I want to game at 1600x1200 with the upcoming games!

Jan 14, 2001
Doom 3, Half Life 2, STALKER, etc... (I have a Shuttle with a 200W PSU too btw)

So my options are the X800 XT-PE or the 6800 GT because both are single slot solutions and the GT can supposedly overclock to Ultra speeds just fine.
Again, my goal is 1600x1200 with acceptable framerates and all available eye candy set to maximum. I don't care too much about AA/AF but sure, why not.

I want the XT-PE... right decision?
blindrocket said:
Doom 3, Half Life 2, STALKER, etc... (I have a Shuttle with a 200W PSU too btw)

So my options are the X800 XT-PE or the 6800 GT because both are single slot solutions and the GT can supposedly overclock to Ultra speeds just fine.
Again, my goal is 1600x1200 with acceptable framerates and all available eye candy set to maximum. I don't care too much about AA/AF but sure, why not.

I want the XT-PE... right decision?

Your call :)

I think the 6800GT is the best value. And it will do HDR in FarCry, while the X800XT won't.
NO. get the 6800gt. It has ps3.0 and the drivers arent even mature yet. The x800 is just a 9800 on steroids. Plus, nvidia overestimated the power they will draw. They EASILY overclock to ultra and beyond speeds

BTW, no matter what card you get, get the new 240 or 250 silenx psu--its silent and powerful--my friend has one.

Good luck
How the hell is he going to run a 6800 on a 200w psu? Isn't the power draw on that thing in the 130s? Plus he said he games at 1600x1 therefore would most likely not be turning on HDR in Far Cry. The only option is the x800, imo.
the x800xt seemed to be pretty good on high res, and yea, you need like a 480W minimum to run the 6800s
Thanks for the replies.

I've had it confirmed that the 6800 GT runs fine on Shuttles 200W PSU... it's very high quality.

Any more debate?

101998 said:
How the hell is he going to run a 6800 on a 200w psu? Isn't the power draw on that thing in the 130s? Plus he said he games at 1600x1 therefore would most likely not be turning on HDR in Far Cry. The only option is the x800, imo.

The SFF's get by on less power because the mobo setup, well, it takes less power than a full sized rig. I easily ran a highly overclocked P4 and a 9800p overclocked as well, in my SB62 rig....

That 200w power supply in that rig will run the 6800GT just fine. I can almost guarantee that, especially if they only have one hard drive running.

My personal OPINION is that the 6800GT is the best bang for buck, it overclocks very nicely (as does the x800p) BUT, it has 4 extra texture pipes, SM3.0 support, and can do HDR lighting....the x800p can't do those things...and the 6800GT drivers are getting better and better...in the end I think the 6800GT will considerably outrun the x800p due to these reasons.
wangFu said:
the x800xt seemed to be pretty good on high res, and yea, you need like a 480W minimum to run the 6800s

Absolute horserubbish. Nvidia was off on the original estimates...my plain jane Enlight 300w supply is running the rig in my sig (why, that rhymes!) perfectly, and I mean 100% stable.

Any good 300w or better power supply will have no problems running a 6800GT.
the shuttles psus are of very high quality. A shuttle 200w or higher will run it, i guarentee you--dont listen to the fanboi's try and pursade you that the 6800 series need a backup generator to run.
you won't go wrong with either card. The PE will be faster than the GT everyday. If you can live without SM3.0, get the PE.
MrHappyGoLucky said:
If you can live without SM3.0

...and FP16 blending/HDR lighting in farcry
...and full trilinear filtering (read: *full* trilinear, not a bilinear/trilinear blend)
...and supersampling aa
...and higher precision shaders
...and the $100 you could have saved by easily overclocking the GT to 6800U speeds
...and if you can actually find an x800xt, while the 6800gt is available right now from evga.com and gameve.com
I've pre-ordered the X800 XT PE since it appears to be the best card right now. I don't expect to see it until after Doom 3 is out, and I'll then re-evaluate my choice after looking at benchmarks. Which I'll either leave the pre-order alone or cancel and pick up either the 6800 GT or 6800 Ultra.
retardedchicken said:
its all worth it when you get 3dc with the x800xt :)

Spoken like a true fanboy...you don't even have it, you are not getting it anytime soon, you have not benched it, and you simply do not know.

