I'm a little worried gusy, please give me your input to calm me down...?

Cali3350 said:
Maybe if i didnt drop ~$350 on these things i wouldnt be bothered by sub-par filtering. Honestly, how could anyone NOT notice that moiring? Maybe if you only play to win your wouldnt mind, but i play to have fun. Seeing streeks across the middle of my screen isnt fun, its annoying.

Look, I'm not trying to give you shit. You say there is "streaking". In the vid, I don't see streaking. I see a little waviness on the floor in Borgshultze's and I see a few sparklys in the grass on yours. I will assume that there is a great deal lost in the coversion to avi. Seeing it full size and real time on a monitor in front of my face might change my opinion.

And I also agree with you on the fact that it's easy for me to say that's not that bad, since I didn't spend the cash on it. I will add as a caveat though, that I will be doing an upgrade around christmas time, and the current contender for my vc $$$ is a 7800GT. What I see in those videos is not enough to convince me that I would be unhappy with that choice.

BLenderhedd said:
Look, I'm not trying to give you shit. You say there is "streaking". In the vid, I don't see streaking. I see a little waviness on the floor in Borgshultze's and I see a few sparklys in the grass on yours. I will assume that there is a great deal lost in the coversion to avi. Seeing it full size and real time on a monitor in front of my face might change my opinion.

And I also agree with you on the fact that it's easy for me to say that's not that bad, since I didn't spend the cash on it. I will add as a caveat though, that I will be doing an upgrade around christmas time, and the current contender for my vc $$$ is a 7800GT. What I see in those videos is not enough to convince me that I would be unhappy with that choice.

Your lucky then. Those sparklies are enough to make me be X800XL shopping right now.
TheBlueChanell said:
Hello, I am going to be building a new rig within the next month or two, and I read all the way through the [H] review of ATi's x1000 series. Towards the end they did a review of the F.E.A.R and COD 2 Demo's and both the 7series and the X1k series couldn't break 30fps running at 1600x1200. I am going to be purchasing a Dell 2005 which runs at 1600x1050 and I am concerned that the GTX won't be able to get by running that res with games such as Huxley, Quake 4, F.E.A.R and most important how will it run Elder Scrolls 4. What do you guys think, should I get a 19" LCD with a smaller res, or just hope to god the GTX will fair out at the 2005's native. I really wouldn't like to have to get SLI just to play at that res.

Get SLI 7800GT if you want perfect fps and top notch IQ, better spending cash on that than a single 7800GTX.
Seems like the people who seem to know it all are also the same people running 2 and 3 year old hardware in there setups, long live crappy systems.
To the OP I have two systems....1 has SLI the other a single 7800GTX. I can run that FEAR demo forwards and backwards....no streaks, no "shimmer", no hits no runs no errors. High Res on both and they look Beautiful.....dont worry. Your 7800 gtx will be very good to you.....just try to find an x1800 or whatever.....maybe next year or something.....I laugh at all this "shimmering" talk...The ATI guys got owned by nVidia yesterday and now all they have to whine about is shimmering......that was fixed with a driver update BTW..... :D
Marcdaddy said:
Seems like the people who seem to know it all are also the same people running 2 and 3 year old hardware in there setups, long live crappy systems.

I agree, just cause you people can't build a well running system don't blame the hardware, it's clear others including myself are doing it fine.
there is no shimmering on HQ with 78.03 drivers and up. So give it a rest.
This thread has cause the temp ban of 3 people

I love threads like this one!
WOW... that was a tough read.........This forum has gone down hill fast......Thank god for the bannings....Make them perm bans, and lets move on here....
Redefined said:
yes, as ive heard the 7800's only have MAJOR shimmer issues. like when you move your mouse in games... ur screen would gitch.

HAHA, good thing you got banned

AS YOU HAVE HEARD...what the fuck does that amount to

Please use one before you go spreading shit everywhere, i can actually talk from experience, of using R420, G70, NV40, NV30, and R350 cards all recently, IQ, other than AA on the FX is all near identical
Marcdaddy said:
OMG i got shimmering on my XBOX NOW it must of caught the bug from my PS2 CRAP :mad:

The PS2 does not shimmer, please at least know what it is...

But your comment in post 124 is so true :D
I thought my shimmering was gone till I started WoW again. My god this game shimmers hardcore.

Nvidia please release those damn drivers already....
icxnamjah said:
I thought my shimmering was gone till I started WoW again. My god this game shimmers hardcore.

Nvidia please release those damn drivers already....

