If these sheets are true: R520 spanks 7800GTX


Oct 21, 2004

Most likely the sheets The Inquirer talked about.


Click link for all the X1800 sheets, also X1300&1600 sheets.
I don't know how legit those are, seeing as to how they have the x1800xl listed twice.
Looks fake. If you look it says that the X800XL is faster than the 7800GTX and that the 7800GTX is faster than they X800XL in 3DskidmarkO5.

A typo I'm sure, but press releases are a little more accurate than that.
the flagship will be faster than the GTX in some things. have some newer features. be a bit better card. STILL WHAT TOOK SO DAMN LONG?????????

anyway, happy with my 7800gt ty bye bye till the 580.
Wow... That looks so fake and a real lazy Photoshop if you ask me.

2x X1800XL when the top one should be XT.
Strange in all of the beachmarks... The 7800GTX is the SAME on everygame... and the XT is almost different on everygame.

Totally fake... and an exact 3Dmark05 score? Just a nice makeup job for sure.
And why does it look like a X850XT PE?.... You can see the Photoshop done there =\

V99 said:
Wow... That looks so fake and a real lazy Photoshop if you ask me.
LOL, i'm glad i'm not the only one who noticed the bad chop.
V99 said:
Wow... That looks so fake and a real lazy Photoshop if you ask me.

2x X1800XL when the top one should be XT.
Strange in all of the beachmarks... The 7800GTX is the SAME on everygame... and the XT is almost different on everygame.

Totally fake... and an exact 3Dmark05 score? Just a nice makeup job for sure.
And why does it look like a X850XT PE?.... You can see the Photoshop done there =\

I'm not asserting this is a vaild press release but the reason why 3Dmark05 scores are all the same is because it is represented in percentage and not in FPS.

For example..

7800GTX= 100fps
X1800XT = 150fps
This would be 150%
Apple740 said:

Most likely the sheets The Inquirer talked about.


Click link for all the X1800 sheets, also X1300&1600 sheets.

See I had the exact opposite response...

these are ATi PR benchmarks...this is the absolute best case scenario skewed benchmark...10% faster in HL2?...with a 650Mhz core and 1500Mhz memory?...that's just silly...get a retail gtx running at 490mhz and you'll be neck and neck...release an updated version with a dual slot cooler and some of that fancy new 800mhz memory and ATi is done...cuz thier core is tapped out Mhz-wise, and g70 still has a lot of headroom...

I think the featureset of R520 will be much more impressive that its performance...
pxc said:
LOL, i'm glad i'm not the only one who noticed the bad chop.


Justinkoko said:
For example..

7800GTX= 100fps
X1800XT = 150fps
This would be 150%

But why would the 7800GTX get exactly 100% on each game? :p

trudude said:
It is real...

wtf? I thought the X1800XT was going to be massive like the GTX? hmmm
V99 said:

But why would the 7800GTX get exactly 100% on each game? :p
they are comparing in %. as in the ATI scores % higher than the GTX's 100% mark.
This thread should be titled "If these super-biased cherry-picked benchmarks are right, the x1800xt will barely beat a *stock* gtx"...
Megadeth_Guy01 said:
It's in percentage, why I do not know.

it makes it clean and easy to compare a bunch of different games/resolutions/applications on one graph with one scale...

it's just for legibility...the people that get to see these presentations either wouldn't understand real benchmark results or are going to get a card and get results themselves...(so it doesn't really matter that they aren't in the format we're all used to seeing)
^eMpTy^ said:
it makes it clean and easy to compare a bunch of different games/resolutions/applications on one graph with one scale...

it's just for legibility...the people that get to see these presentations either wouldn't understand real benchmark results or are going to get a card and get results themselves...

Tisk tisk, these are most likely the presentations shown at Ibiza or whatever it was this weekend, where all the improtant websites got their press kits most likely. And they now have till Oct 5th to finish their own benchmarking.

Empty empty, still havent changed your ways. Now, I agree that those super dandy OC'd 7800GTXs will be a bit closer, but then again, they dont have HDR AA, or some other nice features like AVIVO etc.

Also, I think its funny you honestly think these cards are tapped out Mhz wise, in fact, I bet we see 1000Mhz OC's on a regular basis with these cards.

Feels weird posting here again, I think I'll leave now.
I buy into it but the graphs are skewed as its PR.

But I take from this it looks liek they matched nvidia so its gonna be like the x800 vs 6800 all over again.

what did you expect, for things to be lopsided one way or another?
I don't think the egoes or the desire to make a buck will ever allow either company to let that happen again.

And the hell with ati or nvidia anyways Ima spend 400 bux on a parhelia and never once wonder if I had the best card. 400 dollars for peice of mind. LOOK OUT TRIPLE HEAD GAMING HERE I COME!!!!! THATS 6 FPS OF FURY BITCHES!!!!
Skrying said:
Tisk tisk, these are most likely the presentations shown at Ibiza or whatever it was this weekend, where all the improtant websites got their press kits most likely. And they now have till Oct 5th to finish their own benchmarking.

