I Won an i7 975 Extreme Edition


Limp Gawd
Nov 10, 2005
I won an i7 975 EE should I swap out my 920 or sell it, I could use the cash but it's an Extreme Edition.
What to do
What to do
No possible reason to keep it. I am fairly certain the extra 800-1k would present a much bigger upgrade than the 920-975. The only people who need or should want the 975's are people going for records.

ps. I just looked at your sig, take the 800-1k you get for that proc and buy a couple ssds and put them in raid. That would be a huge upgrade, or get one ssd and a 5970.
Drool, nice win. I'd either sell it and use the cash to upgrade something else or keep it and sell the 920. Choices , choices .... :D

Seriously unless you're looking to do LN2 cooling for an overclocking record sell that bad boy.
Sell it and make the mega bucks worthwhile. Personally its not worth upgrading from a 920 or a 975 EE because the 920 can overclock just as well as the 975 without the unlocked multiplier.
Jealous.....Sell it immediately and build a new system. That new DFI Mini ITX board is tempting....
congrats! I'd sell the beast, grab another 5870, and order some pizza..
Lucky bastard.
Haha, I agree. But yeah, I'd sell it. You could build a whole other system with the money you get! Or of course wait til the i9 comes out. Your choice, but I'd sell it, regardless of what you plan to do with the money you get.
Obviously, you have problems making big decisions, which is my speciality. Give it to me, and I'll relieve you from that terrible burden of making decisions! :)

Seriously, sell it and get some SSD's :)
I'm gonna sell it, I have 2 128 gig SSD's and a new Asus board so I think I will keep my 920 put in the new mobo 1 SSD for Win 7 1 SSD for games and apps use my seagates for storage
I'm gonna sell it, I have 2 128 gig SSD's and a new Asus board so I think I will keep my 920 put in the new mobo 1 SSD for Win 7 1 SSD for games and apps use my seagates for storage

Good idea :) . Since RAID-0 on W7 loses TRIM, but that's a big debate. A lot of people say RAID-0 on SSD's isn't worth it, but at the moment that could a be a cost reason? Either way it'll be damn fast.
Is that ASUS board going to have SATA 6Gb/s?
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Sell it and buy your sweetheart something nice for valentines. /sarcasm
I need an i7, can i have it?

I am almost done with my i7 build, i have the mobo and RAM, but need the i7.

Just keep it, why not experience something you will otherwise never have? Once you start using it, you'll wonder why you wasted so much time debating it.

Pair it up with 5870 or higher GPU, be happy.

If you want the EE experience I agree with the above. Sell it and hoard the cash for a month and put it toward the 980X.
Sell it to me for cheap and i will include a scented candle to relieve the stress this has caused you.

Other than VIP tickets to project revolution, i have never won anything! I'm jealous...
Congrats man. If you don't have LN2, don't waste your time even opening it.
If you want the EE experience I agree with the above. Sell it and hoard the cash for a month and put it toward the 980X.

I agree. That's prime 980X money right there. Buy one the day they're released as it's probably the only time you'll ever see them at MSRP again.