Thank you! Ive been waiting for a fix since the game launched :/
My gamecube shimmers more than my 7800GTX, and that's powered by an ATi video processor, but you don't see me bitching about it.
The entire shimmer issue I think comes down to AF optimisations, the cards now a days come with certain optimisations turned on by default to give a reasonably decent increase in speed compared to a reasonable drop in IQ (when I say reasonable - i'd suggest that because a lot of people can't even see it, its a fairly reasonable drop in IQ)

People look at this the entirely wrong way IMO, you aren't suffering a ~30% frame rate hit by upping the image quality settings to maximum, you're just losing the gain in frames by removing optimsiations which never used to exist (waaay back now) If it wasn't for the optimisations being pushed into drivers (at the disgust of most hardcore gamers) we wouldn't even have the option to gain them kind of frame rates now a days. Now its an option and we can chose what we like all of a sudden its not so much of a problem, almost everyone i know prefers the extra frame rate than the more true rendering.

Either way shimmering was a bit buggy with the drivers and when I run in HQ i fail to see any shimmering what so ever in any of the games I've played (with the latest drivers of course), while I can notice it in MQ (i've got good eyes) its not actually anything that bothers me, which is why i join most of the rest of everyone else who doesn't have an SLI config in keeping the settings the way they are.

If the optimisations didn't cause side effects like shimmering they wouldn't be optimisations, they'd simply be the way its rendered normally. Don't like the shimmering, upgrade your drivers and stick to HQ mode.

And no - it doens't appear to be an Nvidia exclusive problem.

P.S - good job on banning the trolls :)
Apple740 said:
You are totally ignoring image quality. X1800XL has better fsaa across the board, better AF, FP blending HDR & AA. Include this with sm3.0 and Crossfire, what do we have then? THE POWER OF 6? :) (speaking in Nvidia terms ;) )
So your "all aspects" is a joke i presume?

Wow thats pretty funny thats not what XBIT Labs thinks....

And as far as x1800xl and 7800GT I think most reviews agree with the [H], the ATI part is either slower or just manages to catch the 7800GT. All for a higher price. IMHO the only ATI part worth purchasing is the x1800xt!

So stop being a !!!!!! and read more than one review before making a decision. If you quote that firingsquad review again I am gonna laugh. Thats about as unbiased as quoting a driverheaven review lol.

BTW, here anandtech feels the same way as the [H] on the x1800xl...

Originally Posted by Borgschulze
I'm using 77.72 and I get a lovely feature from this nVidia card, I call it Moire, and it is annoying as hell, and does NOT go away no matter what settings you use.

Now I think I'll go play more Diablo II, since it's the only game that runs properly on my nVidia card.

Redefined said:

But redefined he's not an "Official Reviewer" so we can't believe him!!!!!! lol such a hypocrite
I sometimes get shimmering in WoW. When it happens it's very bad and very noticable. Water is the most obvious victim. I saw nothing in that video of Cali's, the
shimmering is blatant when it happens to me.

Seems that alt tabbing out of the game will temporarily fix the issue. It hasn't happened recently though.
Frosteh said:
The entire shimmer issue I think comes down to AF optimisations, the cards now a days come with certain optimisations turned on by default to give a reasonably decent increase in speed compared to a reasonable drop in IQ (when I say reasonable - i'd suggest that because a lot of people can't even see it, its a fairly reasonable drop in IQ)

People look at this the entirely wrong way IMO, you aren't suffering a ~30% frame rate hit by upping the image quality settings to maximum, you're just losing the gain in frames by removing optimsiations which never used to exist (waaay back now) If it wasn't for the optimisations being pushed into drivers (at the disgust of most hardcore gamers) we wouldn't even have the option to gain them kind of frame rates now a days. Now its an option and we can chose what we like all of a sudden its not so much of a problem, almost everyone i know prefers the extra frame rate than the more true rendering.

Either way shimmering was a bit buggy with the drivers and when I run in HQ i fail to see any shimmering what so ever in any of the games I've played (with the latest drivers of course), while I can notice it in MQ (i've got good eyes) its not actually anything that bothers me, which is why i join most of the rest of everyone else who doesn't have an SLI config in keeping the settings the way they are.

If the optimisations didn't cause side effects like shimmering they wouldn't be optimisations, they'd simply be the way its rendered normally. Don't like the shimmering, upgrade your drivers and stick to HQ mode.

And no - it doens't appear to be an Nvidia exclusive problem.

P.S - good job on banning the trolls :)

My problem is ATI's AI doesnt seem to cause nearly as much shimmer in games such as WOW. Benching with Nvidias Quality and ATI's AI ATI has the better quality. Put both on max and its equal.
this shimmering issue is interesting bc i have heard of it, but haven't experienced it anywhere, not even WoW. I'm runnin the beta 81.84 drivers and everything seems to work well...

what i find curious is that you guys spend 500 dollars on a top end extreme gaming grfx card and then *don't* set all your settings to max? i would expect everyone to have quality set to HQ.... its why i spent 370 bucks on my 7800gt, so i could max everything out...