If these sheets are true: R520 spanks 7800GTX

tornadotsunamilife said:
Can you answer my question? Everyone else is in a heavy discussion of what is and isn't defined as reference and overclocked specs...

(Question: When it says 128-bit floating point precision' does that mean it will be using FPbb32 for HDR?)

I can't comment on specs.

But when they refer to precision they are typically referring to pixel and vertex precision, for example the R300 series and up supports FP24 in the pixel pipeline no matter what. The GF6 and 7 series support FP16 and FP32 precision.
Trepidati0n said:
If you think a 7%/14% bump in core speed will make a mega difference in a cards performance, then I believe you need to check the charts comparing 7800GTX performance at 430/460/490 speeds. Yes it does yield improvement....but not tremedously so. The reason is because nVidia went with the massively parallel route and therefore sometime distrubuting the data within the card can be the limitation. ATI this time around has gone the MHz route....to them a 7%/14% bump in speed may be a much larger gain.


This would be true for any applications outside of benching. However, when applied to COMPETITIVE benching its importance becomes blown out of proportion. Look at HL2 benchs. ITs only 10% faster in that sheet. Now if the GTX had the 14% bump that 60 extra Mhz give it, then it would meet or beat the XT. And it would meet or beat the XL in most, if not all regions. Meh, When the REAL benchs (that is non synthetic benchs) we can come back to that point.
slyven said:
This would be true for any applications outside of benching. However, when applied to COMPETITIVE benching its importance becomes blown out of proportion. Look at HL2 benchs. ITs only 10% faster in that sheet. Now if the GTX had the 14% bump that 60 extra Mhz give it, then it would meet or beat the XT. And it would meet or beat the XL in most, if not all regions. Meh, When the REAL benchs (that is non synthetic benchs) we can come back to that point.
14% bump in clockspeed does not equal a 14% increase in performance.
V99 said:
Strange in all of the beachmarks... The 7800GTX is the SAME on everygame... and the XT is almost different on everygame.

look at the scale. The GTX is scaled to 100% performance and the r520 is some percent of that (up to 180%).
Well it seems that these sell sheets are either valid enough or look good enough for Kyle to post them on the News Page...
eno-on said:
14% bump in clockspeed does not equal a 14% increase in performance.

oops. My point was lost. I already know this. Its why I chose an XFX setup over a BFG. However, when it comes to competitive benching, EVERY point counts. ATI says the XT performs 10% faster than the GTX in half life 2 (for example). Now if that 14% bump in speed translates to a 4% jump in performance, in competitive benching the card has gained. Now This may all come down to a difference of single digit FPS gains, but when it comes to Card Fighting, its important, so ATI disregarding this in their benches (if they did) is unfair.

Besides you can't deny that Mhz are important in some benches. Look at 3DMarks. a XFX KO SLI will prolly get about 13000 with the new 81.xx drivers. A normal XFX SLI will come up to just below 12000 (in the 11700 area). a decent increase. The only difference? a small % difference in Clock speeds.

Of course when this comes to real life games it loses all justification. At that point it doesn't matter if you buy a GTX or an XT. At least I think so, thats why I am waiting for the benchs.
The most interesting thing I THINK is the 1300's performance.

The 1600 is probably about where its supposed to be.

Too bad they are comparing them to Nvidia's last generation cards. It would be like it at the the launch of the 6200 & 6600 comparing them to 9200 & 9600's instead of the X300 & X600/X700.

I think Nvidia will beat ATI to launch with their 7200 & 7600's. They're probably waiting in the wings trying to let inventory of the 6_00 chips clear out. Nvidia seems to be holding back (like 7800 Ultra) and when they do launch.... they're launching with immediate availability.
I can claim that my penis does a little jig everytime someone scratches my neck, put that on paper, release it to the public, claiming it's 80% better than any other penis on the market.

Of course, if I don't back that up with, you know, proof of that by 3rd party review, I could just be talking out my ass.

Edit: And even then, if I can't provide my penis to anyone but the review sites, what's the point of even releasing it?

Again, like someone else said, ATI should just paper launch a Holodeck.
SgtSweatySac said:
Again, like someone else said, ATI should just paper launch a Holodeck.

I heard its going to be 90% faster than the Enterprise's Holodeck. And when they release their transporter it will be 95% faster and more effiecient at transporting ANYTHING ANYWHERE.
millerpa17 said:
So when is this thing being released??

No one really knows when.

Could be tomorrow. Could be 2 months from now. Could even be never.

No one really knows what ati's monkeys are thinking :D
Ugh.. only on [H]ardforum could a discussion of video cards benchies degenerate into some guy named "SgtSweatySac" talking about his dancing penis.
Jonsey said:
Ugh.. only on [H]ardforum could a discussion of video cards benchies degenerate into some guy named "SgtSweatySac" talking about his dancing penis.

This coming after the guy named after the sonar man from "Hunt for Red October" :rolleyes:
ThreeDee said:
I really do hope ATI puts out a monster of a card that is readily available to the masses and puts the smackdown on the 7800's ...competition is good my friends , and we need ATI to get back into the game! ...... :)

hahaha, and that is ATI's marketing slogan - Get in the Game (similar to the NV the way its meant to be played)
vaporware and vapor figures.......figures, doesnt it???? :D Crossfire, anyone??

Im waiting for the 7800 double deluxe ultra phantom edition myself.

