I ordered 2x512MB, but received 2x2G...HALP!!

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Sep 24, 2005
First off Im not going to mention the e-store that fuk'd up :cool:

Anyways, I ordered a set of 2x512 PC3200 to get my current rig upto 2G, but itstead was sent 2x2G of 400MHz ECC DDR2 RAM which I cant use it any of my computers. After looking up the part number I see it's only recommended to work with 1 specific HP workstation, only works in pairs and the set retails for over $900.

Should I:
- Build a system around it (mine current one is over a year old anyways)
- Sell on ebay
- Trade a friend that already offered me $200/set and DVD burner
- Ship back
Um...you could easily get at least $800 for that if you sell it unopened and untouched. With that, I'm sure you'll be able to buy your 2x512MB and a new video card.
Build a new system? if you have the budget to do it right now, go ahead. If not, you will be waiting for a while to complete your system. Mine's a year old now, and I think it's still a decent machine. Even with the money, I would wait another year to upgrade.

Sell on e-bay? not experienced on that, but according to Bona's post, 800 bucks are great. You can buy extra hardware with it. A new video-card is a good example.

Trade? you will waste money there. DVD burners are very inexpensive today (unless we're talking about standalone VCR's here). Even if you sell the sticks, you can buy a new burner and have more money for another thing.

Ship back? I would do it, believe me, if they don't think about me as a complete moron after do it. But this won't happen ever. It's cool to be honest, but not so cool to be a retard. Anyways, if it's a decent e-store, I doubt anybody get hurt with the money loss.
Send it back and explain the situation. Not that I'm a perfect person to be telling you what to do on matters of ethics ;), but if you were in their shoes, you would appreciate the person sending back their $900 mistake.
kirbyrj said:
Send it back and explain the situation. Not that I'm a perfect person to be telling you what to do on matters of ethics ;), but if you were in their shoes, you would appreciate the person sending back their $900 mistake.

I agree. If you could accually use the RAM and were going to keep it for yourself that MIGHT be different but in this case the correct thing to do is just to be honest. Who knows the e-retailer might even give you a gift certificate or free shipping on your next order or something to say thank you.
metallicafan said:
I agree. If you could accually use the RAM and were going to keep it for yourself that MIGHT be different but in this case the correct thing to do is just to be honest. Who knows the e-retailer might even give you a gift certificate or free shipping on your next order or something to say thank you.
i would hope so. esp if they're still unopened.
I would sent it back and tell them what happened. Just knowing I screwed someone would eat away at my soul :D :(
Sleep tight
Normally I would say send it back but I got stiffed that way twice. Once on a tailored suit and once on a PC item. Got stiffed on shipping and to boot they lost it and didnt want to refund my money. Then they found it and didnt have what i wanted at a fair price. Their mistake not yours. If you have a conscience send it back, if you can live with yourself, sell it and build a new system or upgrade yours.
Contact them and tell them you'll send it back if they pay shipping. Always trying to do the right thing in your life will pay off in the long run.
Haha good move. I would've done the same. Now re-rder what you originally wanted and hope it happens again!
Fluke said:
Always trying to do the right thing in your life will pay off in the long run.


JoeyHookster said:
I sold it offline for $600

And we wonder why society is the way it is :rolleyes:. We're a bunch of selfish assholes that don't give a shit about a $900 mistake just because we can take advantage of it. If someone stole $900 from you, you'd be pretty pissed. Watch the IRS come down and want a record of this extra $600 income. I'd laugh at you.
LoL...I was tired and didn't feel like being the voice of reason. Glad there was someone else there :p
I don't understand the whole point of posting this problem here. Did the OP just want confirmation from his peers for stealing? What's next? Hey, there's a homeless man over there...lets go hit him with baseball bats because it would be fun for us to do that? Ok...but only if I go online and get 3 people to tell me it's ok.
its not stealing if they gave it to him.... and BTW he should claim it as a late X-mas gift if the IRA ask :D
ALL4AMD said:
its not stealing if they gave it to him.... and BTW he should claim it as a late X-mas gift if the IRA ask :D

Yes it is because it was a mistake and he knows it, and instead of giving back the memory which was sent to him by mistake, he sold it. Ethics is simple. Don't do things to other people you wouldn't want done to yourself.