At this point, it is vaporware.
TheRapture said:
Spoken like a true fanboy...you don't even have it, you are not getting it anytime soon, you have not benched it, and you simply do not know.

At this point, it is vaporware.
sm3.0 aint out as well..... "future games" will use it, teh farcry patch aint out yet, nooen knows what will happen with a game run on fillsm3.0, and until we can see true games on either sidses, you can shut the fuck up, damn nvidiot.... HAVE YOU HEARD OF ASSHOLE HYPOCRIT!! Have you heard of the new "penn and teller's bullshit show" They talk about people like you all the time, and it aint pretty....god damn fan boy's.....

-Ati plays better than nvidia with 1600x1200 and aa/af on full
---Niether card can use its supported new programmign yet, since noone has published a game in them "yet"
-----SO FAR, ATI IS WINNING THE PERFORMANCE WAR( except for the x800pro vs gt, in which pro is gettign smoked, but it still tries hard :D )
---------From what ive seen on the farcry 1.2 patch benchmark, nvidia needs all the sm3.0 it cna get, cause its still losing at highest setting...
----------- NVIDIA SPANKS ATI IN OPENGL! No contest!!
------------- Nvidia has greater drivers, but ati isnt doing too bad either.....
--------------- Heres a kill.... Many people are reporting that the gt underclocks itself a lot, setting it back to default settings (or lower) depending on the oc and the intensity of games....
----------------.--- Only reason i hate nvidia itself is that its supporters (nvidiots if i must say) AREA BUNCH OR POMPOUS SACK OF SHIT, PRICKS!! GET OVER IT!! JUST A CARD FOR FUCK'S SAKES, i cant belive all teh fuckign threads ive seen get messed up by some nvidia raddical tromping teh x800 series because its revamped old stuff .... BUT THE TRUTH IS!! WHY WOULD ATI NEED TO START OVER WITH A NEW ARC. WHEN ITS CURRENT ARC. BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA THE FX SERIES!! Why scrap a perfectly good architecture, instead, just boost it up so that its better than before.... If nvidia's old arc. wasnt such shit, they wouldnt revise a new one, now would they... that costs a lot of money and time, that ati had spent on with the development of the 9500's-9800's nvidia didnt do that, and thats why they have to make up for it.... AND ISNT IT SAD THAT A 9800 series (which prolly sucked to you guys cause you thought it was junk) ON STEROIDS IS WHOOPING NVIDIA's NEW ARC'S ASS!!!
Companies are centered on money, and thats what it costs to develope new and improved cards, if nvidia's fx series was godly, tehy would have fx's on steriods, and ati would be the one with new shit..... but ati put some effort ahead of time, and they get the payoff for it now....

NOW, with nvidia's new shit, they have caught up, and will priolly surpass teh ati cards, but what do you expect when you spend 2x the money ati did to make the 6800's?

this is teh development time line......
ATI: 9500 series => 9600 series => 9700 series => 9800series => x800 series....(smooth progress)
nvidia: we have the geforce's and teh fx series, but im only going fx i wont add the 5200, its not worth noting :(
5600 => 5700 => 5800 => 5900 => development of a whole new card design => 6800's....) (rigid progress)

But the past dont matter, but the present and maybe the future.....
6800's have future support, but i dunno if it matters, or if it will happen, this stuff is brand new, might wanna wait till 6900's...
x800's, a little new stuff, but mostly older, more mature, tried and true, know will work components....