Empty empty, still havent changed your ways. Now, I agree that those super dandy OC'd 7800GTXs will be a bit closer, but then again, they dont have HDR AA, or some other nice features like AVIVO etc.

Also, I think its funny you honestly think these cards are tapped out Mhz wise, in fact, I bet we see 1000Mhz OC's on a regular basis with these cards.

Feels weird posting here again, I think I'll leave now.

HDR AA has yet to be seen...if it runs at 5fps...who cares?

and AVIVO? nVidia has had pure video for over a year...once again...not impressed...

about the overclocking potential...I'm not talking about how fast the thing will go on liquid nitrogen...I'm talking about how fast they can clock the core and still ship it in volume with a retail warranty...

I'm willing to bet they're pulling out all the stops givin the narrow margin of performance between the x1800xt and the gtx...and that they couldn't squeeze another 50Mhz out of the core in retail even if they tried...

All I'm saying here...is they are running their core 50% faster than nvidia...and their memory 25%...and in HL2 they're only 10% faster...

with new nvidia drivers on the horizon, and retail gtx cards shipping 15% faster than what was benchmarked in these slides...I'm betting this is going to be a really close fight...

once again, the question is...how's the availability going to be?
I really do hope ATI puts out a monster of a card that is readily available to the masses and puts the smackdown on the 7800's ...competition is good my friends , and we need ATI to get back into the game! ...... :)
^eMpTy^ said:
HDR AA has yet to be seen...if it runs at 5fps...who cares?

and AVIVO? nVidia has had pure video for over a year...once again...not impressed...

about the overclocking potential...I'm not talking about how fast the thing will go on liquid nitrogen...I'm talking about how fast they can clock the core and still ship it in volume with a retail warranty...

I'm willing to bet they're pulling out all the stops givin the narrow margin of performance between the x1800xt and the gtx...and that they couldn't squeeze another 50Mhz out of the core in retail even if they tried...

All I'm saying here...is they are running their core 50% faster than nvidia...and their memory 25%...and in HL2 they're only 10% faster...

with new nvidia drivers on the horizon, and retail gtx cards shipping 15% faster than what was benchmarked in these slides...I'm betting this is going to be a really close fight...

once again, the question is...how's the availability going to be?

The 10% improvement over underclocked (430) 7800GTX's is quite telling. This is not going to be a "spanking" period. Now image quality might be an issue- since performance obviously isn't going to be.
I used to always buy Ati until the Geforce 6 series came out. Ati software & drivers are crap, even the new style interface is crappy. After using Nvidia drivers I hope I never go back to Ati. However its ALL about hardware performance, i'll go with whos got the best. The real game isn't who has the best hardware for the best price, its about timing. If Battlefield 2 and the F.E.A.R. demo hadn't come out this summer I dont think the Geforce 7 series whould've done nearly as well. I know I sure as hell whouldn't have upgraded from 6800gt to 7800gt just to see a few more FPS in Doom 3, Far Cry, or Half-Life 2.
^eMpTy^ said:
HDR AA has yet to be seen...if it runs at 5fps...who cares?

and AVIVO? nVidia has had pure video for over a year...once again...not impressed...

about the overclocking potential...I'm not talking about how fast the thing will go on liquid nitrogen...I'm talking about how fast they can clock the core and still ship it in volume with a retail warranty...

I'm willing to bet they're pulling out all the stops givin the narrow margin of performance between the x1800xt and the gtx...and that they couldn't squeeze another 50Mhz out of the core in retail even if they tried...

All I'm saying here...is they are running their core 50% faster than nvidia...and their memory 25%...and in HL2 they're only 10% faster...

with new nvidia drivers on the horizon, and retail gtx cards shipping 15% faster than what was benchmarked in these slides...I'm betting this is going to be a really close fight...

once again, the question is...how's the availability going to be?

You mean that pure video that has taken Nvidia over a year to even to get to somewhat function as advertised? Please.

Also, you should very well know that talking about MHz or even pipelines means jack shit nowadays.

Get your head out of your ass ^empty^ and stop trying to defend Nvidia against a product that isn't out yet and we know no hard facts about. Once we get real benchmarks then you can make an ass of yourself.
and AVIVO? nVidia has had pure video for over a year...once again...not impressed...

Empty wasnt AVIVIO About 2D clarity or something?
Also I do agree that the cards are going to be about Even. It just seems impossible that ATi could get such amazing scores. Agian we have to wait for [H] Bench Marks of course. Still if its true it wont be bad for anygamer.
I think the X1800XT and 7800GTX are super Sexy though! cooler looking than my X800XT.
^eMpTy^ said:
HDR AA has yet to be seen...if it runs at 5fps...who cares?

and AVIVO? nVidia has had pure video for over a year...once again...not impressed...

about the overclocking potential...I'm not talking about how fast the thing will go on liquid nitrogen...I'm talking about how fast they can clock the core and still ship it in volume with a retail warranty...