And I doubt the Irish Republican Army cares one way or the other :D.
i'm glad there is one person here who knows the right thing to do. Good going kirby. I totally agree. You should have sent it back. If I loaned $1000 dollars cash to someone, and they gave me $1500 cash back by accident, I wouldn't just keep the $500 bucks and not tell the person. Thats $500 bucks that person probably wants and needs. It is he same thing as stealing. The other party just doesnt realize it has been stole or by whom. :(
kirbyrj said:
Ethics is simple. Don't do things to other people you wouldn't want done to yourself.

I see you've never run a business. I don't want my competitors making better products and pricing better. Oh well, just because you're fair doesn't mean the world will be.
serbiaNem said:
I see you've never run a business. I don't want my competitors making better products and pricing better. Oh well, just because you're fair doesn't mean the world will be.

How does a business competitor making better products and pricing better relate to personal ethics and the way we treat other individuals? I agree the world isn't always fair, but it doesn't mean I have to take advantage of people's mistakes. Would it have made a difference if you had made the mistake and got fired by a computer retailer for losing $900 worth of inventory?
since its registered ram, buy a 200 series opteron (u can buy 1 for now), and build around it with a NF4 professional mobo
Despite all of you people trying to prove a point that you're good individuals by taking the ethics route, I agree with what JoeyHookster did, I guarantee that most, perhaps not all, but most people would have done the same thing in this situation. Maybe you don't want to admit it, and because of that, you probably think I'm a jackass right now, but I gotta stick up for JoeyHookster, because both I, and almost every other person would have done the same thing. Also when a company loses $750-$800 (subtract the price he paid for the 2x512) it's no big deal, but when an average forum-going person gains $600 (again, subtract the price he paid for the 2x512mB) that is a big break for them, that amount of money spread out equally to all the employees of that particular e-store amounts to almost nothing, I gaurantee they wont miss it, but when one person gets $600, it is spread out over one person, thats still $600, no matter how ya slice it. So people should probably stop a.) flaming b.) using this as a way to prove your ethical ways...
Doing what is right should not be dependent upon who loses money and whether or not they can afford to lose money.

Whatever happened to personal integrity? I'm not trying to prove my personal ethics. I'm just noting that you should respect yourself more than to throw away your integrity for $600.
kirbyrj said:
Whatever happened to personal integrity?
Obviously the OP's parents never troubled it explain it to him.

I wonder what'll happen when the retailer discovers their mistake, and holds him liable...as they legally can do.
I would have done the same thing as JoeyHookster! That is NOT an easy mistake for the company to make, and the worker was obviously doing a sloppy job. Who knows how many other people he shafted by giving them the wrong item. Maybe loosing the $600 will finally convince the company to:
1. fire the guy
2. train their employees better
3. or institute a better packaging system that will avoid mistakes such as this.

You moralists out there obviously don’t know anything about running a business or capitalism! Companies can either keep making screwups like this one, or improve their business practices and avoid the extra cost to themselves and their customers.
…. And besides, the loss was probably written off and covered by insurance. Just like if a worker dropped and stepped on a 7800 GTX.
Please stop trying to justify your morals by saying that its the company's own fault.
Somewhere in this world, at this very minute..some poor bastard is pleading with this company...." I sent you $900.00 and you sent me $200.00 worth of RAM.....".

Thats the real loser here...That poor sucker is gonna lose BIGTIME!!!!!!
stonedwaldo420 said:
Maybe loosing the $600 will finally convince the company to:
1. fire the guy
2. train their employees better
3. or institute a better packaging system that will avoid mistakes such as this.
All of which raise prices for the rest of us. Blaming this theft on the company is really bad form. I bet you also blame raped women for "making it easy" for their attackers, don't you?

You moralists out there obviously don’t know anything about running a business or capitalism!
In light of the ignorance displayed by your other remarks on business, I got a good chuckle out of this one.

...And besides, the loss was probably written off and covered by insurance.
Why do thieves use the same old tired excuses? "they can afford it", "its covered by insurance", yada yada. First of all, if you think electronics wholesalers are insured for this sort of loss, you know less about "business and capitalism" than your average middle school student. Secondly, even if they were, it changes nothing. It just means you stole from the insurer instead of the insured.

What's your next justification? Going to blame your parents next? Society, for oppressing you?
This is sad. Maybe someday you'll send the wrong thing to the wrong person, or lose something.. and when someone actually returns the item to you, I hope you feel great knowing you wouldnt've done the same thing.
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