I need a sock A heatsink fast!


Fully [H]
Jun 2, 2004
Just got a 2500+, installed it with AS5, and its still running hot as hell. Air conditioning doesnt come into my room, so I am sure thats why. Regarless, the stock heatsink isnt cutting it. Ive had my CPU hit 154F yestuday, and 156F today after long gaming sessions. It idles 120-130 depending on how hot it gets. I am not overclocking or anything, I dont know why it would get this hot, but I dont like it either way, so I am in need of a good heatsink. Post everything I will need to find a newegg link and make sure its not to big, my capacaters are aweful close to the socket on my motherboard
Look at newegg for a kingwin copper Socket A cooler with a 70mm fan...

They are SO cost effective, and keep cpu's running cool even when overclocked.

Kingwin is very meticulous about the finish on their heatsinks as well... which is a good thing. And no, it's not humongous. They sell fast, so there's a chance it might not be in stock. I think they're only like $14.

If its running that hot with stock hsf there was probally error on your part in the assembly. And why not look it up on Newegg yourself?
napsterhaven said:
If its running that hot with stock hsf there was probally error on your part in the assembly. And why not look it up on Newegg yourself?

I installed this the same why I installed every other processor/HSF and never had this problem. Now as far the the look it up on newegg myself thing...I put this thread here to buy a heatsink here because I dont have CC, I am not asking for suggestions on what to buy. As far as the comment in my 1st post, re-read it, I didn't ask for a newegg link, I asked for enough details for me to find it myself, so I can see a picture and check the size.