If the $ is in my Paypal account, do I REALLY have it?

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Jan 14, 2001
I've never had a problem before, but Paypal has me a bit worried because he's an unconfirmed buyer and has an unconfirmed address. I already have the $ in my Paypal account and am going to ship his item tomorrow or the next day.
Is there something that could happen that would cause the $ to leave my Paypal account? If so, how long would it be before it does that? It's already been in there one day.
he could dispute which it would remove it from your paypal accnt. my advice, transfer the money to ur bank account then ship.
Does he have any references? Good heat would help there. Otherwise, just wait for bank transfer. That still doesnt mean you cant be screwed, he can always fill the complaint, and put your paypal acct on the lock.
blindrocket said:
I've never had a problem before, but Paypal has me a bit worried because he's an unconfirmed buyer and has an unconfirmed address. I already have the $ in my Paypal account and am going to ship his item tomorrow or the next day.
Is there something that could happen that would cause the $ to leave my Paypal account? If so, how long would it be before it does that? It's already been in there one day.

You should never ship to an unconfirmed address because you don't qualify for seller protection.
It's not that easy. Paypal has to approve the dispute and if the buyer wins, the money will be deducted from your Paypal. I shipped to many unconfirmed address as many countries are not well-supported by Paypal and they can't register their bank. Don't you worry.
What FSB said is true. I have found PP to be very helpful and professional regarding account issues. Seller responsibility involves using qualified shippers and tracking information, which can all be tied to the PP transaction details. I too have sent to unconfirmed addresses without problems at all.
brom42 said:
You should never ship to an unconfirmed address because you don't qualify for seller protection.

This has been covered many times here, but I'll say it again. Any form of paypal protection means nothing if the person has emptied their paypal account (at least with forum trading, eBay may be different- I've never had to use it). If a dispute happens where you lose your money to a troll, they may side with you, but if there is no money in the paypal account, they cannot get your money back..

In your situation, I don't really see what the harm is in shipping to an unverified address. As long as you get a tracking number and can prove you shipped the item, then paypal will likely side with you should a dispute arise. As others said, just withdraw the funds ASAP.

Also, as others reccomended, you may only want to deal with people with decent heat if you want to trade 99.99% safely on teh intarweb.
BigBadBiologist said:
This has been covered many times here, but I'll say it again. Any form of paypal protection means nothing if the person has emptied their paypal account (at least with forum trading, eBay may be different- I've never had to use it). If a dispute happens where you lose your money to a troll, they may side with you, but if there is no money in the paypal account, they cannot get your money back..

In your situation, I don't really see what the harm is in shipping to an unverified address. As long as you get a tracking number and can prove you shipped the item, then paypal will likely side with you should a dispute arise. As others said, just withdraw the funds ASAP.

Also, as others reccomended, you may only want to deal with people with decent heat if you want to trade 99.99% safely on teh intarweb.

Correct, do a search and im sure your anwser (which it looks to have been answered here already) will turn up.
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