I need a cheap throw around digicam.


Aug 1, 2003
I need a digital camera that has options for manual adjustment of shutter speed, exposure, macro, and manual focus, but without going over $150.
I got really pissed today, my dads going down the shore with my sister and he's taking our only digital camera, and I'm going out tomorrow night with a bunch of my work friends and the girl I like, and I have no way of taking pictures.
It'd be even better if it was around $100. I don't care about what media it uses or the amount of megapixels it has, it's all about image quality. I'm looking to buy it in a store, not online.
I think you will find the Canon Powershot A60 to your liking very much

i've owned the entire Powershot A series, and they are just amazing cameras with lots of features
I got a Canon A40 for $60 a while ago. Great camera for dirt cheap!