difference in the game if it took place in Korea. Boycotting a game because of its setting is kind of dumb, look at the gameplay instead.
They're all the same. The entire "realistic" FPS genre is saturated.
Narius said:
lol, not anymore company of heroes >>>>>>>>> city of heroes

you don't just steal a games acronym. just because Family Fued's acronym is FF, doesn't mean it can take the acronym from Final Fantasy.

come on!

I thought he meant City of Heroes when I clicked this thread too.
I'm amazed that nobody has once mentioned the Korean War in this thread.
Chams said:
There are too many WWII games and they need to die. :mad:


Feel free to flame/agree. :p

If I'm free to agree... then I'll agree 100%.

When people can't come up with an original idea, but they feel like making a game, a WWII shooter is the result. These things have pretty much turned me off from the whole FPS genre in general...

Oh, and I agree: CoH = City of Heroes, when will this acronym madness end, who will think of the children! :eek:

WW2-Vietnam era usually makes the best games. the tech involved isnt "Smart" so you have to play smarter not just point and click and let the weapon do the work. unlike most modern - future games.

an example ill use is Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2 to 2142.

they took the skill out of the series by adding heatseaking and laser guided weapons.

any monkey can use the AT kits ect. where atleast in bf1942 it required some skill to hit targets at range.
Wildace said:
any monkey can use the AT kits ect. where atleast in bf1942 it required some skill to hit targets at range.

That only applies to the USMC side, the MEC/China side, you don't get guided AT missiles.
I've had this game for 2 days and I've already played it for 7 hours(I've been working 9/10 hour days). Even the fracking install was good. You dont need the cd/dvd in the drive to play it.
Wildace said:
lol... yes you do.

Really? I have been playing BF2 all this time and I never figured out how to guide the MEC/China AT missiles. How is it done, master?
kuyaglen said:
I've had this game for 2 days and I've already played it for 7 hours(I've been working 9/10 hour days). Even the fracking install was good. You dont need the cd/dvd in the drive to play it.
lol, fracking, getting in the mood for the next season of Battlestar Gallactica? :p
miskari said:
lol, fracking, getting in the mood for the next season of Battlestar Gallactica? :p

haha I noticed that too. Hell yes i know I am woot! :D Oct. 6, 9/8c time. This show and Eureka are the best things on TV nowadays in my opinion.
I watch Eureka too and House :) ... but House I only download because the ammount of advertisements on Fox finaly got to me and I flipped out. I plan to buy the DVDs though. The Saved series on USA was good stuff and I liked the mini series earlier this summer on USA that was from Stephen King short stories... was a good watch :)
Met-AL said:
Really? I have been playing BF2 all this time and I never figured out how to guide the MEC/China AT missiles. How is it done, master?

wow.. how can you not know how to control an Eryx when you know how to control a SRAW.. they are the exact same thing in BF2.
Wildace said:
wow.. how can you not know how to control an Eryx when you know how to control a SRAW.. they are the exact same thing in BF2.

Hell with the SRAW I can whip that thing around corners and fly the missile thru windows, with the Eryx, it is guided just a tad and that is it.

EDIT: OMG, how can I not realize that. You have to hold the fire button in with the Eryx to keep it in the zoomed in mode, otherwise it just reloads right away, whereas with the SRAW it stays zoomed in without holding the fire button. :D
mrbay said:
I'm amazed that nobody has once mentioned the Korean War in this thread.

Ahhh...truely the "Forgotten War". If a decent Korean War game came out, I'd be on it like white on rice. :D
Chams said:
There are too many WWII games and they need to die. :mad:


Feel free to flame/agree. :p

Perhaps next time you should specify in the thread title exactly which CoH you are referring to. I mean, it's pretty easy to tell that it's Company of Heroes and not City of Heroes, but still, specificity is your friend.
krameriffic said:
Perhaps next time you should specify in the thread title exactly which CoH you are referring to. I mean, it's pretty easy to tell that it's Company of Heroes and not City of Heroes, but still, specificity is your friend.
lol is that even a word?
dictionary.com EDIT: yes it is ><
wfalcon said:
Ahhh...truely the "Forgotten War". If a decent Korean War game came out, I'd be on it like white on rice. :D
Exactly my point. The Korean War had a lot of significance in history, and it was especially important to the Americans. Plus, there was so much expirementation going on; i.e. the first mass produced jet aircrafts took place during the war.
I'll finish, because you're.... lame? Boycotts... no on gives flying monkey feces.