So do you wnat tried and true with a little it of new stuff....(nice canadians) The tech that is dominating right now....
Or do you want a throw into the future, that might be too far into the future, or might never happen(might not work or be used), with a bunch of assholes with buggs up their asses as supporters....BUT, with revised tech that will definantly be better sooner or later (prolly not while you own ur card).......I myself like to buy whats good now, instead of a year or two later, when ill have a new card.... but some people keep cards longer, or might win the bet and get all that stuff within a few months (highly likely)

tranCendenZ said:
...and FP16 blending/HDR lighting in farcry
...and full trilinear filtering (read: *full* trilinear, not a bilinear/trilinear blend)
...and supersampling aa
...and higher precision shaders
...and the $100 you could have saved by easily overclocking the GT to 6800U speeds
...and if you can actually find an x800xt, while the 6800gt is available right now from evga.com and gameve.com

... playing games with no aa at 1024x768, ugh. HDR is cool but I couldn't play without AA
... and the optimized trilinear looks the same as full trilinear
... temporal AA, lower preformance hit, =iq
... True
... Ture once more
... I know several people who have an xtpe and have had them for several weeks, while there currently are none shipping, the 6800u/gt did not even ship att all until the end on june.

I am no fanboy but when people only see one side of the argument it really gets to me. My counter-point is that the xtpe stilll preforms better than the 6800u, does that make it a bad card? Hell no they are both bad ass, if I was buying a card today for a desktop I would get a 6800gt and never look back, but if I was buying a card for my SFF I would get the x800xt and not risk overstressing the psu.

EDIT : Bad grammer, and for some reason I typed "months" instead of "weeks", too much to drink I guess.
Sun_tzu617 said:
sm3.0 aint out as well..... "future games" will use it, teh farcry patch aint out yet, nooen knows what will happen with a game run on fillsm3.0, and until we can see true games on either sidses, you can sgut teh fuck up, damn nvidiot....

Well, I guess that means you can do the same, since you have not tried out both using the latest and greatest.

Hahah, no fanboy here, I own both ATI and Nvidia, love them both.

Apparently, I got you all hot and bothered, must have struck a nerve, truth hurts, if the shoe fits, etc. :D
read my editied post, i added soem new comments, and ideas.... basically, as i said in my edit, its a crapshoot, and buying either will work nicely, but i myself liek tried and tre hardware, that works well now, not in teh near to late future, when ill haev a new card, and this wont mean shit...im not bothered, im on the drama club, everthing sounds liek that... read my other posts lol...

have fun in thsi battle, my hand hurts!
I agree with alot of your post (not all) but YOU started the flame by telling me to STFU....????

Whatever...flame on....
Sun_tzu617 said:
sm3.0 aint out as well..... "future games" will use it, teh farcry patch aint out yet, nooen knows what will happen with a game run on fillsm3.0, and until we can see true games on either sidses, you can shut the fuck up, damn nvidiot.... HAVE YOU HEARD OF ASSHOLE HYPOCRIT!! Have you heard of the new "penn and teller's bullshit show" They talk about people like you all the time, and it aint pretty....god damn fan boy's.....

This kind of posting will not be tolerated here. There have been multiple warnings posted and apparently you wish to ignore them and your post was even after an edit. You obviously need a break.
tranCendenZ said:
...and FP16 blending/HDR lighting in farcry
...and full trilinear filtering (read: *full* trilinear, not a bilinear/trilinear blend)
...and supersampling aa
...and higher precision shaders
...and the $100 you could have saved by easily overclocking the GT to 6800U speeds
...and if you can actually find an x800xt, while the 6800gt is available right now from evga.com and gameve.com

...full trilinear? Forget it if you are going to game at 1600x1200. Maybe useful in titles from the 90´s
...supersampling aa? Totally forget it if you are going to game at 1600x1200
...FX series has higher precision shaders too ;)
...Overclock the GT to ULTRA speeds still slower than the X800XT PE and draws more power

Asus have a single slot 6800 ULTRA too if you would like that too :)

In your setup I would definiatly get the X800XT PE. Will dissipate a bit less heat too which can be quite important in a barebone.
TheRapture said:
The SFF's get by on less power because the mobo setup, well, it takes less power than a full sized rig. I easily ran a highly overclocked P4 and a 9800p overclocked as well, in my SB62 rig....