I'm willing to bet they're pulling out all the stops givin the narrow margin of performance between the x1800xt and the gtx...and that they couldn't squeeze another 50Mhz out of the core in retail even if they tried...

All I'm saying here...is they are running their core 50% faster than nvidia...and their memory 25%...and in HL2 they're only 10% faster...

with new nvidia drivers on the horizon, and retail gtx cards shipping 15% faster than what was benchmarked in these slides...I'm betting this is going to be a really close fight...

once again, the question is...how's the availability going to be?
I bet you're gonna be the first one to sell your GTX and run and type Newegg.com in at 450 wpm so you can buy one.
V99 said:
But why would the 7800GTX get exactly 100% on each game? :p
You misunderstand.

Those benchmarks are showing how fast the X1800XL is compared to the GTX.

Look at the FEAR SP Demo for example. The X1800XL gets 180% the speed of the GTX.
Shameless Liar said:
You misunderstand.

Those benchmarks are showing how fast the X1800XL is compared to the GTX.

Look at the FEAR SP Demo for example. The X1800XL gets 180% the speed of the GTX.

nope...the slide is mis-labeled...that's the xt
go ati... wow... I cannot wait till it comes out and ahve a battle with teh 7800gtx.. this is gonna be exciting... so what day was it that benchmarks are allowed to be revealed?

O yah and BTW.. are these benchies released by Ati.. if so... i call BS.. there's no way it's that much faster than nvidia's top card.. but then if it is... I might sell my whole system and buy one of theses to hang on the wall :p
Erasmus354 said:
You mean that pure video that has taken Nvidia over a year to even to get to somewhat function as advertised? Please.

Also, you should very well know that talking about MHz or even pipelines means jack shit nowadays.

Get your head out of your ass ^empty^ and stop trying to defend Nvidia against a product that isn't out yet and we know no hard facts about. Once we get real benchmarks then you can make an ass of yourself.

lol...pure video works just fine...has since the day it was launched...the problem you're referring to was with hd wmv9 decode/encode...which to be honest...I never EVER use wmv9 so I never noticed...in any case...AVIVO is nothing more than PR bullshit...I simply don't believe it amounts to anything useable...

I'll talk Mhz and pipelines all I want...because to people who know what's going on inside these chips...it still means something...

As for me getting my head out my ass...haha...yeah, point out one thing in my post that was deserving of that comment...so you think AVIVO is so cool? did you see their presentation on that? it's a crock of shit comparing their miraculous image quality to some blurry off-color competitor that looked like nothing more than some photoshop filters to skew the image from the original...

so what else...you don't like talking clock speeds or pipelines? you don't think it's significant that they benchmarked the x1800xt against a stock gtx? you don't think that won't make a difference?

I'm not sure what precisely it is you think you know here that I don't...please...enlighten me
Look empty I love nVidia easily as much as you do, but if these slides are correct then you and I both know that nVidia is gonna HAVE to go ahead and release that 32 pipe 7800Ultra right away. I wonder what nVidia is doing right now? I wonder how many phones are ringing off the hook and how many nVidia employees were called into work this weekend to come up with their answer to ATi's 16 pipe wonder. :p
trudude said:
Look empty I love nVidia easily as much as you do, but if these slides are correct then you and I both know that nVidia is gonna HAVE to go ahead and release that 32 pipe 7800Ultra right away. I wonder what nVidia is doing right now? I wonder how many phones are ringing off the hook and how many nVidia employees were called into work this weekend to come up with their answer to ATi's 16 pipe wonder. :p

There is no 32 pipe version...

And I don't think they'll have to release a damn thing...get a 490mhz gtx and slap some 80 series drivers on it and you'll have the x1800 beat...

make no mistake...this press release is in no way indicative of a performance level not within striking distance of a driver update...it's going to be the 8500 vs the GeForce 3 Ti 500 + Detonator 4 all over again...
^eMpTy^ said:
There is no 32 pipe version...

And I don't think they'll have to release a damn thing...get a 490mhz gtx and slap some 80 series drivers on it and you'll have the x1800 beat...

make no mistake...this press release is in no way indicative of a performance level not within striking distance of a driver update...it's going to be the 8500 vs the GeForce 3 Ti 500 + Detonator 4 all over again...
Your argument doesn't hold water though cause this ATi card could easily be overclocked as well. The xtremesystems guys are already saying that the card they were using OCed
to 856/1880 on ln2 from 625/1500 stock. This leads me to believe that these cards will see lots of crazy memory OC's for sure, but it also makes me think we will see some 700Mhz OC's on these things. Of course this is speculation, but it is not crazy speculation.