I think the whole place has gone mad....i cant wait for Wednesday.....it really is put up or shut up day. I hope ATI has all the ducks in a row. quack,quack.
So tomorrow when this card is officially announed, will [H]ardOCP have a review and benchmarks on all these cards? Or will it be a while before we will see benchmarks on them?

Edit: I mean on Wednesday
very skeptical, but i also can't wait to see if thats true

i also noticed they haven't laid much hype into the 512-bit ring bus, maybe they are just using it as a steping stone? (or other features we have no clue about yet)
I just took a thorough look at the spec sheet. Comparing the X1800 XT to a 7800GTX, the X1800 XT sounds better. Basically every number on there except the pipelines, is higher than the 7800 GTX. Now, I know there can be other factors that may affect performance. It sounds like, if this spec sheet is true, which im almost sure it probably is, the X1800 will live up to its previous hype before the 7800 came out. Now when we will be able to use these cards, is another story.
meatfestival said:
Twice as fast in FEAR? Anyone else as sceptical as I am?

As am I. It may be, but at a specific setting. Perhaps with soft shadows, etc on, at a low res. I really, really doubt it is at a res most people would play at, such as 1280x1024 with some AA/AF.
fallguy said:
As am I. It may be, but at a specific setting. Perhaps with soft shadows, etc on, at a low res. I really, really doubt it is at a res most people would play at, such as 1280x1024 with some AA/AF.
uh...it clearly states the settings as being 1600x1200 with 4xaa, 8xaf...
Those graphs are pretty clever. Just a ~32% performance lead for far cry, gives the illusion of double the performance, because they start at 70% on the graph. Still 32% is quite significant when your dealing with two high end cards like these.
millerpa17 said:
uh...it clearly states the settings as being 1600x1200 with 4xaa, 8xaf...

and again, is that with soft shadows and maybe ATI's HDR implementation vs Nvidia's HDR implementation? And what drivers are they using, anyway?

One thing is for absolutely certain- these numbers paint the BEST POSSIBLE PICTURE for ATI. Reality will certainly be diminished from this- only question is the amount.

Biggest news of those slides for me was the image quality stuff. The apparent end of angle dependant AF, and HDR + AA being the highlights.
Okay heres my million dollar question, Has ATI been stalling this Info becuz it was stockpiling massive amounts of cards so they can release this card ASAP! Because if they do and this card rocks i really want to sell my 2 XFX OC 7800gtxs ( stock 490 / 1300 ) and switch back to ATI, but if there are no XFIRE Mobos what would be the point. Sounds like a major letdown for me :mad:
Well a week or two ago it was reported about the guys who were making the chips. And it was stated that they had run off thousands off and we doing many more every single day. Now maybe it will be a paper launch and maybe it wont. We can talk our selves blue in the face till than, or just wait.
What about power consumption, heat and noise? Looks like a 2 slot design to me. That's a negative (unless it results in lower db output) but I'm still hoping this puts some pressure on Nvidia for the aforementioned consumer benefits.
Arialis said:
Well a week or two ago it was reported about the guys who were making the chips. And it was stated that they had run off thousands off and we doing many more every single day. Now maybe it will be a paper launch and maybe it wont. We can talk our selves blue in the face till than, or just wait.

A week or two ago ATi switched over to UMC for co production of the r520, so they are having issues making thier flagship still.

ATI Technologies has placed orders with United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) to produce its R521, RV531 and RV516 graphics processing units (GPUs) using 90nm technology, according to industry sources. The GPUs have similar designs as the upcoming R520, RV530 and RV515 GPUs, which are being manufactured at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC), noted the sources.

On September 21, ATI announced that TSMC is in volume production of the Radeon X1800 (codenamed R520), Radeon X1600 (codenamed RV530) and Radeon X1300 (codenamed RV515) series chips. However, the sources also indicated that low yield rates at TSMC has given UMC an opportunity to win 90nm orders from ATI.

UMC will enter volume production of the R521, RV531 and RV516 chips for ATI from the end of this year, the sources noted.

In addition, the Radeon X1600 and X1300 chips will each come in two versions; an XT- and PRO-series for the former and PRO and LE lines for the latter, according to the sources. As reported on September 14, ATI’s flagship Radeon X1800 will be available in three versions, the High-end XT, middle-range XL and entry-level LE.

Rival Nvidia is gearing up to produce in volume a 90nm G7X graphics chip at TSMC between the end of this year and early 2006, according to industry sources. Nvidia’s current flagship GeForce 7800 GTX (G70), which was built using a 0.11-micron process at TSMC, hit the market in June.

From Digitimes
^eMpTy^ said:
There is no 32 pipe version...

And I don't think they'll have to release a damn thing...get a 490mhz gtx and slap some 80 series drivers on it and you'll have the x1800 beat...

make no mistake...this press release is in no way indicative of a performance level not within striking distance of a driver update...it's going to be the 8500 vs the GeForce 3 Ti 500 + Detonator 4 all over again...

And you know this how? Source? And btw, it is normal to bench cards at their native clock speeds because everycard can overclock, meaning you can overclock an x1800xl / pro into an XT with better cooling or what ever, just like u oc a 7800 GT into a GTX.

New drivers are not going to bring Nvidia's 7800series 80% faster in F.E.A.R. which BTW is pretty much next-generation until Unreal 3 comes out.
I can't believe some of you are still saying that the results must have been at some obscure res, etc. IT CLEARLY SAYS 1600x1200 4xAA 8xAF. My god, read dammit.