That 200w power supply in that rig will run the 6800GT just fine. I can almost guarantee that, especially if they only have one hard drive running.

My personal OPINION is that the 6800GT is the best bang for buck, it overclocks very nicely (as does the x800p) BUT, it has 4 extra texture pipes, SM3.0 support, and can do HDR lighting....the x800p can't do those things...and the 6800GT drivers are getting better and better...in the end I think the 6800GT will considerably outrun the x800p due to these reasons.

I humbley agree
blindrocket said:
Doom 3, Half Life 2, STALKER, etc... (I have a Shuttle with a 200W PSU too btw)

So my options are the X800 XT-PE or the 6800 GT because both are single slot solutions and the GT can supposedly overclock to Ultra speeds just fine.
Again, my goal is 1600x1200 with acceptable framerates and all available eye candy set to maximum. I don't care too much about AA/AF but sure, why not.

I want the XT-PE... right decision?

Yes, X800 XT-PE is the right decision. Since, it's quite obvious it beats the 6800 Ultra, I am sure it can easily beat the 6800 GT too. As we see with FarCry, SM3.0 doesn't do too much, and in addition, I think HDR looks like ass IMO, even more so since you have to use it without AA. Super-Sampling has to be done at such a low resolution, I just don't feel it makes a difference. Lastly, it has been proven many times that ATi's 24-bit floating-point precision is equal to 32-bit floating-point precision, that's a non-issue. So wait a little bit and get the XT-PE, it is a much better card than the 6800Ultra, let alone a GT.
Moofasa the reason you think HDR looks like crap is probably you have only seen the Far Cry screenies. And that HDR is not at all representative what you will be finally getting. And that is a plus for nVidia too their HDR indead look a bit better than ATI:s.
Well all I can say is I am playing 1600x1200 full trilinear and gettin mid 30's in fps. Its smooth and looks beautiful. I hope my thread will help you in your decision , i included sceenies




Bear in mind these were taken as screenie and converted to jpeg , the game looks amazing the pic dont do it justice. 61.34 drivers off the driver disc . I believe my performance will be even better once i go clean install and latest drivers.

The proof is in the pudding
Geez.... :eek: Gimme a break you dont even have to use the seach function for this. It's talked about a million times per day. You can yammer on about "I want 1600*1200" but everyone knows it's the 10 time daily "what card should I buy?" thread. Everyone fights, it's the same NV vrs. ATi thread in a different wrapper. You don't want a bunch of people mostly without cards + several people with bias telling you how to spend your money. That Power Supply though bro.... hmm... make sure you get your card somewhere reputable that won't bend you over for a possible return. I'd at least want the shuttle 250w.
I can't say about the 200 shuttle ps, but I run a GT in my Fica ice-cube @ 420 core/ 1150 memory for almost a week now solid. I have a 2.8 @ 3.15, 1 gig ram, 250 gig HD, DVD burner, extra cooling fans, Crystal fontz LCD display, and of course the GT OC'd.

My box only has a 220W supply, and no issues. The 250w silent x update to your box isn't expensive, and would be good insurance if you got either card.

everyone needs to chill. I replaced my 9800pro (which was awesome for it's time) with the GT simply because I got tired of waiting for the PE. I run FC @ 1600x1200, full effects on a 1600x1200 native 20.1 Dell LCD, and I don't give a rats ass about 5-6 FPS difference. All I know is, the game looks incredible, plays incredible, and in the end, isn't that what its all about?

who cares about a few FPS lead, either card is handling the game at max res no problems. At least in my setup. .
GT is nice but contrary to popular belief will not do 1600x1200 as good as ATI..

