If you could only buy 1 Xbox 360 or PS3?

Which console do you want more?

  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 150 62.8%
  • PS3

    Votes: 89 37.2%

  • Total voters


Jan 24, 2005
Which one would you buy and why? Knowing what we know currently. Just interested to see which is leading the way right now with people wanting to buy it.
At the moment, Xbox360 simply because we know it'll be out before the end of this year. The PS3 still has a long way to go; we don't even have in-game footage yet.
Xbox360 as well.. and did you see how hot it looks in black!! :)
PS3 because, meh, I just like it...

But I'm certainly not buying it at release. I'd wait for developers to start getting the hang of the Cell first.

Whenever I see Xbox and PS on the same page, I am likely to go with the Xbox console, just because the PS2 was far inferior (hardware) to the Xbox. Of course, there are many reasons for this, and it would likely lead to a flame-war and subsequent locking of this thread. :)
That's one reason why I need to own a PS3 eventually; the previous generations always had the games I wanted to play. I mean for every 6 PS2 games, I play 2 Xbox games which is why I hope the X360 will continue the Xbox's legacy as an affordable (and capable) media center.
PS3 by far. Ive always been a die hard Sony Console fan and theres a simple reason behind that. Sonys systems have far better exclusive gaming titles then XBOX has and will ever have. I admit that i love Splinter Cell I, II, III but it runs great on my PS2 as those KOTOR I & II on my PC. You cant beat Metal Gear, Final Fantasy , Devil May Cry, Gran Turismo etc... One Dynasty is not enough to make a console leader in the war.
There is absolutely nothing about the PS3 that interests me right now, and i am not at all convinced that the Cell is even a capable gaming core, so its easy for me - X360.
I voted for Xbox 360, but the only console I am getting for sure is the Nintendo Revolution. I might get the Xbox 360 for the media center capabilities and because it is out first.

I'm not going to touch the PS3 until I see the cell processor working in the real world.
Cali3350 said:
There is absolutely nothing about the PS3 that interests me right now, and i am not at all convinced that the Cell is even a capable gaming core, so its easy for me - X360.
im convinced the cell will do best what sony wanted it to do,draw polygons while the gpu handles shadeing like a monster and all utilization leaves nothing optimised for what makes a game AI,pyshics so it can render scenes realtime...just not playable ones

360 is the complete oppisite of what sony did there system gpu is well balanced and designed with better shadeing(some cases 2-3xtimes better shadeing)then a X800XTand designed to run polygons at the same time while the core is a general processor which best suited to handle random data IE ai and physics

besides in my perspective of 360 being more efficient with its power the only game on sony system that has ever appealed was GTA but i cant even find it bearable on any current console so its GTA and pc for me
Xbox 360, to me it's way more versitile, it has major online capabilities, and the Day 1 games and most of the games in development are amazing.
Xbox360. I all ready have it pre-paid for.

Simple choice for me. Xbox and Xbox360 have THE best online play, period.
Xbox360, I like the media center features and so far it has the games that interest me. I want to play Dead Rising! That looks like Die Hard Arcade meets Resident Evil. Fun Fun.
Im surprized there are not more people cryin for a nintendo radio button to vote for the revolution... I am not however one of those people. I did get to break the tie... 19-18 in favor of the xbx360
no offense guys, but seems pretty stupid to make a decision now when so little is known
this is just some poll, its not like its binding....plus, some of will get both.
TheCreator said:
Which one would you buy and why? Knowing what we know currently. Just interested to see which is leading the way right now with people wanting to buy it.

I would buy xbox360 no doubt... :D :) :rolleyes:
TheCreator said:
Which one would you buy and why? Knowing what we know currently. Just interested to see which is leading the way right now with people wanting to buy it.

X360 - seems to be much more well rounded and better games have been announced for it than the PS3
i voted for the ps3 for several reasons.
1)sony fan boy at heart
2)have lots of ps2 games i need to be able to play
3) just as 360 = halo 3 ps3 = socom 4
4)blue ray
Brucee said:
I would buy xbox360 no doubt... :D :) :rolleyes:
But Brucee, the Xbox360 is

Ps3 because it will probably have most of the exclusive and multi system games I want, or they will be released on the ps3 first like gta has been. The ps2 is way ahead of the xbox in 3rd party support and sonys 2nd party support is also much better. I want the system with the best most diverse gaming library and for the last 2 generations that has be a sony based system no doubt. Also to add that the only reason I bought a xbox was to mod it, i had no intrest at all with the xbox until you could mod it. The games didn't intrest me enough at all. The ps2 I bought because of games.
EnderW said:
no offense guys, but seems pretty stupid to make a decision now when so little is known

Not when what is known is enough for you.
If what little is known is enough, then this thread isn't about seeing "which one is ahead," it's about seeing which one has more fan-boys.
So don't read it and don't post in it.

Simple as that. :rolleyes:
EnderW said:
no offense guys, but seems pretty stupid to make a decision now when so little is known

I know little is known I said "with what we know right now" in the first post.. I was just curious. I personally think the xbox360 "sounds" amazing.
If I could only buy one, I would wait until they are both out and look at the features they have and games they have. x360's featues look pretty cool (as shown here), but my gut feeling tell me MS will have the better support by developers, and more exclusives.
PS3 - loyal to Playstation since I liked the more adult oriented games they put out to compete with Nintendo back in the PS1 days.

I'd really save the dough and go for a CPU/GPU upgrade though. :p
your missing a choice, so therefore this entire poll is invalid and should be deleted
ryanrule said:
your missing a choice, so therefore this entire poll is invalid and should be deleted

I don't feel I'm missing a choice... I think the Nintendo system will be a minor competitor to these 2... I believe most people will agree. I want to know out of these 2 systems. Therefore I didn't include Nintendo in my poll.
TheCreator said:
I don't feel I'm missing a choice... I think the Nintendo system will be a minor competitor to these 2... I believe most people will agree. I want to know out of these 2 systems. Therefore I didn't include Nintendo in my poll.
yet it remains invalid.

i feel it more likely that people will buy a rev || (ps3 or 360)
ryanrule said:
yet it remains invalid.

i feel it more likely that people will buy a rev and a ps3/360

how is it invalid? it's my fucking question... please tell me how my question is invalid... when it's a valid question.... enjoy that one cause it's impossible.