But dont take my word for it, Read Hardocp review, you will see the ATI card was playable at 1600x1200 in basically every game with 4x/AA/16 or 8X AF. GT may be able to hande 1600x1200 if you run without AF enabled... but why would you want to do that...
I think this question is getting a bit blown out of proportion...almost any game can be played at 1600X1200 with a Radeon 9800 Pro or better card....it all matters what settings you will want on or off....I ALWAYS shut off antialiasing because framerates jump up dramatically with it off and the faster it plays the less you would ever even notice antialiasing.....shadow detail can be turned down too if you want things to run even faster at that resolution. I was almost even able to play HALO at this res. with just those settings turned down on a G4 ti 4200.
blindrocket said:
Doom 3, Half Life 2, STALKER, etc... (I have a Shuttle with a 200W PSU too btw)

So my options are the X800 XT-PE or the 6800 GT because both are single slot solutions and the GT can supposedly overclock to Ultra speeds just fine.
Again, my goal is 1600x1200 with acceptable framerates and all available eye candy set to maximum. I don't care too much about AA/AF but sure, why not.

I want the XT-PE... right decision?

Doom3 1600 = Dual NV48 in SLI (even [H]-er-master Kyle said that on the front page)
It really comes down to what you want dood, both cards preform well although the X800XT outpreforms the 6800GT by a fair bit in alot of things even when SM3.0 is being used soooooooo it just depends on what you want :) you can oc the GT you can oc the XT a bit too If money was no issue id get the XT if i was tryin to save alot of money id get the GT
jacuzz1 said:
Well all I can say is I am playing 1600x1200 full trilinear and gettin mid 30's in fps. Its smooth and looks beautiful. I hope my thread will help you in your decision , i included sceenies




Bear in mind these were taken as screenie and converted to jpeg , the game looks amazing the pic dont do it justice. 61.34 drivers off the driver disc . I believe my performance will be even better once i go clean install and latest drivers.

The proof is in the pudding

You are running trilinear on all stages not only the first ;)??
lol you are fighting over a video card. this guy just asked which he should buy, not which was shipping first or which beat the other in benchmarks first.And you say your not Fanboys.... As for the 6800gt, I love ATI just as much as anyone else but id say that the 6800gt has alot going for it
oqvist said:
You are running trilinear on all stages not only the first ;)??

I am not sure what your asking. In the driver applette I have a far cry profile and I dont have the box checked for optimized trilinear, I have all boxes that are relevant set to application preference and have trilinear set in the game.Did I do something wrong?
I say the x800 xt pe if you want to run the games at high resolution with all the goodies turned on. The x800 xt pe has a considerable lead over the gt in almost every game.

As for sm3.0 right now, Nvidia is the only one trying to push it since its the only card they have to play. I do not believe it will be supported to the point that it matters because developers aren't gonna spend a lot of time to implement a feature only a small fraction of the gaming community have. I do believe, however, that once ati next card arrives with sm3.0 support, there will be a surge in the sm3.0 games. Not a lot mind you, but worthwhile.
jacuzz1 said:
I am not sure what your asking. In the driver applette I have a far cry profile and I dont have the box checked for optimized trilinear, I have all boxes that are relevant set to application preference and have trilinear set in the game.Did I do something wrong?

Bling I think you have missunderstood something? This guys ask what video card to choose to run 1600x1200?

Well it´s just that ATI have trilinear on their first stage too so if you would like to say that 6800 GT is better because of it´s trilinear you have to run trilinear on all stages. Not that I think anyone should. You will hardly see a difference in performance and the performance penalty is quite noticeable ;)

I am 99 % certain I will run brilinear on 90 % of the games on my upcoming 6800 ULTRA. It´s a definite now btw. Can´t wait for make use of my stereo3d glasses again should work great in Far Cry :cool:

I guess I am an ATI fanboy spending 780$ on a nVidia card to make me look unbiased hehe.

But to be honest at the moment at 1600x1200 4xaa and 8x aniso the X800XT PE wins 80 % of the benchmarks and I don´t expect that to change really. Hopefully I am wrong without nVidia starting to cheat again ;)

But the 6800 ULTRA is close enough for me and it has stereo3d support. And Shader model 3 support seem to become quite frequently which is needed for the 6800 ULTRA to keep up with the X800 XT PE. Even if it´s obviously not enough for Far Cry for example ;)